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    I have to say, this was one of the nicer Hooters I've been to in quite a while. Come to think of it, it's been quite a while. The place was spacious and clean with plenty of TV monitors. The wings were good, but not the best I've had. The medium sauce didn't really have any kick to it; and the BBQ was almost too sweet. The wings seemed a tad small too. The onion rings were very good. Overall, still a fun little side trip for my two young, teenage guests.

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    It was terrible went on a Sunday night. It wasn't packed and it took 10 mins. There and they hadn't even gotten our drink orders so we left.

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    This Hooters location is located at the end of a shopping center and I believe in a former Rockola Cafe building.

    I arrived for lunch a few minutes after they opened, was promptly greeted and seated.  Ordered my Hooters favorite - the buffalo chicken sandwich.  Food was served in a timely manner. Sandwich was enjoyable, Hooters Girl was good in checking on me and making sure my beverage was never empty.

    It is a three star rating though because that was all that my Hooters Girl did.  When she was not making sure my beverage glass was full, she was standing with other employees at the bar just talking.  Part of the Hooters experience is supposed to be about the Hooters Girls interacting with the customer, and this Hooters Girl failed in this part of her job.

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    Good drink specials but service was over-the top-in your face cutesy.  Our waitress literally came SKIPPING to table every 60 seconds or so to see if we were OK.  Nice thought, but its hard to enjoy yourself when you are being interrupted so often.  Also we ordered chicken strips to share and got six measly UN BREADED tenders with no fries for $8.  Not worth it.

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    This was my first Hooters experience, and I was left with a horrible taste in my mouth. The waitresses were pleasant enough but they took forever and it wasn't even that crowded. The food itself was bland and I was left thinking I could have saved money and made that food myself for free and be satisfied. Obviously they need scantly clad girls to sell food because it certainly can't stand on itself.

    SN-Not that I care, but they weren't even wearing the signature uniforms just some random sluttly school girl costumes and it wasn't Halloween or anywhere near that time of the year

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    I will start by giving the reason I rate this Hooters with two stars instead of just one: I like the food, and they have NFL Sunday ticket, a necessity for a misplaced  fan.

    The service leaves much to be desired, orders come out slow even when the place is empty, they rarely have beer specials and I always leave thinking I have paid too much for the experience I had.

    Avoid going unless you cannot help it, I would suggest Buffalo Wild Wings or East Coast Wings which are also in the area.

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