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    Not too much to say here, a local dive bar, locally owned, been there for decades, only one beer on tap budweiser, can't order a draft when live music starts to play. Sat comfortably on seats my grandparents might have sat on when they were 21.. or 18.  it was nice but whatever..

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    Guero the bartender is best around, the ladys aren't bad either. Except for the one with the tattoos on her face, she's rude as hell.overall a good place but they desperately need guero back.I wont go back until he goes back

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    Love the Huddle: I work next door, I will go over after work. They have Karoke on Sunday's, Wednesday's and Thursday's. Nickie does it on Wednesday's. She is GREAT!! lots of energy and she will play whatever you want. Dre Rivers usually does Sunday's and Thursday's. He is the best. Oh ya and he can sing!!!

    I am an event planner and I alway's recommend him to my clients that are in need of a DJ for their event.

    Janelle the owner is amazing.....

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    Lisa is the best bartender here :) she makes amazing lemon drops and she came up with an amazing raspberry drink. All the bartenders are great mixologists and makes everyone feel welcome. Love the huddle.

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    Sad to say there is no customer loyalty here. Rolling eyes if you ask for a glass of water even though I spend at least $40 just for myself per night I go. I want the water to be able to walk out ok, but that doesn't matter to owner/bartender. The highest prices in all of Fremont and even some bars in San Jose. No CC and like I said, no customer loyalty, not even a friendly greeting when you come in. The customers keep this bar open, start treating them better or you'll be out of business soon.

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    Nice little bar with good live music on the weekends

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    One word: Ugh!!!!

    Like: Great mix of unpretentious, old, young, fat, skinny, happy people singing Karaoke tonight.

    Dislike: One beer on tap(Budweiser, whaaaat??!!!..do they even brew that anymore??!!). I had the unmitigated gall to ask the barkeep what beers she had in a bottle, and I got the EYE ROLL, then a "think of one, then tell me when i come back". She could not even give me a top five, or one or two that she had in bottles. I had to admit, after she said that, I got some performance anxiety, and just drew a blank. SOOOOO.....I finally could think of a beer I wanted after about 30 minutes of not seeing her: It was a beer, ANY beer, at ANY freaking tavern that is NOT the Fremont Huddle.

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    The huddle is a sports bar that has some regulars who are cool, and some not so cool. The service is generaly horrible but there are a couple nice bartenders during the day. I'd say the monday daytime bartender is the best because she is attentive and very nice. the one man that tends there (looks like an old mexican dude) seems to think he owns the place and is probably the least friendly bartender in fremont.
    They do offer nachos and some food while your there so that is nice. They have several TV's... and i go there simply to watch baseball games, otherwise i'd stay out.
    One of the owners works there sometimes and she can be nice at times, but usually she seems to be in a bland sort of mood.
    I think they don't like me personaly because i don't really drink alcohol, i usually  just order soda and i get that "look" when i do it. Whatever!
    Depending on the bartender depends on the kind of glass i get, and also weather or not they will refill the soda. some do it, some don't.
    I bartended for years so i understand the reactions, but they should be consistent either way.
    overall it's not a place i'd recomend to anyone unless they want to take advantage of the tv's and the kareoke they have. Oh, i guess they have bands too but i dont go when they are there so i can't comment on that.

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    Its a fun place to go to grab a drink with some friends. It's nice having the Dj there on the weekends. It sucks that they do not take cc's because you have to remember to get cash or use the ATM there (costs an Arm and leg)!

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    This is the epitome of a dive bar, so I can't knock it for the average joe type of demographic that comes through here... but the KARAOKE NIGHT here shits on Mojo's. I believe it's Wednesdays? This bar seems more close-knit so everyone likes to get on stage for karaoke and the host really works the small crowd.

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    Terrible!  a bunch of 50 yr plus old crows and dudes and it smells bad.  Overpriced and gross environment.  Don't go here at at cost as you will regret it.

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    Let me start by saying, I have fun wherever I go. Gotta make the best- especially when you're with your bests!

    My friends and I ventured into this.....establishment, roughly two weeks ago.
    It's in a shopping center I frequent often, so I had a little feel of the crowd- as they tend to spill out the doors to chain smoke. I now understand why it is known as a 'regulars' kinda bar. I'm guessing no matter what time you go, the same people will be there at the same time...day or night.

    The girls and I arrive, and as soon as we come in we are bombarded with eyes on us. We were not particularly dressed up..I think it was our young, glowing skin. YOU. CAN. TELL. they are ALLLLL regulars, by the way the stare. Creepy..
    We immediately head for the bar, the angry bag of dust IDs us right away, with such urgency- as if we would choose this bar to blend into had we been under age. She whisks the three IDs away to inspect them...not with the cool black light like Julie thought. No, she squints under a dirty, dim lamp for 3 minutes- trying to do the math..? FINALLY! Three Patron Cadillacs, please! :)

    We spot some seating in the back, perfect. Get settled. Live band, mehh. Atmosphere- everyone is having a great time. Including me and the boos. Looking around I see ample seating all along the bar, lots of standing room. Tall stools and tables all around. A stage and room to dance. OMG. The dancing.. I really am such a people watcher! Not a judgmental people watcher....maybe? This is the place to watch. Just a bunch of older heads getting their weird, awkward grind on. I dunno if it was the second round of purple cadis, but I started to slowly look around and think "I will NOT settle for THIS as FUN when I'm their age." It was kinda like movie montage status...

    Ample parking/seating
    Expect to be gazed at &/or fucked with if you don't spend your paycheck there
    Music is way too loud
    Drinks are average priced, but inconsistent.

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    Yikes... OK, so it's such a mixed bag when it comes to reviewing the Huddle... I had a good time with a couple of my friends while kicking it there. The layout was cool, drinks were OK, and they had Karaoke going on a Sunday... Not bad. Now things went BAD when a couple of idiots (Older Mexican assholes) walked into the bar and started shit with my friends and I for no apparent reason. My friend took a bottle to the dome requiring 10 staples, and I got a punch in the face.... Why? Still have no idea to this day. I'd suggest finding a bar that has a more "High Class" clientele. I cant speak for any other nights, only been here once or twice, so maybe it was a random occurrence. But I've been to a lot of bars over the years and this was the first time I ever got jumped without deserving it. lol

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    This place is awful! And, dishonest! I was there a couple of weeks ago with some friends for some drinks and live entertainment.  There were two bartenders working that evening, a younger woman and an older man with a mustache. Beware of the Mustache!!!! I had a total of three drinks. I never changed my drink order; however, the price of that same drink changed over the course of the evening. The woman charged me $6.50 for the first drink. The mustache charged me $7.50 for the second drink, and then $8.50 for the third drink. What is up with that????? You mean to tell me that there is an increase in drink charges throughout the evening, even when you order the same drink. Either they have a strange policy, or they are dishonest with on their patrons. And, as I can see, I am not the only one unhappy with this local dive bar in Fremont. If I could give them 0 Stars, I would!

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    Why did I come here? Shouldn't going to a bar on a Friday night be nothing but happy fun time? I almost didn't finish my drink because I wanted to get out of here so badly...

    Maybe it was the country music playing on the jukebox, people singing along and my immense dislike of country music that turned me off. Maybe I'm just the wrong demographic for this particular establishment. At any rate, when I got home, I almost wanted to take a shower to wash The Huddle off of me....

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    Would not recommend. It should be called The Puddle. Someone stole my camera here. Refused to go there for a while, but I finally went back once, but honestly its not even that great of a bar. The drinks are NOT super cheap as you might expect from a dive bar.
    They do have karaoke if you're into that kinda thing, but personally I'd prefer not to listen to people singing disney songs in a bar.
    On the plus side they have bar snacks! Free nachos and popcorn.

    This may be good for a couple of quick pregame drinks but I'd move along after that. And keep your personal belongings VERY close to you.

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    I will start by saying that the company you are with is really what makes for a good experience, so I am going to review this establishment based on it's own merits.

    I had a great time here, but nothing about the bar added value. Well, perhaps entertainment value. The crowd was older and definitely rough around the edges, some side-eye glances ( in a 'y'all ain't from around here now, are ya?' sort of way) and a couple of very friendly patrons who came over to chat.

    When I think of a dive bar, this is exactly the type of place I would imagine. Bartender lady has probably been there serving drinks for about 40+ years, with her hair "set" and a sequined top (if she could smoke inside, I am sure she would have had a cigarette in her mouth). So when I asked my husband to order a lemon drop, I took in the reality of the place and realized that drink may be too complicated, so I asked for a cosmo. Basic drink. He came back to say that they did not have the stuff to make a cosmo, but they could do a cranberry & vodka. Ummmmkay. I will take that. A cosmo is pretty basic, and I am guessing she was not in the mood to make one.

    I don't drink very often, so I usually feel a little happy feeling after one drink. Clearly this cranberry and vodka was watered-down because I felt nothing. And it was in a small glass with lots of ice. I should have ordered a beer because at least that can't be watered down.

    Would I come back here? Possibly, if the stars aligned correctly and led me back. I think the place has great potential depending upon who is tending bar/what you order and what the crowd is like. The place is super old school. But with so many other places to go, I am not sure I will make the effort to come back.

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    The Huddle is a great dive with an older crowd, but it hardly draws me in.

    Occasionally there's really loud local punk music, karaoke, cocktail servers and what not.  The free nachos don't begin to compensate for the ridiculously small drinks, which even at a moderate price will make your night expensive.

    So stick to beer and hope the nice, yet slow older bartenders don't break a hip while serving them.

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    I really like this joint. I mean sure, the drinks are a little more expensive than some of the other dives in town, but the karaoke here is by far the best locally.
    When I was a professional bar diver, I would frequent the Huddle on Thursday and Sunday nights (my favorite karaoke nights). I have had two karaoke birthday bashes here and both times the place was packed and on both occasions EVERYONE had an amazing time, not just me. :)
    One of the owners tends the bar on some nights, she is a total sweetheart.
    Dre, the karaoke host, is fun and always has the newest songs to sing.
    I guess there are some downsides: it's cash only, the crowd is hit or miss, the live bands do attract the older crowd (but is that a bad thing?).
    Truth be told, the Huddle is a great place to get shitfaced and sing your little heart out. Beware, there are some American Idol future stars in the crowd [see photos]. Hahaha.
    I did meet many karaoke junkies going here. We used to meet up Sunday nights. God's karaoke night.
    Some of the overlooked upsides: there are two exits, plenty of parking, cocktail waitresses, and porn in the coin operated claw game.
    The Huddle has everything you need for a romantic evening, or a drunken tryst, whichever you prefer.
    Oh yes, did I mention there's a hotel across the street and a Denny's behind??

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    I went here for a New Year's Day party with my group and to watch one of my members' band Bump City Dance Band play on stage.

    The Huddle was just okay for me. It's one of those dive bars with a live band gig. I'm not really a fan of drinking when I'm driving, but I carpooled when I went here. I had a couple of drinks. Too much coke in their Jack-n-Coke in a tiny glass.

    I liked that they have a huge parking space in front of them as it is located in a small plaza opposite OSH and other businesses. So parking was not a problem when we went here.

    That was my only visit so far.

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    Oh, I don't know-- the Huddle ain't so bad.  It's one of the better bars in Fremont, and I mean that in a good way.  

    It's a typical divebar.  The bar itself is quite long and can seat a fairly large number of people.  The rounded end that goes around the corner seems to be where the regulars hang out.  

    I like the fact that they have live music on weekends and they seemingly always seem to have something going on.  The Huddle is apparently a very popular karaoke destination on certain weekdays.  

    The people-watching is good, and I make sure to not go in there anywhere frequently enough to be remembered.  I'm sure that this place can get rowdy on occasion.  You will have to like or at least tolerate dive bars to enjoy this place.  Like all good dive bars, it has a front and a rear entrance.  "If my wife calls, tell her I'm not here!"

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    This bar is one of my favorite bars to go to in Fremont. Joe is correct the people there in the day time are completely different than those who are there at night time. You could actually say the difference is night and day (quite literally). Yes some kids do get rowdy, but in the 2 years I have been going there I have not seen a single one of them disrespect the owner. I actually have never seen a doorman at the bar. Awesome bar, awesome atmosphere, I wish they took cards, but they don't and I still go there.

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    (I must admit that I was a doorman here.  And I was let go.  You might find this review biased, but I promise it's not.)

    Before I became a doorman, I used to stop by for a quick beer while picking up groceries. Bartender always seemed nice. When I lost my job in construction, I asked if they needed help in the bar. I've been working part-time as a bartender since my Marine Corps days in the 80's. The owner said they needed a doorman and that eventually I might get to pick up some shifts. The night time here is VEEEEERRRRYYY different than the day or weekend game time crowd. Day people are good hard working blue collar types. The night time brings out the wannabe biker / gangster thugs. They are completely disrespectful of the rules and if asked to follow them they would just say "the owners let me do it". As I doorman, I tried to be fair, but the law is the law. No drinks outside. I was just looking after the best interest of the owners. For my trying to be responsible I was let go after 6 shifts. F*ck them!!
    I hope they lose their business license.

    If you want a beer and some music to listen to, try Mojo's...

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    This place isn't the place if you're looking for good lookers. But, it's a great place to have a great time if you just want to kick back and listen to a live band. Dancing is available. This place was fun......

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    its okay cheap drinks live bands and hella MiLFs if you like cougars, this is the spot for you =D

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    If you are a townie then this is the place to be!!!!!  When I am in the mood for a high school reunion I head over to the Huddle to get my fix of people that I avoided in high school that still live with their parents.  Guaranteed a great time for awkward conversations with people whose lives you don't care to know anything about.  

    I did have fun watch the Karaoke though and drinking a Bud Light!

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    I use to go here some time ago but stopped going in because I moved to southern Calf. I moved back here again and I stopped into my old haunt to see f any of my friends still hung out there anymore. Well to my surprise they were no friends of mine there t was full of  a click group of younger people a complete crowd change. The music was OK but far from great and it took forever to get a drink , the bartenders liked talking then watching the bar for people waiting for a drink . tried going in a few more times but the same thing again & again. So now I started going to Menconi's Lounge in Union City where the people are cool and you always can have a great time,there is always something fun going on there,No click groups here.

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    Being that my parents use to go here and it's still open for me to come they have to be doing something right. If I want to stay away from Mojo's (cause I don't want to be reunited with half of fremont) and I want a drink I'll go to the huddle.

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    Karaoke is Wednesday and Thursday.  Live bands on Fridays and Saturdays.  Crowd ranges from meatmarket 20's to gotta-get-drunk 50's... mostly in the 30-40 age range though.  Best band is Touch-N-Go (70's-80's Funk and dance stuff).  website:  <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.huddlebar.com&s=0cf4c7c840f5a8db7c83e37a8891c16d13566f1f37bc2e556f44893a4759ab37" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.huddlebar.com</a>

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    Okay this place is a brutal and stark realization of what booze can do to you.
    think twilight zone theme music....

    For all of us that say, shit yeah I'm gonna party like a rock star forever!
    come to this bar, walk in, pull up a bar stool and watch these old timers get drunk and sing karaoke and dance..
    these are no doubt peoples parents and grand parents so on that, rock on more power to you, but when you walk out you kind of feel dirty and think is that what i am going to look like when I am their age?washed up drunkards...
    makes you shudder..

    then you shake it off and head off to the next bar.

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    You have to Grade Fremont Bars on a curve, they pretty much are all drive bars.    This is one of the better ones.  The Huddle is a older crowd,  like 30-50.  Cash only which i always hate.   Live music and Karaoke some times.

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