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    This is a great bar. It used to be across from one of the shops and I can totally see it being a hotspot at lunchtime. Unfortunately that spot is now an open field and I'm sure business is suffering. This spot is a gem however. We've been in here several times and the bartender on Wed nights Chip is great at his job. As soon as you're empty he's there with another cold one for you. They have no beer on draft here so if you're the type that needs to have a pint in front of you this may not be the place for you. Chip is happy to offer you a juice glass for your beer (which happens to be my preferred size for drinking). They have 2 red phones which makes me wonder if the president used to hang out here at one point and they wanted to make sure he could get or make that call to drop the bomb whenever he was in Flint....

    They do serve food, which I haven't tried yet, but the camel burger is their speciality. It's just a burger wrapped in flatbread (for those of you who are grossed out at the thought of a burger made of camel meat).

    You should check this place out as it's completely off the radar but a great place to spend an evening.

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