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    It took me 4 years of college to be brave enough to try an Indiana style breaded pork tenderloin. Before my buddy and I graduated and left the backward state of Indiana we thought we would try their beloved sandwich. We brought a local Anaidni with us and he claimed the Kooler Keg to have the best Pork Tenderloin.

    My buddy and I proceeded to the Kooler Keg a little over 5 years ago one drizzly Saturday morning. I remember like it was yesterday. We sat in this moldy bar that reeked of beer and smoke. We ordered and out came a huge breaded pork tenderloin that was probably 12"x16" in size. It was served with a normal size bun, pickles, onions and mustard. Our local friend recommended dipping the large fried pieces that hung over the bun into ketchup. Also served on the side was a generous portion of stale potato chips. I managed to eat half of my sandwich and call it quits. My out of state body and stomach later decided it did not want a piece of Indiana pork inside of me and thought it would be a good idea for me to throw it up like many have done before me. I am not sure if it was me always making fun of such a ridiculous sandwich or if the quality was lacking, however the sandwich and I went toe to toe and the sandwich won.

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