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    Great place - food never disappoints and staff is always attentive.   One of those places that makes you feel like a regular even when you are not!  Chili is a good starter and food is always consistent. Great place to catch the game!

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    The highlight: the snickers pie I got for dessert.  Whipped cream heavy, and just as good as the candy bar!

    The lowlight: the cardboard tasting cinnamon roll cappuccino.  Pass!

    The menu has a lot of American fare: salads, sandwiches, and wraps.  I had a chicken caesar salad, which is pretty hard to mess up.  Service was good.  Music in the background is groovin'.

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  • 0

    Stiff, cheap drinks and greasy bar food is what you will find at this townie bar.  They may just have the best waffle fries and spicy mayo in the entire state.  I would recommend the fried califlower for starters if you feel hungry.  For drinks, I recommend the long islands if you want to totally forget your night or just chill with a famous, local German Schell's beer.

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