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    I used to love this place and we came here nearly every time we were in town (we come to KC about once a month).  However, this place has gone way downhill.  The service is mediocre (as in, they barely ever bother to visit your table).  The food is still good, if you can get it.

    Our group of 4 adults and 2 kids all ordered at the same time, and all the food came out except mine.   A few minutes later then manager came out to say they had burnt my steak and it would be a few more minutes to make a new one.  About 20 minutes later everybody else was done eating and my food was nowhere in sight.  I told them never mind and we would just take our check.  They didn't even bother to comp anything off our order!  At least they didn't charge me for the steak they never served me.

    I regret having to provide such a negative review, especially since this place used to be so good.  Unfortunately, this was our second bad experience in a row with them.

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