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    Love Their wines. Tonight we are drinking Reserve Big Red Cab

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    Love the live music and intimate setting.  Lots of wines to choose from.

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    Great wine and wonderful intimate environment to share with a few friends.  There even place out front to have a cigar and enjoy the beautiful downtown McKinney scene.

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    Cute place, poor service.  Went in there twice, sat in there fifteen minutes watched them serve everyone but myself and my date.  Pretty embarrassing.  Will not be back nor suggesting it to anyone.  We left and went to Landon Winery down the street instead it was excellent!

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    Like drinking wine and live near downtown McKinney, TX?  Stop by Lone Star Wine Cellars and try the "Big Red".

    The place is small, but they just added a extra room to sit, enjoy wine and talk with your friends.  Live music is frequent, though I never notice the schedule.  :)

    The staff is friendly and will help you through some tastings if you looking to try some Triple R Ranch winery productions.

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    Lone Star is a little place right on the square (in the Ritz Theatre building) that serves and sells wines made here in North Central Texas. It's nice but really small, almost cramped. It's actually a joint venture between Wales Manor and Triple R Ranch and those are the wines that they have in stock to sell by the bottle.  I especially recommend the Wales Manor Meritage for a nice fruity red wine. It's sweet without overdoing it.  They also have some fruit wines (like blueberry) that would make an excellent dessert wine.

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