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    Awesome pizza! We will return when we are in town again.

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    So I created my account just to write this review, the pizza was great but the service was horrid. The company just adopted a new owner and apparently they haven't ever ran a business before. The pizza was really good (minus the slight doughy-ness) and the workers seemed friendly even over the phone. The problem I had was when I went to get my pizza (after the supposed 15 minutes it would take to cook it) and when I got there they hadn't even started it. I then waited 20 more minutes for them to cook the pizza only to find out they weren't going to do stuffed crust for me. (as they had taken the order on the phone) so I then was told that if they would change the pizza to stuffed crust, it would cost them an arm and a leg. After that he told me he would take 2 dollars off the ticket if I would like, then proceeded to tell me take it or leave it as if it were something I wouldn't want in exception of his ridiculousness. So I waited 20 more minutes for the pizza and another customer came in. This customer ordered a pizza and a order of breadsticks, the owner charged him 25 for the pizza and told him it would be more for the sticks when its on the menu as 25 for a 2 lifer, pizza and breadsticks. They argued the owner got louder and said the customer was wrong and asked him if he does the pricing and ordering for the pizza place. After this I got my pizza, he didn't take the 2 dollars off and I left never to return.

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