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    Caution: I love local bars and great people (watching). Looked up "dive" bars and this was one of the only options in the area. Margie is great! Locals are very friendly. This is where you want to hang out to meet good, hardworking people while you enjoy a few cocktails. I have not been here on a weekend but know it gets crazy busy and crowded. Stick to a weeknight if you want the full experience.

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    Be careful... for these reasons:

    1. Equipment is super old... once saw one of the a/c units fall on a table.
    2. Lead singer of the band on Saturdays is a slut, he has slept with more women than anyone can count. If he's giving you the eye, he has you pegged. TRUST ME. (and no, I never did)
    3. Bathrooms are NEVER clean
    4. There is a certain bartender that will use people's credit cards on tab to pay cash orders... it happened to me a few times. If you don't get a receipt and look at your bill, you could be buying rounds for someone you don't even know. PAY CASH to avoid this.
    5. This is a DUI trap so don't risk it
    6. back door is always locked, front entrance and side door are only ways out in case of fire
    7. It's a dive, so that means that "dive" people hang out there

    What do I like about it?
    1. It's local and even though I really never go there anymore, if I do... it's once a year, I always run into someone I know
    2. I have very fond memories of this place as the "local stop" in my younger partying days
    3. Most of the staff are pretty friendly and Joe the door guy is super cool
    4. Music is always decent
    5. Close to home, can take a cab super cheap

    I am not saying don't go to this place, trust me... I have partied there many many times. I am just saying be careful and remember, it's a dive so don't walk in with higher expectations than that.

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    This is my 5th or 6th visit to Mabels. The first time i play darts. The place is pretty small if you intend to get any tables, come early. Otherwise there is a great crowd, good music, inexpensive drinks. No complaints here.

    My favorite visit thus was when they were playing old classic songs. We didnt Limbo or anything, but they had songs like 'Do the Twist' and others of similar genre. It was a while ago, so i dont quite remember everything, just enjoying dancing a lot.

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    Yikes. I met some friends here one night since they live in the area.... Let's just say this is not my type of bar and definitely not my type of crowd. I'm pretty sure I was the only Asian person in the bar. Upside: they do carry Stella Artois in a bottle. Though, I couldn't tell you about their pricing since I myself never paid for a beverage....

    Watch out for the "last call for women" grabbers. They're fierce out of this bar.

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    Went this last Friday, 930pm and they ran of Sam Adams with no refill then another draft beer went dry all by 10 pm. Music was good but yu make your money by selling drinks not sure what to think.

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    I was here yesterday afternoon and had a pretty bitchin' time.  Cheap drinks, cool bartender.  It was my second or third time here and I'm sure I'll be back next weekend. Heh.

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    Give this bar a bad rating and you'll find yourself duct taped naked at the bottom of the Los Angeles reservoir.  This bar is where the real sons of anarchy go.

    This bar looks like a cut scene from ANY van damme movie ever made. Just mullets and large man who can't fight but like falling into breakable inanimate objects.

    I like Mabel's. Cheap drinks, trashy clientele, and terrible music, or as I like to call it, my childhood.

    God bless. (why not?)

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    If I weren't only living in the SCV for a few weeks, I know Mabel's Roadhouse would be my go-to day drinking spot. Margie the bartender is pretty cool, and all the patrons during my recent Tuesday afternoon visit seemed like friendly regulars. It'd be impossible to come here and drink alone because everyone is so amiable that you're sure to make friends.

    The bar itself is tough to find, it involves a lot of maneuvering on Soledad Canyon (go to the Chi-Chi's parking lot and follow it as it winds around to the bar). Or maybe it was just tough for me, being a new transplant to the area.

    There were okay beers on tap for an okay price - I had a Newcastle, my drinking buddy had a Coor's Light, if that's any indication. I think Mabel's wins the award for most sassy crap on the walls, which were showcased by about 20 neon beer signs. I love it.

    Day drinking on a Tuesday in Newhall, Mabel's wins hands-down. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's the only bar open at noon on a weekday in the area.

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    The memories I have of this place. Lol! From ex stalker boyfriends to lunatic friends and weather confused whores. I LOVE THIS PLACE! When I lived here I would come about 2 times a week and bring friends! Always great music and always interesting people. Such a great people watching place.

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    Saturday Night, April 16th 2011

    I was out with my Sis and her BF. After eating dinner we headed over to Mabel's at the request of my Sis. She has been bugging me to go there for quite some time. She has always said that the band is really good on Saturday's and the crowd is always "entertaining" She was right on both accounts. Now I know why.

    We got there around midnight so the place was in full swing. The band was AWESOME!! The crowd WAS very entertaining. We were there for about an hour, dancing, having drinks, etc.

    At one point all three of us got up to dance together and when I went back to our table...there was a 5x5 female sitting at our table talking to the guy at the table next to ours. I thought, no big deal, we do have an extra chair for her. So I asked her if she could please move so I could get back to my chair against the wall. She looks at me and says that this has been her table all night. I was like WTF?? So I said to her, All Night?? She says yea...So then I said to her, well is that your purse and your glasses sitting on YOUR table? She turns around to see MY purse and MY glasses and says...oh ...uh....well, it WAS my table earlier.

    Whatever. So she proceeds to hoist her 5x5'ish'ness off the chair and leaves. I told her she could still sit there..and I really did sincerely mean it. But she was too perturbed.

    Again...whatever. I won't be back cuz I am afraid that Tonya Harding will be at my table the next time with a baseball bat.

    5 Stars for the Band and 1 Star for the 5x5

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    Quick recap: We decided to extend happy hour into a girls' night out and asked the cab driver to take us to the "diviest bar in Santa Clarita."  This is where we ended up.

    The longer version: The appearance and aesthetics of this place puzzled me as someone who worked there had mentioned "recent renovations" but it doesn't look like any improvements have been made in many years, which is also possibly when the Roadhouse was last cleaned.  The bar is situated on an obscure corner of Soledad, but don't let the location fool you: the place was packed.  The entertainment value of this little slice of Americana earns it a second star: a guy picked a fight with one of my friends because he felt she took too long to throw her darts (a.) the guy wasn't even a part of our game, and b.) the manager had to get involved at some point to stop the madness), two drunk people passed out on the dance floor (and stayed there until someone dragged them to the side after the song was over), and a woman got right up in another friend's face - and I mean nose-to-nose - who was supposedly flirting with her boyfriend (who turned out to be the dart Nazi whom all of us had quickly grown to dislike much less hit on.)  The band was decent, and they even started to play songs by request which was cool.  Overall it was an interesting night, but I doubt any of us will be venturing that way anytime soon....or that my friend will ever throw a dart in a public place again.

    Oh, and they "waived" the cover charge.  Cover charge?  Seriously?

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    Hung out at this spot on a Wednesday because my brother's co-worker lives in the area and was celebrating her birthday there.

    It's a little divey bar with a DJ playing a lot of rock and some top 40 stuff. The crowd was real casual with everyone from bikers to the blond "flip-flop" chicks.

    The drinks were reasonably priced for a dive. They have a little dance floor which everyone was boogy-ing on at about 10pm. Overall the place is kinda small but pretty fun. Not sure if I'll be back unless there's a reason to be in the area, but an A-OK experience nonetheless.

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    There was an old sign over the door that read, Winston's Pub, and a newer vinyl banner to the side that read, Mabel's Roadhouse. There was a band that night so there was a $5 cover.

    The place smelled like old Vegas casino. Cigarettes were smoked in there for so long, they had permeated the place for an eternity. Inside, it was long but skinny, and very dark. The walls were painted black and covered with old license plates and unplugged neon beer signs. A few HD TVs illuminated the bar with ESPN.

    The band was surprisingly good. They played classic rock covers - Bad Company, AC/DC, Yes, etc. - and did a good job of that. And the sound was perfect, as was the volume - loud but not too loud.

    When we got there, around 9 on a Saturday night, there were around 20 people, ages 40 to 60. When we left, two hours later, it was standing room only, with the influx mostly in their 20s to 40s.

    Pros: kitchy dive bar, local town favorite, good place to hang out with friends, good live band, great place to people watch, decently priced drinks, nice crowd, good people
    Cons: smells like Vegas, can get claustrophobic

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    for the after work crowd it's very relaxing, my girlfriends and I like to go in and hang out and have chat time and we always run into someone we know - for the evening crowd it gets started a little later, typically after the dinner hour because they don't serve food - the bartenders are great and there are plenty of TV's if you're a sports fan - it's family owned and operated so it's very much like the bar on the corner where everyone knows everyone - we love it

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    I'll give it a better rating when I go back; I thought it was kinda sleazy becuase only my alcoholic white-trash neighbors talked about it. I stopped in their with a friend a few months back and it reminded me of when I was in school; the bars in Birmingham & Tuscaloosa were like this-good music and crappy decor but you go for the tunes and a beer. Anyhow the band was pretty cool (Love a blues band) the crowd was mellow and I would definetly go back and hang out somtime.

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    Seems like a good local hangout.  Narrow place stuck inside a strip mall,  trying to recreate feel of a true old-fashioned roadhouse.  Almost all locals (who probably went to high school together) hanging out and   almost all men.  Decent bartender, $4 pints.  TVs were on
    Featured a good DJ.  Fairly busy for a Tuesday night.
    Hard to find.  While traveling north-east on Bouquet Canyon, go past Soledad Canyon and pull into the driveway just past the Chi-Chi's, and curve around the backside of the building to find Mabel's.

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