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    This is a true cigar lounge and has some of the best seating I've seen.
    Go by yourself or with the gang!!!

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    Great place to hang out if you love good cigars. Amazing selections. Owner and staff are very easy going and on top of their game.

    I sure will be a regular at this joint..

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    Wow... A real cigar/scotch/bourbon bar!!!  I'm sooooo happy!!! Drinks are pricey, but I'm assuming they are charging a premium for the atmosphere.

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    Nice place, great addition to Little Rock!  A bit pricy, but due to the location, it makes sense and business' need to make a profit. When the place NASA fee smokers it's a bit smokey; it made me leave early last visit.

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    Just what Little Rock has needed.  A real cigar lounge that is as good as it gets.  Leather chairs and couches galore.  All very comfortable with plenty of ventilation.  Prices good on cigars and a full bar with a great selection of Bourbon.  Free wiring so kick back with a great cigar get some work done then have a nice drink to finish the work day off.  Service is top notch and staff is very knowledgeable.

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    I can count the amount of decent, quality bars in Little Rock on one hand.  Sure, one can go virtually anywhere for a beer or wine, and there are some great options around town for this!  But, where does one go for a well crafted cocktail?

    Well, on that one hand (which I previously mentioned), are these selections:  The Capital Bar, Diversions, The Pantry...and Maduros.  Yes, Maduros is a cigar bar, but even if you aren't a cigar afficianado, go try this bar!  I promise you that the ventilating system works so well, you will not even realize you are in a smoking bar.  I promise that the cocktails will make your visit absolutely unforgettable, too!

    Next to the Capital Bar, this fantastic new addition to downtown Little Rock, has a superb drink menu -- imaginative and so flavorful (not just sweet mixed with sweet).  Maduros cocktails stimulate the entire palate with a delicious array of many different flavors.  Watch out Capital Bar, you actually have competition now!  

    Behind and beyond the drink menu is a well stocked bar with one of the best selections of alcohols around.  Without question, Madurdothan the very best selection of Rums in Little Rock (and probably in Memphis, as well).

    The staff behind the bar is well trained and they each mix a very good cocktail!  They each do so with a warm smile on their face and are always attentive to their patrons.  Service at Maduros is key to the owner and is embraced by every member of the staff.

    Oh yeah!  This place has a nice humidor too -- a great selection of cigars for those who like to light one up, sit back in an over stuffed leather chair, and just relax.  Patrons are allowed to bring their own cigars as well.

    Maduros is the kind of bar that invites one back the minute he or she walks out the front door.  In fact, I can't wait to get back, belly up to the bar and try some other selections from their drink menu...and enjoy a cigar or two!

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    We have become regulars at Maduro Cigar Bar & Lounge. The ladies who provide service are exceptional, the management is always ready to answer questions or order new cigars.

    We have invited a few friends who now are regulars as well. Our last visit we met a few people and the group of us stayed until way past closing chatting away. We made arrangements to meet up next weekend to carry on out story telling and camaraderie.

    I recommend without reservation a visit for a cigar and drink.

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