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    A fun spot, with a great dance floor.  Part of a fun stretch on Tejon downtown.  Great for a party, but not a spot I'd hit for just a night out.  Then again I am getting old.

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    If you're a greasy haired wanna-be gangster you will fit right in. Lame.

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    Overall halloween party, LAME AS HELL! After spending 2 hrs asking every bartender & D.J. about when & where they were gonna have the costume contest, and having EVERY ONE of them telling us they have no idea, we find the sighn up sheet only to have the D.J. pick and chose who got to actually be in it! Most original goes to catwoman????? I wonder which one of the 12 women there dressed as cat woman they decided to give the prize to? What a JOKE!!!!!!! We will NEVER go back and I will b sure to comment anywhere I can so hopefully others won't waste their time or money goin to a plce where the bartenders don't even know the drink specials!

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    This place is the Jersey Shore of night clubs. Wall to wall scumbags who seem to all bathe in a Gio-axe combination and women who seem to all drink way more than their runny eyeliner can handle. I have been here three times. In three visits, I have managed to be pushed to the floor by security because they NEEDED to kick out the girl who yelled to get a bartenders attention (once on the floor, the security guard actually had the nerve to yell at me to 'watch where I'm going unless I would like to be banned', instead of apologizing and helping me up), I had some drunk guy propose marriage to me because I look like a "suicide girl" (Yeah. I'll get right on that. Nice Affliction shirt), and the crowning glory- I was roofied! This place is filled to the brim with horrendous people. If you're looking for a random hook-up with a side of Hepatitis, this is the place for you. I give it 2 stars simply because of the light-up dance floor upstairs. 'Cause really, who doesn't like a light up dance floor?

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    The Mansion happens to be one of the few night clubs on Tejon that charges a cover...as justifiable so.  One of the best, if not the best night club in Colorado Springs.  Has a large dance floor, gogo dancers, beer girls in bikini's and several rooms upstairs (one for karaoke and another for 70's and 80's music).

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    I live the bigger city life and I love the clubs in those cities. Mansion is the closest thing there is here to what I am used to. I loved the different dance floors and the different areas around. I am a huge people watcher so I liked that I could go from one place to another and still see so many people. The bartender was breathing fire and seemed to put on a show. The go go girls need to learn more moves but hey all they really are there for is to shake any way. LOL The cover charge is a bit lame as is the price of drinks but all in all it is a good place and I plan on going back. You must go early though cause lines form there fast and no one wants to wait outside.

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    I'm not going to lie, I've taken a stroll down Tejon Street on a weekend night for the sole purpose of making fun of the chums freezing their butts off in line to get into the Mansion.

    On this particular night, I was one of those chums. I figure I shouldn't knock it (anymore), until I try it, right?


    To save myself a little dignity, I at least wore a jacket.  As we stood in line in the freezing cold with the scantily clad girls in undersized dresses they clearly had to stuff their bodies into with a crow bar, frat boys and guidos alike eyed us from the balcony above. One of them shouted down, "hey baby, it sucks to be you, HA!" Boy, he wasn't kidding.

    Twenty minutes, ten dollars, and one encounter with the cranky door girl later, we were in.

    We went upstairs to get a drink and check out the "disco" room, and were greeted by a sea of middle-aged army wives in tight jeans and tube tops shaking their asses and grinding against anything that moved (but disco style!) Definitely not my scene.

    My friend said, don't worry, you're going to LOVE the karaoke room. Yes, the karaoke room. You can't go wrong with drunk people singing crappy songs, right? Right? Not so much. These weren't your run-of-the-mill drunken stars-to-be, these were *bitchy karaokers*. One woman went up on stage, and shouted into the microphone "shut the fuck up, mother fuckers, I'm going to sing now!" and then proceeded to sing the longest, most depressing tale of a broken heart I've ever heard, complete with closed eyes to emphasize the gravity of her performance, and hand gestures for every chorus.


    When we felt it was safe enough to leave the karaoke room without some disgruntled housewife killing us for missing her performance, we made it down to the main dance floor. The DJ was decent enough, but the place was crawling with the slimiest men you can possibly imagine. My friends and I got grabbed by drunken a-holes three times each, and constantly had to fight off a barrage of half-assed pick-ups including, "nice hair," "nice tits," "It's my birthday and my girlfriend just left me," and my all time favorite, "oh my god, you have to help me! This guy over there is trying to dance with me, you have to save me from him!"
    Whatadouche. A proclamation of homophobia passes as a pick up? Welcome to the Springs.

    But don't fear, if you're not having a good time dancing, for the small fee of $200, you can sit at a VIP table on a platform above the dance floor, and WATCH everyone getting groped by a-holes. What a deal!

    Finally, what seemed like years later, the house lights came up, the music stopped, and everyone moved towards the doors, which actually means, everyone scrambled to find some rando to go home with. We banded together to avoid the onslaught of propositions, and luckily made it out of the club virtually unscathed.

    In conclusion, if I ever need to plan a bachelorette party for someone I hate, the Mansion will be my very first choice.

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    I pretty much agree with Adrienn on this one. I dread the nights that my girlfriends decide this is where they want to go for the night. Drinking free rail drinks till midnight is just not worth what you have to give in return. $10 at the door, random yucky guys getting way too frisky, mediocre DJs. I don't see why they need to have a crazy light show either. It's pretty annoying. Also there's this platform around half of the dance floor that just makes you feel like you're constantly being oogled at. Maybe I'm just too old for this scene or maybe DC spoiled me too much in terms of fun clubs and affordable partying. I never paid a $10 cover in DC, so why am I paying one in Colorado Springs? I also don't think their drinks are all that cheap. Unless of course you want the free watered down rail drinks.
    In the end all I can say is that if the military are banned from going here and they refer to it as the date rape club that's probably a bad sign.

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    You can't pay me to go to this club ever again.  I am too old to hang out anywhere where the main point of the night is having some guy I don't know try to slip me the rooficolada, and or rub his genitals on me.  GROSS!!  I am not shocked that men like this club.  I laugh when people tell me that they went to this place, met someone, hooked up, had buyers remorse, and found out the person was a total moron.....HAHAHAHHAHHA  No kidding.  So listen if you are over the age of 24 and you don't feel like getting raped on a dance floor while fat girls troll for the drunkest guy to take them home....Go somewhere else....go anywhere else

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    Still love this place Dj brandon lee is the best!  And Scott lightning rules.  I have never had an issue and every ad I have heard says ladies drink free UNITL midnight so I know how it works.  Personally I don't think a 10 dollars cover for guys is bad.  Still love the mansion and their staff

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