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    Was there last weekend for the first time with some friends. Couldn't figure out how to get it until we followed someone else we saw going in the back. Very dark and trashy outside. Everything that was advertised about this place was false. Three bars (there was 1), dance club (nope), showers with boys (nope), sports bar (nope), video bar (not one tv), but one thing that they did have that was not advertised, the lingering stench of cat urine. The place looks like they moved in but never told the landlord. It's not even divey cute, it's like someone opened a bar in a large dumpster. I don't bash places normally, but this place is just plain awful.

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    Not too bad but could use some small improvements.

    This place is much bigger than Michael's previous place, but I don't think this place is being used yet to it's full potential. As someone else had stated it is very dark,  Parking is a bit on the limited side unless, you park in the neighboring lots of the auto store, and pet supply store, or across the street. The place is a bit hard to find if you aren't familiar with the area.

    When you walk in there is a huge room that you have to walk past as it is currently not in use and you go to the main bar area.  Very dimly light in here but not total darkness, you can at least see where you are going and there is somewhat of an atmosphere created with the candles at the tables. There is a room also in the back that is not being used at all.  I am not sure if they will be used in the future but it overall has some potential.

    Now this is where some negatives come in. Michael himself is a very nice guy and he is easy to get a long with and makes you feel welcomed... I however don't get the same vibe from most of the staff.  Seems that there are these good looking guys that have no substance to them. Just eye candy with limited personality. Hopefully that changes in the future.

    Overall the place isn't bad, I just don't think it's being used to it's full potential..

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    I heard that a new bar opened in Wilkes-Barre and some friends and I decided to check it out. I knew exactly where this place was located but when we pulled in the parking lot I got confused. The building had no outside lighting, nor were we able to see any lights on inside the building. It looked closed...and a little rape-y. There is no sign indicating an entrance, but there were remnants of an old sign, not for Michael's Splash Niteclub and not for  the prior establishment, but the one before that. Ok, a little confusing, but we figured it out.
    We opened the door and entered a large, dark (like no lights on) empty, scary room. What's with the darkness? This isn't the 1950's and we shouldn't have to enter a nondescript gay bar under cover of darkness. Across this room was a man checking IDs so we walked over to him. He looked at our IDs and then we entered the bar.  We ordered beers. My Lager was skunked so the bartender gave me another. Again, skunked. So I got a Miller Lite.
    We scoped the place out and, much to our dismay, the place just sucks. I didn't have high hopes because I had been in Michael's previous bar was like walking through a time warp into a shitty 70's bar with fake wood paneling and torn red vinyl everything. The new one is better but still kinda sucky. It's sad that people think they can just open a gay bar, play some dance music and expect people to show up just because we're gay. Like we should be knocking down the door cause somebody hung up a rainbow flag and serves booze. And I don't mean to single out Michael's as this is the way just about every gay establishment in NEPA  operates.

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