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    Oh Midtown how I do love the. This has to be in the top ten of dive bars in the USA! Always a great time here and I'm always meeting fun, new, and interesting people. This is as real as it gets because people come here to have a good time not to play dress up and dance to hip hop with your pants sagging to the ground. When they don't have a live band playing it always seems as though they have the perfect playlist of music going that everyone loves and they bring back your best memories such as REO Speedwagon, Joan Jett, Black Keys, Zeppelin and tons more.

    Sometimes around 3am and when the grill is pumping out a dozen burgers at a time its like a feeding frenzy and may briefly remind you of a scene from Gremlins after people around you start eating them because they are so delicious.  People actually stop talking and are 100% focused on that burger like its a frigging eating contest till the last bite so needless to say the Burgers are the flagship of this establishment as well as the tall ice cold PBR's.

    I also recommend you buy the annual membership for $8 so that you have no cover charge for the remainder of the year as you will like most others come back week after week.

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    My friend Tricia refers to this place as hell-mouth and she's not far off. The black gaping maw of Midtown welcomes you with a foul stench and questionable patrons. The bartenders cop an attitude, you've got to pay a cover because it's "a private club" and don't think you'll leave without a layer of grease on your clothes.

    It's not ALL bad. They do have spam sandwiches which are surprisingly edible after 100 vodka waters. Also, because it's an after hours spot, dudes are drunk enough to be very open about their desire to take you home. It's happened both times I've been there. Flattering certainly.

    Protip: Check their teeth to make sure they're not meth users.

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    Truly, truly, exceptionally dirty. Cover is about $5.  Pool tables, late night bands, open til 5-ish. BEST burger. Have often gone as a last stop just for the burger. There's also Spam, Ham & cheese, & egg sandwiches served from the grill.

    Thursdays are bottle toss. You lose, you're the last one to miss throwing your empty bottle in a trash can 20 ft away after several turns, you buy all players a happy hour beer. Immediately following the game, they place the best ipod mix of all ipod mixes (it includes Sweet Caroline & Delta Dawn).

    Watch your purse. Watch your back. It's pretty safe, but I wouldn't someone looking for a fight. Characters here can be shady late night. Bring your own toilet paper as required. Also, HAND SANITIZER. I can't stress that enough.

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    They told me they'd cook me the best hamburger I've ever had and goddamn if they didn't do just that.  A charming as shit, awesomely decorated, dark, unpretentious bar I will return to if ever back in Little Rock.  Which I won't be.

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    Andy makes the best burgers ever! Good, strong drinks. You can smoke here but the people watching is the best.

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    We went for the Bottle Toss game on a very busy night (60+ players!).  It was by  far the most fun I've ever had at a dive bar.  The game itself is hilarious and so much fun, but the people in the bar were so wonderful.  Everyone was cheering on everybody else, making for a lively and convivial night.  

    Also, the hamburgers are out of this world awesome!  And HUGE!  

    There's no better way to spend a Thursday night than playing Bottle Toss with a burger in hand at Midtown!

    Oh, wear your dingy clothes 'cause this place is... dingy.

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    JAAAAAAAAAAAHMan    Brahman. ashville, nc check em out

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    Bottle Toss! that is all.

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    Ok so the burger I had was awesome.... However the next day when I was throwing up from food poisoning it wasn't so good.  I've only been once because of that and I know plenty of others who have enjoyed many a midtown burger without being sick.

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    Dirty and disgusting...not just the place, many of the people, too. Mark H. is right, the smell lingers for days. When you do laundry days after going to Midtown you will smell it. BUT it is open until 5, so what are you gonna do? It doesn't really get busy until 1 or 2 am when the other bars are starting to close. At that point it fills up with the drunkest of the drunk and the people that didn't already pick someone up at the river market. Then, there are the regulars. The burgers are good. They use Cavender's seasoning and that is what makes them so yummy. If you order a burger at a busy time of night, be sure to look at it closely. They often undercook their meat when they have high volume because their grill is so small (it is also not ventilated well and is responsible for the 'midtown stank' mentioned earlier). Most people there are too drunk to care I guess. Midtown is up there on my list of places to go at 2 am when everything else closes. Face it, Discovery is fine on the weekends, but other than that what else is there? Counterpoint, Elevations, Cowboy, and some other places I'm sure I'm forgetting...I'll take Midtown over those places.

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    I am all for the dives of the world, in fact, I love them. However, this place is just a bit to much for me. Among my friends and I, we refer to this place as 'The Midtown Virus.' It is dirty, nasty, smells of urine and stale beer, the bathrooms are aweful and everytime we visit there we seem to get sick and see a referee standing in the field just in front of 'The Designing Women' home. The sickness may come from to much beer but man this place lingers in your cloths for days after. It is that type of bar.

    If you are gonna go to Midtown, go early and leave early. The later you are there the more you will become one of them. To be a Zombie as you take a piss infused tour of a local iconic place with a stage the size of a postage stamp.

    A must visit place but only once. If you like the backward smell of alley bars, then this is your Mecca.

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    I can't have a Yelp! account and not review good ole Midtown! You can love it or you can hate it - but everyone knows it.
    It's pretty much the epitome of a dive bar, it looks like hell, mismatched furniture, cracked paint, just plain dirty - but it seemingly adds to it 'character'. It's a late night hot spot, especially on the weekends, for after-hours party-goers & service industry people, considering must clubs/bars in this town close around 1-2am. Midtown closes at 5am. There are 4 pool tables, but if you come on a weekend night, you probably won't be playing them, but probably pushed against one in the crowd. Oh, and grab a burger or spamburger to compliment your PBR tallboy while you're there. It's definitely an experience.

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    Review for Bottle Toss- Thursday Nites At 7 sharp!

             The object is to throw a btl into a garbage can
              sounds easy eh? You show up at seven-give
              your name to the bartender and when you are
              called you have a chance to make it into the
              Trash container- it's not that far on the first
              try you may think- then comes the 2nd and
              The 3rd-the object is to not be the last one
              that did not make it-know why?-cause then
              You get to buy a round for all those who
               made it. I made it on my 4th try and all
               I heard was beginners luck and all-
               Yet me being Left-handed and in my
               Right mind I clearly knew that after
               2 beers it was better to "bank" it
                off the wall.

                     Go and do yourself a favor and join- it's a very social
                    thing- not too late and not too early- usually lasts
                     an hour or so which leaves plenty of time to go
                     home and shower off the midtown smell.

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    if you have ever been a dirty little punk rocker, you must go to midtown.  not only should you tell nola, the bouncer, that i said hello... but you must also eat a cheeseburger.  this dive bar has the best burgers in the state, no joke.  plenty of pool tables, full bar, and you will definitely meet somebody worth knowing at this bar.

    but please beware, nola does not play.  she has physically thrown me over her shoulder and carried me out before.  and i'm not a small girl.   please be respectful, or you will get kicked out.  

    also, they always have great bands, as in gringo starr, playing in the back, and make sure you bring a sharpie to finalize your visit to midtown in the bathroom stall.  you will be sure to get some words of wisdom, or even learn that the girl you've been talking to all night has herpes.  have fun!

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