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    Don't eat here. This was the worse dining experiences of my entire life. Senior Leaders of my church chose to give Mirro'z our business, knowing it had recently opened.

    Once my wife and I got inside, we had no idea where we needed to go to link up with others in our party. It was dark and spooky inside. Not a cheerful environment. There was no Hostess on duty. We took the wrong turn and walked in on another party.

    After we made it to our proper section we were eventually seated. About 25 min of sitting we were given a greasy book with songs for karaoke. About 15 min later we were given a menu.  Lots of time had passes when one of the hostess announced the food selection that had been previously made.

    I was not interested in those selections but instead chose to order ribs from the menu. About 30 min after ordering, our drinks came out. To say the least we were hungry and thirsty. We asked for refills but was only given 1/2 glass. The refill drinks was being rationed to make it last for others who wanted refills. They didn't understand that those small amounts didn't last but instead was drank right down.

    About 45 min later some guy came to our table and told me they had ran out of ribs although no one else was eating ribs. I then asked that they change it to fried chicken.

    Although we were the first to order. Others at our table got their food and was eating while we sat there and watched. Those who were eating was complaining that there was no fixings for the baked potato and there was no bread. The fixings for the baked potato came out after they finished eating.

    After about another 1 1/2 hr waiting our food did not come out. We chose to leave that resturant to go to another resturant to get something to eat. Others chose to leave as well because no food came out for us. It is unreasonable to expect customers to sit in a Resturant that long without eating.

    There was one point when the cook came out to sing karaoke. But there was customers still waiting to eat. I think they ended up sending out to Food Lion to buy the food to cook.

    I was told after we departed that there was others who sat there well over 3 1/2 hrs and still got no food. Some that did get to eat said my wife and my food never arrived.

    This dining experience was a big disappointment. I wouldn't feel so bad if they had been straight with me from the start that they was not ready for us. Don't waist my time. The owner of this establishment came to our Church Revival 2 nights later. No apology, there was no effort to make things right with us. They didn't care.

    I spoke to some that had the same story to tell about them running out of food and not getting to eat.

    If I could give this Resturant a negative rating I would do that. I wholeheartedly discourage anyone from going through what I experienced. I plan to tell everyone I know how bad this establishment is. You will not get another chance to mess me over. Never again.

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    A group of friends and I decided to try this place out for the first time. The food was good. I had a chicken salad; I like my salads cold but mine came out lukewarm, now it could be because of the grilled chicken but most places I've gone, having a grilled chicken salad, the salad part is always cool/crispy.

    Price is a reasonable for most dishes.

    The atmosphere was very dimly light; I am not claustrophobic but felt a bit closed in. The architecture insides included sections with doors (reminded me of some sort of dungeon from a fictional book, heavy wooden doors with heavy old-style hardware, doorways were in form of arches etc). The restaurant was spacious but I would say they can do better to lighten the place up a bit. The colors chosen for their walls were too dark of a color. The lighting was a bit poor.

    When you first walk into the entrance, you have no idea where you are heading. I eventually found the hostess podium; felt like a maze when I first walked in. Maybe the restaurant can find better use of the entrance/foyer area, it is pretty huge, maybe have a sign that points to the actual entrance of the restaurant.

    The wait staff was courteous, not once did I feel unattended. But in the same token, this is an area that may need improvement. When you are checked in by the wait staff every few minutes, it becomes a bit annoying. It's even more annoying when you are trying to have a conversation with a group of ladies, and have to be interrupted every time to answer to the wait staff "Yes, we are doing just fine." No joke, every time they came in to ask us how we are doing and we are having a good time, a new topic arose in our conversation because we forgot what we were talking about, because of the abrupt interruptions. Dont get me wrong, I like when the wait staff checks on you but not too excessive.

    Another gesture that I did not appreciate was while we were talking, the waitress came in and started cleaning our tables, but we are not all done; I was using napkin that I had tossed to the side and she picked this up and didnt even asked if I minded her cleaning. Another moment was while we were talking, the waitress reached over my head (very unprofessional) without waiting for me to stop talking or lean back to let her get to the dirty items. Once, again, she didnt asked if I was done or if she may take the dishes away.

    Another note, the waitress was taking our order when half way through she leaves us to take care of another table. When she came back, her reasoning was that the other table was waiting for a long time and she needed to get their food out...then she resumed with taking our order. It was a pretty AWKWARD moment! Hahahah, my friends and I looked at each other like "Did she just do that?" We didnt know what to say. We let it go...but once again, wait staff showing a bit of unprofessional-ism. Maybe that wasnt her intent but she, Angel, needs to be a bit more conscious on how she services her clients. It would have not been a problem, if my friend wasnt ordering and in the middle of her speaking she darts out to service another table.

    The AC unit was a bit loud, so when it would cut off, we would hear it; I think the AC unit was outside next to our section of the restaurant. Sounded like an old junk car shutting itself off. A bit rusty sounding. I think they were having some issues with the unit because we were asked 4x if the temp was ok for our liking; I must say at one point it was quite warm but then the loud-sounding kicking back up noise would start and I was cooled.

    My tab was a bit incorrect. My total before taxes came out $1 more than what the Menu advertised for my dish. Because it was a dollar, I disregarded it. But please keep an eye on the tab. I just smirked and let that one go.


    -Incorrect check amount
    -Consistent interruptions of wait staff
    -Food was good
    -I wont be coming back here again; just did not enjoy myself fully.

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