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    On our way to meet friends at Main Street Bistro, we passed Murph's and couldn't help but think that that's where THE party in Lima was.  The sounds of karaoke blasted out their open door and it sounded like everyone was having the time of their lives.  As soon as we finished at the Bistro, a few of us headed back over to Murph's, sort of hoping there'd be a record playing that would come to a screeching halt when we walked in.   Of course, we thought too much of ourselves as we were merely asked what we were drinking.  I could not ask for a frou frou drink in this wonderful dive bar and I don't drink beer, so I couldn't respond "Bud Light" like everyone else... I choked.  I asked for vodka and Sprite and got the strongest drink of the night in a big ol' red Solo cup with a BENDY STRAW!  Kick ass.

    Here are some of the firsts I experienced at Murph's:

    - paid less than $10 for the above-mentioned drinks
    - met an ex-Marine named Robert who now works as a DJ & Karaoke emcee (I have his card, if you're interested)
    - got locked in the bar with the other patrons and laughed when the scrappy lady bartender waved away a potential customer knocking on the door's window
    - danced to Loretta Lynn, Hank Williams, Skynard and Steve Miller Band
    - booed with everyone else when the bartender yanked the plug out of the jukebox in the middle of "Jet Airliner"
    - sat with a fella wearing a suit jacket (one of the wedding attendants), a guy in a cowboy hat and a lady in a neck brace at the same bar

    For me, it was a hilarious, enjoyable, memorable evening, even though when I left I reeked of smoke (which was weird, 'cause I'd been told that Ohio was smoke free).  For anybody living or passing through Lima, Murph's would be a fun place to meet some characters, rock out to karaoke, play some pool or darts and close the place down with some of Lima's finest.  I loved it.

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