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    Tried to go back and it was horrible. Watched one of the cooks go to the bathroom and leave without hand washing. The main lady in charge ( not sure if it is the owner) was not kind to the waitstaff, we waited 10 mins for a table, 10 mins for a menu, 10 minutes for our drinks.
    I loved the ravioli, however my husband ordered a pizza and 28.00 for a bacon and pineapple pizza is outrageous! When we asked how come the Hawaiian combo was cheaper and had more toppings, she skirted around the issue. We did not want to make a scene so we just paid our bill.
    We will not being trying it a fourth time.

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    I think maybe 2 stars is a little more fitting, but it's "OK".  The talk of the owners is pretty much spot on, but irrelevant.  I have had good pizza's & service here, hit and miss.  I really liked it back when "Bob" owned it.  I understand why some of the people put 5 Stars, yah you pickle!  I think lunch is the best time to go.

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    As a former Bellingham resident now living in New Jersey I can tell you the pizza servered here is nothing like what they have in New York, barring a Dominos in Queens.

    This is a review from a meal I had with friends in April 2012 I've been meaning to post:

    My wife and I arrived at 5:30pm, a half hour before the reservation (though it was on accident.) The on-site manager quickly pulled together our table in the back corner of the restaurant and within a few minutes we were seated with menus and flatware.
    It was only the two of us and we were early for our reservation, but we waited over twenty minutes without being offered water, drinks, or any type of service. I finally made eye contact with the manager and gave the universal sign for drinks, after five more minutes she came over stating "I'm sorry but you weren't supposed to be in until 6pm and my other waitress isn't on until then and the front filled up." At which point she took our drink orders.
    There were two other tables sitting less than 15 feet from us who were receiving food and drink service, I'm not sure why we were ignored for 25 minutes. Had I known arriving as part of a group would cause this, we simply would have sat at another table in the front.
    As our friends arrived our waitress (Krista M) came to take their drink orders and while doing so held her arm above her head and picked something on her lower bicep as she spoke to us, not the most pleasant experience.
    After about 20 minutes everyone had their drinks and meal orders were placed. Then the wait began, it was about a half hour before the few salads ordered showed up, there were three caesars and all were missing croutons, however our waitress left so quickly, no one had the time to bring it to her attention and everyone was so hungry we simply ate. The next time we saw Krista, she dropped off a half dozen glasses (there were 11 of us) and a pitcher of water, she said nothing and after asking us to hand her our plates, she disappeared again.
    After clearing the plates we brought to Krista's attention that cold air was blowing down on half the table, people were putting their jackets back on. Her response consisted of "I don't know where the vents are" and again she left. It was a half hour before she returned.
    About 7pm the food starting coming out, one or two dishes every few minutes. With 11 people those with food had to start immediately partly because we had been waiting so long, but also because the cold air was cooling off the food quickly. From the first dish to the last was 12 minutes. I know one waitress was assigned to our table, but for serving the food it would have been nice to have someone else help.
    As for the food there were issues on several of the plates (e.g. missing sauces) but again, with the service we'd already received, better to just eat through it. For those who ordered alcoholic drinks, refills were given. For those with soda, we never saw a drop beyond the first glass. Another 15 minutes passed before the empty plates were removed, we simply sat their wanting our bills. A few of the ladies from our group went to the restrooms and returned complaining that it was dirty and smelled.
    Just before 8pm our bills arrived, there were about 5 couples, so I understand it taking some time to ring up. but a few had to be sent back due to errors. To my surprise, our server announced that gratuity had already been added, 18% to be exact. This was unexpected since there is nothing on the menu mentioning automatic gratuity for large parties nor is there a sign in the lobby (I checked both.) Also, when I paid with cash, I was shorted the coins due to me, it was a small amount, but I feel customers are due all their change.
    By 8:30pm we left, I was the last out the door and ran into the manager and made a point to let her know my disappointment with the meal, service, and bill. She again apologized for the wait we had when we arrived, but justified it by how busy the "front" was. I let her know of the horrid service, errors with the food, and automatic tip that I did not feel was ethical or deserved. She apologized, saying that we were our waitresses only table so there was no excuse and that she would talk to her. I again explained my concerns with the tip and lack of service, I expressly said this would have been a rare occasion where I would not have tipped given the lack of service. She simply apologized, and it was then I realized she was part of the problem.
    To sum up the evening, we were left waiting, received poor service, sat in a cold room, did not receive any attention for extended, were overcharged by 18%, and were short changed on money due back. I have 10 years experience in the restaurant and service industry and cannot think of another dinning experience that left such a sour taste in my mouth.

    To be fair the owner did contact me after I reached out with my complaint. He did applogize, said it was due to staffing, and offered a $50 gift certificate

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