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    This is such a quiet and peaceful bar. Its small and kind of a hole in the wall but been coming here since I turned 21 ten years ago.  The bartenders Wanda, Jackie, and Bethany are wonderful.  The touch tunes juke box is a major plus.

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    Living in Beverly, you plenty of bars to choose from, and the majority of them are all along Western Ave.

    While I understand what is so great about bars like Dingers or Cork and Kerrys, I find (and I'm sure many of you will find this also) that running into people from high school or grammar school tends to get realllllllllly old, fast, and that is what happens at those OTHER bars...

    O'Briens is great.
    Rarely do I ever see someone I don't feel like seeing.
    It is a smaller bar, but everyone is usually super friendly.
    It's a total dive bar, and I say that in the nicest way possible.

    Nothing beats 5 dollar pitchers every night.

    You can come here on a Tuesday night and have just as much fun with your friends as on a Saturday night.

    They have one of those touch-tune juke boxes that have just about any song you can think of, however, alcohol might convince you to put WAY to much money into that machine.

    The bathrooms are in the back.
    Men's room contains one toilet and a urinal.
    I imagine it is SUPPOSED to be for one person at a time, but that rarely happens...

    I once waited for the bathroom for like ten minutes and out comes two dudes. When I walked in, there was a tube of petroleum jelly on the sink (NO JOKE!)

    On another occasion, my friends and I were the only people in the bar, and an older woman approached us wanting to show her tattoos.
    To make a long story short, she showed us all of her tattoos. Let's just say the location of said tattoos was in a place I would pay to never see again.

    You can't make up stories like this.

    So, come to O'Briens.
    Have some crazy shit happen to you.
    And have that memory burned into your brain for a lifetime.

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    This is a good little bar to just chill out. On weekend nights it tends to get quite busy and loud, but during the week it's a very comfortable place. The bartenders are always friendly. They have a dart board, not in the best of locations (it's on the way to the restrooms). The jukebox has a good mix of tunes too. It's a place to go and chat with a couple of friends or your spouse.

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