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    Great service!  We've been to several shows at the One World Theater and always had a great time.  Very intimate venue and no bad seats in the house.  Fantastic acoustics that allows you to really enjoy some world-class artists.

    We recently had an issue where, due to the outdoor Jimmy Buffet concert at the Austin360 amphitheatre being postponed due to weather, we were left with tickets to McCoy Tyner at One World.  I emailed One World to see what they could do and someone called me a short time later offering to exchange our tickets for another show later.  As it turned out, I couldn't take them up on the offer because I had already sold the tickets on Craigslist (at a 50% discount  grrrr). but I appreciated the offer.

    Looking forward to our next opportunity to visit!

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    Went to another Jesse Cook concert tonight, we did the first show.  It was spectacular, sat in the first row and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, the audience got them to come out for an encore where they played a few more songs.  They ended the show by unplugging from their amps and coming down into the seats and played fall at your feet...chris church can sing....already planning our next visit to one world.  An hour before the concert started, another artist performed, Sherah, she was very good.

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    Before I chronicle my gripes about the One World Theatre, its worth noting (and worth 2.5 stars) that the "theatre" space itself is intimate and has very nice acoustics.  

    Unfortunately, the intimacy is not enough to remotely justify the exorbitant ticket prices and superfluous fees charged.  For example,  the cost of a ticket for the excellent Grant Lee Phillips and Glen Phillips show there was $74 including $14 for their bogus ticket and service fees.  A seated ticket to the same show 2 nights later in Dallas at a comparable venue cost $23.82 including fees and a seated ticket for same show 3 nights later at a comparable venue in San Antonio cost $17.50 including fees.  Its a crime that there were so many empty seats (including the entire front row on my side of the room) for these amazing singer/songwriters visiting the "Live Music Capital of the World", but that's the free market in action when tickets that ought to cost $20-something are jacked up 350% by the venue.

    And what does all that extra expense buy you?
    -The privilege of parking your car in an unpaved and uneven pit laden with large rocks and dust and seriously detrimental to anyone driving a car with low clearance.
    -The opportunity to spend $7 for a  can of beer at their downhill bar (stairs don't apply here)...and you'll find yourself invariably buying one on the way in and another during their mandatory intermissions.
    -The enjoyment of a persistent electric hum in the theater that the crack production staff had no interest in fixing despite multiple comments from the performers.
    -The added enjoyment of watching stage lighting that appears to be operated by a toddler who had just discovered how to flip a light switch on and off for the first time (as the always insightful Glen Phillips observed)
    -And lastly, you get to experience all this with a crowd that is considerably older and considerably less enthusiastic than any other venue in Austin (or most places where  people appreciate music), as exhibited by the portly couple in front of me who, I shit you not dear reader, turned around on multiple occasions to ask me to stop tapping my foot to the beat....at a concert by two alt-rock icons...in Austin.

    Unless you have no choice, spare yourself this suburban McMansion-ized "Theatre" and that goes triple for promoters/agents who are considering booking their acts here.

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    I would like to be able to see a show at One World Theater. The theater itself is very beautiful (on the outside, I've never been inside), and surrounded by the sprawling hills, my husband and I have tried many times to see concerts and shows here.

    This summer, we bought advance tickets to see Ravi Shankar. Months in advance. About a week before the show, someone from OWT called us to tell us that Ravi Shankar was in ill-health and was canceling a majority of his world tour. Well fudge, we thought. But the lady seemed apologetic and let us call back with a different show we were interested in and they would give us tickets to another show. In fact, they gave us two extra tickets for whatever show we wanted. So we felt like they were trying, at least, so we chose the only other show on the calendar that we had any interest in seeing, the Gallagher comedy show. We picked our seats and were told 4 tickets would be at will-call on the day of the show.

    Fast forward two more months: We are ready for our comedy show. We have asked around and invited a couple of friends who also like the 90s humor of this watermelon-smashing aficionado. When we were confirming the day of the show with our friends what time to meet at the theater, we went to OWT's website and lo and behold, the show had been canceled. Great, two shows, almost 6 months apart, that we have been told is canceled. This time we never got a call from the box office. Confused, we called them on a Sunday afternoon and got through to a woman who seemed very confused as to why the show was canceled. My husband, at this point, just wanted a refund. We bought premium tickets to see Ravi Shankar months ago, and OWT still has our $80. We were told that we would have to call back up to the theater on our own time and figure out a.)whether the show will be rescheduled or b.) if we could finally get a refund.

    Needless to say, I don't think I will ever see a show here, no matter how much I have wanted to. Their management needs to get their calendar in order before they take money from unsuspecting customers.

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    My fiance and I were very interested in using One World Theatre as our wedding venue. We sent 2 separate email requests (since the website says to email and not call) to set up a site visit - NEVER got a response on either one. Horrendous service.

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    My husband bought us tickets to see Madeleine Peyroux Friday May 25th.  It was the day before my birthday and I had hinted (blatantly) for months that he should by them.  The venue is very lovely - we arrived 40 minutes early and got a couple of sushi rolls from the Kenichi table (simple and delicious) and had a drink.  

    When we went to sit, the usher took us to our seats to find a couple already there...and they had the correct tickets.  He instructed us to go to the box office and get it straightened out. Turns out, my husband had accidentally purchased tickets to the 9:30 show and there were no longer any 2 seats remaining together to exchange for the 7 o'clock show.  We had friends from Dallas coming in town that night to meet us for dinner (and stay with us over Memorial day weekend) so we couldn't wait and go to the later show.  We sadly gave our tickets to the box office and told them to give them away to the next couple that tries to purchase tickets for the later show.

    I am a little embarrassed to say that I started crying.  My mom passed away on Mother's day (2 weeks before) and we had just had her memorial the Thursday night before the concert. It had been an emotional month and I was looking forward to seeing Madeleine Peyroux. So, aside from my embarrassment, the tears just came. I tried to be discreet, but it was pretty obvious. My husband and I went and stood on one of the balconies to finish our drinks and a gentleman came out to offer us tickets.  We told him we already tried to exchange ours, but that there were no longer any seats together. He politely explained that he worked at One World Theater, and if I understood correctly, offered us 2 seats that they reserve for special guests. If I'm not mistaken, the usher that took the ticket from him and lead us upstairs to the venue referred to him as the CFO.

    The concert was AMAZING!!  The venue only seats around 350, so it is quite intimate. Madeleine's voice is effortless and the band was outstanding (and she was actually very funny which cheered my up quickly).  I am so unbelievably thankful for being able to see the show. I will definitely go back to One World Theater.  Such a fantastic place!!!

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    We went to the Starship show and had a great time I thought the facility was great you sit really close to the stage and the sound was great also. Starship put on a great show. It's also nice not dealing with big crowds you get at other concerts in Austin

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    Neat building, a lot of character, great views of the hill country. We were here for a concert. They set up the floor area in front of the stage with table and chairs and then there is "stadium" seating behind that.  The venue is small which is nice.  There was a bar set up for this event upstairs which is apparently unusual and special for this particular show.

    Big drawback - there is only one shared restroom on the level that the stage is on. If you can't wait you need to go downstairs.

    One World Theater is nice and I enjoyed it, there was just nothing that would really draw me there versus somewhere else.

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    One world theater is a great venue for a wedding. Its beautiful and seeing it during the day into the night adds a lot of drama. The staff was also really great and fun and very helpful.  The best thing of all was Tess, the event coordinator; she handled all the details of the wedding day flawlessly and had great ideas. She made this stressful day wonderful. It was a wonderful place to have wedding.

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    Ticket fee is OUTRAGEOUS!  $11 per ticket-adds up quick!  I think the pricing should be much more modest-it's not like it is the Long Center or Frank Erwin for goodness sake!

    Venue is intimate.  I was happy with our seats-could use a little more space between each seat to accommodate the fluffier bums that rub up against you-not so fun if you don't actually know who is sitting next to you!

    Parking in the rain with all the dirt...err mud- less than desirable.

    No elevator-so plan on walking-but if you ask they apparently have a golf cart and will drive to to upper entrance where the theater actually is.

    The staff I encounter was nice enough.  Even if I did get scolded for taking a picture BEFORE the show of those I was with!

    For the right show I may go again-it is in-as I call it- hoity toity part of Austin-maybe that is why they charge the thievery ticket price-to keep us commoners away.

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    but don't eat there!

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    We just got back from the 2/10/12 Jerry Jeff Walker show - 7 pm. Jerry Jeff was great.... The crowd, however, left a lot to be desired. How do you see Jerry Jeff and not clap and sing along? Perhaps because you are a season ticker holder and are old and boring?

    I understand that season ticket holders are vital to the finances of any venue, but in such an intimate setting, it is pitiful and I do not understand why these people become season ticket holders and do not appear to actually enjoy the show. It also sucks for the performer when most people in the audience are glued to their seats and show no reaction at all.

    We will think twice, seriously twice, before purchasing high priced tickets again t this venue. Great acoustics - crappy crowd. One World Theatre needs to re-think there marketing strategy. Lower prices, younger crowd = happier performers. Why would I pay top dollar to see people when the crowd is clearly out past their bedtime.

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    We went to One World to see Blood, Sweat & Tears last week.  The band was great.  Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy it.  

    There was a well-heeled 60-ish couple in front of us who kept turning around and glaring at us, then asked us to "STOP TAPPING OUR FEET!!"  I tried to explain to the woman that we were at a rock concert where *everyone* was tapping their feet.  And clapping. And singing. (You know, like at a *rock concert.*)  Then, even though my husband and I stopped tapping our feet, she yelled at us again because she mistakenly thought vibrations from other people's tapping were coming from us.  Then she and her husband went to complain to the usher.  I also felt compelled to tell my side to the usher.  

    The whole thing was very disruptive, and I just couldn't enjoy the concert after that.  No one should buy floor seats at a rock concert if they don't want to experience the joy of the crowd.  I was miserable the rest of the night. Which really ticked me off, because I paid $80 each for 2 premium seats!!!

    My guess is that these are season ticket holders who felt compelled to come, but didn't know what they were in for.  Perhaps One World should warn them better what to expect.  The floor is a floating wooden floor, and we were all in folding chairs.  Perhaps better chairs, or a disclaimer for rock concerts:  "WARNING: EXPECT VIBRATIONS!" would help deter conflict.

    It's a shame, because I thought the venue was cool, and my husband and I love live music.  We paid for a babysitter, so the evening cost us over $200.  We won't be spending any more nights out at One World, I'm afraid.  No telling who you'll be sitting behind, even if you pay extra for primo seats.

    Also, if you wear heels, or nice clothes, or have a nice car, be advised: the parking lot is dirt and caliche, which gets a bit muddy when wet (it rained that night), and careless drivers can kick up rocks into your windshield or paint job.

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    This is a review for One World Theatre as a wedding venue, so if you're just attending OWT for a show, I'm sure they're fine.

    I was married two years ago in August 2009, so I've since learned they've had a change in wedding coordinators, but frankly, so much went wrong I'm still going ahead and writing this review.  I'm just super late to the game because I'm... well... lazy.

    My fiance and I had some very simple requests.  We didn't want a lot of decoration or a lot of trouble gone to since the venue is gorgeous in and of itself.  Here is what we asked for:  

    1. We wanted the removable panels taken off of the windows so we could use natural light in the theatre,
    2.  We wanted a skirting around the stage where we were to get married (it's a very simple thing and frankly should always be included in the cost of a stage setup - I used to work in theatre so I know this)
    3.  A step to get up onto the stage (again, I used to work in theatre, so yes, I specifically checked to make sure I, my fiance, and the priest, the minister, and participating family had a step so we could easily get up and down from the stage),
    4.  We asked if they could take the gigantic white tent down from out front (and we would pay to have it done) since it actually covered the whole front of the venue
    5. and the lastly we asked that they close off the upstairs since we had the stage set in the center of the theatre and we were going to have chairs set up so family could sit in the lower seating section and all around us while we got married.

    First things first, we were actually told that EVERY request we had (those 5 simple ones above, well the tent didn't sound entirely simple. Frankly, it sounded like a bitch to take down) were included in the cost of the rental.  We made it clear that this was all we wanted and that if needed, we would find the money to pay for it.

    Now, I have to say that I'm pretty easy going and so is my fiance, and think that this is where the problem came. When, day of wedding, I saw that, NONE of the things I asked for had been done, I said, well, there's nothing I can do now, no sense in throwing a fit, it's my wedding day, let's make the best of it.  My fiance apparently had the same view about things.

    So yeah, all of my family was seated upstairs so we couldn't see them and it looked like no one attended our wedding in photos. So much for being surrounded by loved ones on your wedding day.

    So yeah, there was no skirt around the stage so you could see all the pipes and whatnot holding it up. Meh, that wasn't a big deal, just yet another detail they effed up.

    So yeah, I had to take my shoes off (cause I was in heels) and HOIST myself up to the stage, as did well... most everyone in heels and the men just sucked it up and did a large lunge kinda thing since they forgot to put up the step (and because it was a HIndu/Christian wedding, there were a lot of people coming and going from the stage).  That was actually kinda embarrassing.

    So yeah, they didn't remove the panels from the windows (even though it's a simple thing, I looked - I could have done it myself even) so it was really kinda dark in there and no one got to see the beautiful hill country.

    So yeah, they left that tent up too.  Even though, I'm pretty sure that looking at the contract they included a fee to take it down.

    Ok, so, again, it's my wedding day and I'm not going to make a fuss cause what I'm complaining about is a whole lotta first world problems and you know what, I still got married to the greatest guy ever so.. everything else is gravy.

    BUT here's why I give them a one star.  I brought this all up after the fact because I didn't want to cause a scene.  And actually, it was several months after the wedding because they accused us of not paying everything, slapped us with some extra charges and so my husband and I scrounged up some money to pay them (we are not rich by any means so this was really tough for us newlyweds) because they threatened to take it to collections (even though this was the first we were hearing about not having paid our venue)

    My husband and I thought it would be best to tell them about the fact that they didn't handle any of our requests after we paid their extra fees because we thought they wouldn't listen to us if we hadn't paid what they said we owed.  

    So after paying an extra thousand that they said we owed, I then sent them an email explaining why we were disappointed with their service.

    I got back an email from the coordinator explaining that actually, they PURPOSEFULLY ignored my requests because they unnecessary (yeah, who needs a step up to a stage?) and that what they did was better anyways and that I should be grateful that they didn't send me to collections.  

    WHAT? I tried following up, but to no avail.  They just wouldn't hear me out.

    So no, I don't recommend OWT as a wedding venue.

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    I haven't been here too many times.  We had a work Christmas party here, and it was awesome.  I don't know if the One World people put it together, but it was a real shindig.  My daughter has also gone for some school events where they've put on puppet shows and what not.
    The building is interesting.  Did you know it was going to be someone's house until they went flat broke because of construction costs/issues?
    I wish something I really wanted to see would be booked here.  We had a band in the auditorium for the Christmas party and the venue was pretty sweet.

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    So I've not seen a concert here but as a wedding venue, this place is gangbusters! When you drive up, they valet your car. First indication you'll have a great night. Then you walk through these huge wooden doors and there was a fabulous light-strung tent. The wedding ceremony was simple and gorgeous and then we all adjourned inside for cocktail hour. Then they set up the tent with tables underneath and we ate dinner there and THEN we went upstairs and danced our butts off to this sweet band.

    So, Im gonna guess not all weddings are done exactly like this but having three separate areas for things is genius. It allows for enough movement, enough bars and definitely enough bathrooms. The setting itself is gorgeous and the small concert space upstairs was just perfect for size of the wedding. The dance floor was always crowded but not so much that granny Lou took a spill.

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    I have seen about 20 concerts at OWT over the past 6 years or so.  It is a great place to see a show because the setting is intimate, the acoustics are great and the quality of performer is usually very high.  

    That said, for the price of admission, I cannot believe they have that same dirty and rocky parking lot.   We saw a show last week and I swear someone is going to break a bone from falling in that lot.   Many times you will wear nice clothes and be subject to dirt and dust everywhere before you get in.  My wife wears high-heels and it is downright dangerous.  At usually $65/ticket and more it seems like they should have fixed this years ago.  Oh, and if it rains, forget it!  You never want to park your car there.  They really need to fix this.

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    I had a good time here.  Everyone is really nice and helpful.  I can't believe I actually had no bad experience at a place like this. It was far from me but it was worth the drive.  Ok, I'll say it again because I had such a good experience.  Even the guy on the lot was nice to me.  Very impressive.  Parking is on a rock road but safe.  There is plenty of parking.  You don't have to pay or any of that.  There is a one-way road but you can circle back around to get out.  I think there is plenty of room.  You go up the stairs depending on where you actually park but you go up the stairs to the music room anyway.  The room is spacious and has a convenient bathroom in the back.    Back to the meeting room.  It is so huge and nice.  They have these tables that you can stand at.  I wish more places had tables like these.  I just want to stand sometimes but at a table.  What a concept.  So the will-call and the desk check in are in the same room.  It has a cute little bar. No waiting time at all. It's all so cute.  They have this huge gallery of just a great view outside.  It's especially nice at night.  It was so beautiful.  Well, I want to go back but don't want to ruin this experience.  If you know what I mean.

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    Drove all the way from Houston to Austin for a concert in this theatre. The artist I went to see is known for playing in small intimate venues but I wasnt prepared for this place.  I have to say it's the smallest I've been to but at the same time was a nice experience.  Building itself is beautiful, I read reviews before visiting and kept reading there wasnt a bad seat in the house....and they were right!  I had 2nd row seats but it seems no matter where you sat you got a nice view. May consider attending another concert there in the future.

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    This is a review of OWT as an events (wedding) venue, not a music venue.

    I agree with a previous reviewer that the day-of was a 5-star experience but that the planning was weird. I booked the venue in May 2010, wedding in April 2011. I also had the joy of the coordinator changing without notice though thankfully my wedding was still far off when the change happened.

    In my opinion, the venue is a little pricey for what it is. On the other hand, there are definitely pricier places so I probably shouldn't complain. However, I do wish they accepted credit cards (as far as I know, they only take checks). The coordinator (the new/current one), Cristin, definitely did a great job on the day-of and really went above and beyond to make sure everything was perfect. My only negative comment is that my bridesmaids (especially my maid of honor) complained afterward that Cristin was kind of abrupt with them that day. However, I personally have no complaints; she was great whenever she was with me. Overall, everything was lovely, and I really had a wonderful wedding day.

    Note: This is a repeat review. I also left one on <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fweddingwire.com&s=b0a5b5b28cc3168a49eaa6b2fd5afc5fb7d44c91d8826f76b90908ae26f1c343" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://weddingwire.com</a>.

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    This is not just a venue to see quality music, it is THE venue to see quality music.  There is not a bad seat in the house and the sound is always perfect.  The mix of music that is booked there is good even if I am not a fan of the majority of it.  But the stuff that they get that I like is a bit mind-numbing:  Al Dimeola, Billy Cobham, John McLaughlin, Colin Hay, Paco de Lucia (2012!).

    I don't even blink at the higher than average ticket prices.  This place is great and is always worth the price.  The staff is always friendly.

    If I was to have one complaint about the place, it would be the comfortableness of the chairs on the floor seating areas.  I would like to see an upgrade one of these days.  

    The layout is nice, too.  It's gorgeous inside and out.  I like that it is a "smaller" venue as well.  Makes it much more up close and personal.

    I look forward to seeing what else they have in store for later this year and into 2012.

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    I can understand some of the frustrations mentioned by other reviewers. The parking lot is indeed a chore, particularly after/during a rain. While the small number of bathrooms has never been a problem for me, I can see where it might on occasion. But I want to focus on One World as a concert venue and, on that account, I like it a lot. Their eclectic bookings have allowed me to see some of my favorite artists which I thought would NEVER come to Austin: Basia, Stephen Bishop, Bobby Caldwell, etc. The sound has always been great and the intimacy of the theater is well worth the increased ticket prices. So many great shows I've seen there, including Manhattan Transfer, Take 6, Jerry Jeff Walker, Blood Sweat & Tears. As long as they keep bringing great artists in a conducive setting, I'll be a repeat customer.

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    Incredible acoustics, but a bit pretentious environment and staff for $80/ticket.  I'd rather spend 1/2 that in a more relaxed atmosphere and be allowed to take photos (and have done so).  Parking/restroom accommodations are quite lacking.  Good experience but probably won't visit again - definitely not for a concert.

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    the fact that there are so many 2 star reviews on here simply flabergasts me.
    "Dirt parking lot" issues?! Why yes, i believe they are part of the anti-pavement community! It is a natural venue located on the side of a beautiful rolling hill; the idea someone would want to ruin it with a bunch of concrete buffudles me.
    I have seen multiple shows here, and they have all been OTHERWORLDLY. Especially the Buddhist Monks of the Drepung Monastery. This was simply an experience that has not been parralelled for me since my days of "experimenting" back in college!
    the facility itself is breathtaking; the venue cozy and personal...there is not a bad seat in the house.
    So, for weddings and such functions; I have no experience. But if you are wanting to see a transformative show (and you can pretty much only see these types of acts either here or bass Concert Hall), you cannot do better than One World Theatre.

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    This is a really difficult review to write, mostly because no one else will have our experience. When it came to the day-of, I'd give OWT 5 stars, since everything went perfectly ... for the months in the planning stages however, I'd give this place a 2 (thus, the overall 3 stars).

    We booked this venue in August 2009 for a wedding in Oct. 2010. The 14 months in between were ... frustrating. Like Leigh, I was also planning my wedding when the events manager was fired for being terrible at her job (wish i was joking). This was in the summer (June or July 2010) ... and was told by staff that during her firing, the old events manager managed to take or delete all of the information for all the weddings from that summer to as far as 2012.  So all of information I had told the venue from 8/09-7/10 was gone. My planner and I had 3 months to figure it all out again (um, yikes!)

    They have hired more people to take over events, but the fact that either my planner or I have told 4-5 "people in charge" in this process specific details over and over and over again makes it clear this venue is unorganized. Also, because my contract was using the previous format, there were some communication issues into who was ordering what.

    So brides-to-be, I cant really say how your experience will be since you'll be dealing with completely different people and policies. From my experience, the new staff is doing a fantastic job, and hopefully with this changeover will come a better process.

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    The facility is not even ADA-friendly. Each entrance to the house is by a stairs. The stairs are "custom", so the lift and depth are non-standard. The railing on the covered stairs is in great need of repair for safety. The other stairs are uncovered.

    The A/C is substantially undersized for the space. By the time you wedge 300 humans into the house, the A/C can't catch up.

    There is one men's restroom, one women's restroom, and one unisex restroom. Each has only one "fixture." This means that there will always be a line during intermission...a long line.

    The cash bar should be positioned deep in the large downstairs room so the traffic doesn't block ingress/egress.

    Smoking is allowed on the balcony and should not be. COA requires a No Smoking zone within 15 feet of the entrance. Ordinances notwithstanding, when there are smokers on the balcony and a house door opens, the smoke drafts into the house. Law or no law, allowing smoking on the balcony is poor house management.

    The performance space offers great sight lines and sound production, however, the rest of the facility is on-the-cheap. If the owners would simply bring the facility into code compliance...

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    On Aug 15, I attended an homage to Ella Fitzgerald It's Ella: A Tribute to Ella by Pam Hart and others. The musicians were good, but the vocalists just so, so. There was an old lady that was a disaster and a 16-y-old that was not ready for prime time. My expectations were not very high and I still left disappointed. Sorry...

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    We've seen many artists perform at One World including Spyro Gyra, Tower of Power, Ottmar Liebert (snooze) and others. There's no doubt that the theater itself is a cool and intimate venue. That said the glaring deficiencies of this "world class venue" has given me reason not to return anytime soon.

    Call me a whiner but is it too much to ask that I not have to endure parking in a dusty wilderness terrain after spending $145 for 2 prime tickets? Did the owners run out of money? Are they part of an anti-asphalt movement?  Is this the new "green" parking?  Whatever it is it's totally ridiculous given their self proclaimed "world class" status as a music venue.  

    After you're done hiking in from parking you get to enjoy a leisurely 10 minute plus wait to take a piss. This is the guys can. I'm told by the girls it's worse for the ladies.  A  two holer bathroom for a venue this size? Just a slight design flaw (probably by the same guy that designed the seat numbering layout below).

    But wait.....there's more. After finally being seated by staff last night we were informed  that not only are we in the wrong seats but we're there on the wrong night!  We were placed in seats H3 &4 when we should have been in seats H3&4 ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CENTER AISLE.  We discover there are TWO seats with the same numbers in the theater the only difference being one is L (left) the other R (right). What  MIT grad came up with this seat numbering layout?  Was it a quantum leap in logic to have the seat numbers pick up where they left off once they cross the center aisle to avoid this kind of confusion?? We were then told that our tickets were for the wrong night. Our tickets were printed off their website but upon further investigation they had included BOTH concert dates on the same ticket. Soooooo..after being escorted down to the "box office" and  reseated we had to endure the walk of shame as we re-entered the theater after the performance had started. Guess where we ended up? The seats directly behind where he had been sitting. As you might imagine this solicited giggles from our fellow concert goers.

    My wife then made the mistake of taking a picture of the band at the very end of the show. We were then approached by a One World SS officer who demanded that she witness the deletion of this incredibly top secret and valuable photo of Ottmar Liebert. The perfect ending of a perfect night.  

    Get a life One World and while you're at it get some money to pave your parking lot!!!

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    I have no doubt that this is a great place to catch an eclectic show or an intimate jazz concert , but think twice about selecting this as your wedding venue.

    While the view is stunning and the building layout lends itself to an intimate event,  the treatment we received from the event staff , the hidden costs (3K+ for tulle) and the catering company we were obligated to use really took away from what we originally loved about the venue.

    A few days before my wedding, the event manager was fired. This did not come as much of a surprise, because she was the reason we had begun to question our venue selection - she looked down her nose at us, rarely returned emails or phone calls, when she did - her responses were short and unhelpful. She showed up late or not at all to appointments and the list goes on....  
    Because her dismissal was so abrupt, she had not relayed any updated information to the catering company about our menu alterations and requests. As a result, there was no champagne toast at the cake-cutting, and there was no table service for drinks.
    One World theater requires that you use their catering company: "Word of Mouth".  At the tasting, the food was cold.  I chalked it up to a fluke, and reassured myself that surely, on my wedding day, the food would be hot. I was wrong, the dinner was cold. A few tables were served promptly, and as some guests were finishing their main course...other guests were still awaiting their meal.

    The new event manager is much more personable, down-to-earth and seems efficient and competent. I only wish we could have worked with him during the year leading up to our event.

    Finally, the icing on the cake you could say (the toastless cake) was that the fire alarm went off just as we were beginning our meal.

    These are all small details, you could say...but if you're in the wedding business, you must know that you really only have ONE chance to get that bride's special day right. I have to say that One World and Word of Mouth catering missed the mark for my special day, much to the chagrin of my parents who paid for what the believe to be sub-par, sub-professional service and treatment.

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    One World Theatre just underscores for me why I live in Austin.  Let's face it folks--we just do things cooler here than anywhere else.  This is a gorgeous, intimate venue with an eclectic mix of artists and I have seen a range of performances here from Suzanne Vega to Duncan Sheik and even watched Jose Greco II send chills down my spine dancing flamenco.  

    I just had the good fortune to see Jesse Cook, the amazing flamenco-inspired guitarist, and his phenomenal band here 2 nights ago.  I sat in the 4th row but the set-up allows for good vantage point from anywhere in the house.  As if this performance was not spectacular enough, a very talented artist, Orlando Dias, created an oil painting onstage during the performance, capturing something that inspired him from the performance.  We were able to watch his mastery firsthand and the resulting piece of art was auctioned off with proceeds going to the One World foundation.

    Everything about this venue is unique, parking is easy, if somewhat dusty on occasion, and there is an opportunity for a catered dinner prior to most shows.  They also allow consumption of your favorite beverage during the show.  Jesse Cook is a real master of his craft and  this beautiful venue was the perfect setting to marvel at his talent.

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    Unless you have it on good authority that an event at One World Theater is going to be exactly what is advertised, do not go. Go get married or divorced there - I mean, the scenery is pleasant for coming off a 4 lane road - but don't go unless you're absolutely certain. Because I did not get what I paid (way too much) for, and I exhausted all my make-the-best-of-it tactics almost immediately.

    When the website tells me it's $15 to get in, and Monica O confirms we can pay at the door, and she gets in for $15 and 20 minutes later they take my whole $20 on arrival, that is NOT cool.  The demographic inside (average age: 60) can probably fork over hundreds without flinching, but up until a few years ago I was a grad student. I have yet to develop an "eh, I like you but I don't really particularly need you" relationship with *any* denomination of money. The wormy kid who took my 20 said there was food and a wine tasting inside.

    Once inside I quickly felt maybe acid indigestion at the thought: we've just been swindled. A super-basic swing lesson was going on for a... mature crowd. The wine tasting was over. The food was not included in the price. No one was "spinning" any music, and while the event was advertised at 4 hours, the salsa portion was going to start later, at 7:30. That gave us only 2 possible hours to salsa with what we hoped would be a limber salsa dancing crowd.  But I could not imagine who in the world under 50 would pay $20 to dance salsa when you can get in for $5-$7 anywhere else (Ruta Maya, Speakeasy) for a fantastic band and countless capable potential dance partners.

    And then, the music. Let's be absolutely clear: cumbia is NOT salsa. I don't care who told you it was.  You can feasibly dance salsa to some of the songs, but it is not salsa. The band performing at Wednesday's dance event played an American Rumba, plenty of cumbia, and, in the 1 hour I could tolerate being there, not one salsa. (Boo x infinity) + my dying soul.

    In retrospect, the fact that the event was scheduled to end at 9:30 should have been a REAL tip-off. After a few minutes there, I recognized 9:30 was pushing it for bedtime for the majority of these folks.  We were clearly not the age group they were targeting. When I saw a walker edging into the room (and I have nothing against the elderly), I knew we were over, and better jet. The only mediocre dance partner under 40 was spoken for, and I don't blame her for not giving him up for a song. A 40-something couple started doing what I can only describe as the solitaire crack hustle while the Latin band played. I get more irritated the more I think of the whole thing. In the end, we skidaddled to Ruta Maya, and I had to use an ATM to get us in (because I'd just been SWINDLED).

    I'm trying to think of what you'd have to say to lure me back to One World Theater. I can't think of anything. My brain is too busy screaming RIPOFFRIPOFF (REDRUM style) to see the forest beyond the stole-your-money trees.

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    This review is strictly if you are planning on having an event or wedding here. The setting is beautiful and the facilities are nice, but beware of the service.  Poor communication and unprofessional service are the two adjectives I can use to briefly describe our experience. I will spare you the details. The contracted caterer they use was great and the staff from the catering company was great. Overall, the facility and One World Theatre staff were not worth the money.

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    The building is cool enough. I saw Ambrosia here tonight. They were very good, as if they've lost nothing since 1980.

    ...except perhaps their assertiveness, because how co-owner "Nada" was allowed to guest perform during their best known song, the one the crowd was waiting to hear, is completely beyond me. I've heard this isn't the first time this type of thing has happened.

    "I paid for Ambrosia's ego, not yours honey."

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    This is a silly review to an extent. I've never attended an event here. I've never even ventured inside. However, I blame One World Theater for that. They stood me up. That's right, they stood me up for an appointment to tour the place for a possible wedding venue. They didn't even answer my call as I knocked on the door outside and waited for 15 min. I wanted to like it. I wanted to give it a chance. But alas, my experience was bad and my opinion has been tainted. No apology call and no e-mail added fuel to the fire.

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    Great, great location for music - small and comfy, this is one of those places that typifies why Austin is 'weird.' You would not find an intimate theater like this in most places - it has only 300 seats; there is not a bad one in the house. The last concert I attended here was South African jazz great, Hugh Masekela. It was a perfect night. The only downside with OWT might be that due to its small size, they charge a higher ticket price than most venues in town. However, I think the additional charge is definitely worth it. Four stars for sure.

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    There are always gonna be the kids that wanna rock. This is unlikely to be the place where kids wanna do the rocking. But that is totally ok; not everything that is a grand rocking experience has to be arena-sized or make you feel like maybe the Sex Pistols went berserk in the place. Maybe in this case the place swings, or glides or tangos or gently takes hold of the nape of your neck before it dips you, and you notice the seam of the fishnets of the woman you just met where they enter the back of her character shoes and wonder

    ok that's enough of that. What am I, writing a freaking brochure for the place. The point is, this place is classy, cozy, and pricey, but not overdone.  I'm pret-ty sure Wendy O Williams would have [expletive] hated this place. But as a guy that does appreciate some of the finer things in life, I gotta say, I love One World. One World is beautifully designed; as Colby says, he got married here, the view outside is really nice (hilly austin in bee cave west of 360), the place is all stone and concrete exterior and looks like it ought to be used for wine-magazine-review photo shoots.

    Here: I have seen Kelly Willis kick-ass whilst mega-preggers, saw some folks from ABT (American Ballet Theatre), witnessed Camerata Tango (starring Paz Lenchantin-formerly-of-A-Perfect-Circle's-mom and people from Cirque du Soleil), had a few dance lessons, and also shot a record cover. I like that the vibe is still of a place in Austin that is kind of exotic, and while the price is kinda high for some shows , I don't mind paying 40+ bucks if I'm gonna get that kinda cash together to see something I like in an intimate, well-lit, decently acoustic setting.

    If Trent got his stuff really well-arranged and toured something like this, <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DLCA4dh9Bssc&s=369988ff5bf25009d06cdc8968d7ac5c06cec6a38377a5988fbb1a0bdff24952" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/w…</a> , I'd probably go check that out, there, too. : )  Until then, i must stick to the arena for the big rock.  But if you want to see stars in a classy, cozy environment, you now know where to go.

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    I have seen many shows here and love this place. Small intimate setting.   Does not get better than this! If you like your shows crowded and in big venues with lots of fan fair then this is not your cup of tea.  I really like a place where long lens binoculars are not necessary.

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    Heheh, once I get over laughing at Colby's review, I can add my two cents about the One World.

    I saw Herbie Mann, the jazz flautist, here with my dad a few years ago, before Mann passed away with cancer. My dad was always a huge fan, and we both had played flute, so it was a treat to be able to experience that show together. We were up front and the sound and intimacy of the venue were incredible. The landscaping and surroundings are impressive too, and I think they served wine, which makes everything better.

    It definitely has this middle-age vibe about it... but it's an impressive venue for the right show.

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    I got married here.

    Don't let that ruin it for you.

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