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    Need to know before going:

    1) Get here NLT 10:30. I recommend 10. It might be dead for 30 minutes, but you DO NOT want to be stuck on the largest line on earth. The line sometimes is long for no reason. I've been in there where it has been empty on the inside and a huge line outside.

    2) DO NOT wear sandals, you will not get in. This is the stupidest rule there is. It was based on someone falling down a step who sued. They easily could have been wearing high heals or other form of shoe. This is the only bar at the jersey shore that does not allow sandals.

    3) This is by far the most expensive bar in the area (perhaps all of Ocean and Monmouth County). I am a local and grew up a mile away. I have never been to a bar that is more expensive in this area (including Jenks, DJAIS, even some of the trendier places in to Long Branch (Avenue) or Red Bank). $9.50 for a shot of fireball.... it is not even a high end shot. I wonder what a shot of Patron costs. Beers around $5-8 depending. Prices are unacceptable and just weird for the area. The bar tenders should tell you the cost before pouring. In addition there is a $10 cover and CASH ONLY. In this day and age there is only 1 reason why a bar does that, I'll let you figure it out. A bar would clearly make the 2-3% back with accepting credit cards. People are more likely to spend more $$ if credit cards are accepted than hitting up the ATM for their $9.50 shots.

    4) Other than the above negatives, the place is cool. Usually a decent band. Pretty much the same cover bands that would play at Jenks, or Bar A. They have a dance/quido side of the bar as well if you want to get your fist pump on. I like the lay out. Even on the crowded days, you can find a spot to chill. It doesn't get too jammed packed. It is a shame they try and bleed customers dry with excessive prices. This would be my go to spot.

    5) Off to the side when you walk in there is $7 dollar 24oz cans of beer. Even though I feel like I am at a baseball game drinking them I stick to those for economical purposes!

    6) The bathrooms need to be cleaned. Please use some of the $10 cover money to get a bathroom attendant. The bathrooms are always disgusting.

    7) The crowd is generally Hoboken yuppies, Guido's, and a couple locals mixed in.

    8) The bouncers and cops (who look like they are dressed in SWAT gear) are little aggressive. I would just stay out of their way and not make a scene or your night will not end well.

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    ZERO STARS - I'm sorry to say that any person in their right mind should avoid this venue. I took my sister here for her bachelorette party and spent over a hundred bucks and planned on buying many more drinks - for some reason, things went sour when one of the bridesmaids asked for water. The bartender - Bonnie - suddenly snapped at this request and verbally attacked me, complaining that I had only left a 2 dollar tip so far... I was going to give her a 100 dollar tip at the end of the night!! I was totally shocked and offended that she thought I was NOT going to tip her, and immediately walked out the door due to her lash out. She responded by signaling for the ENTIRE PARTY to be kicked out, and completely lied about the situation. Shortly later I returned asking to inform the manager of the issue. The security was immediately very rude for no reason. I patiently waited outside to speak to managers, and for some reason security started threatening me and instigating for cops to threaten to ARREST ME! When I finally was pointed in the direction of the 2 managers - by regular customers looking to be helpful - they were shockingly incredibly rude for NO REASON. They did not apologize or offer resolution whatsoever before walking off. The cops responsible for moving along the drunk customers began harassing me - threatening arrest for NO REASON and accusing me of things I did not do. Furthermore, I was outside the venue and a security guard forcefully shoved me. They have every right to move along the crowd, but I was NOT inside the venue or in front of the doors - it was complete harassment by extremely rude men against a 115 pd woman for NO REASON. What should have been a simple provision of feedback that should very realistically be considered, turned out to be verbal attacks, threats, and physical harassment. They were literally creating lies of what went down and instigating my arrest (which did not happen, empty threats) while totally oblivious to even the slightest notion of nightclub courtesy. A security guard was threatening to kill us all!! I did not feel safe but was standing up for myself. I was not part of the intoxicated crowd on the street, and he had no reason to threaten my life.  The cops were very strange, some were neutral and even kind and others were joining in on threats and cursing at me, because the staff at OSPREY instigated such treatment. Are you kidding? All because this bartender Bonnie was really cranky and ASSUMED I wasn't going to tip her. I have never been so appalled by a nightclub in my life, and my party of 7 including locals were equally shocked and appalled. STRANGEST WORST NIGHTCLUB EXPERIENCE EVER. I honestly I did not mean to cause trouble and have no clue why this club is so abusive. Much more feedback to be reported - But I see this venue does not have much of a following anyway so this is as much detail as I'll go into on facebook and yelp... Get your venue together or shut down... Venues are meant for entertainment, not brutally disrespecting people.

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    The Osprey is a fun place if you're ready to dance.  
    When I first arrived at Osprey at around 10:30/11PM there was a line out the door.  We waited for about 15 minutes before getting inside.  However, my friend who came later in the night had to wait for over 30-40 minutes.  
    There are two rooms at the Osprey-one with a DJ and another with a live cover band.  I though that the cover band played great music and made for a really fun atmosphere.  The dance floor with the DJ was a little too "Jersey Shore" for me.  The music in that room wasn't anything special.  
    I liked that it was a big place.  If you need a break from the crowds on the dance floor there seemed to be plenty of open space off to the sides.  
    The drinks were too expensive!  $6 for a Bud Lights and $10 for mixed drinks in small cups?  No thank you.  Also, there was a $10 cover to get in.  I guess these $10 covers are pretty basic at the Jersey Shore, but it still hurts.

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    Does what it sets out to do. Techno/Dance on one side, and band room in the other. Huge, get's crowded but not ridiculously so, because the bouncers actually do their job. Sometimes they're a bit rough when throwing people out, but I'd almost rather that be the case than the opposite, which is Leggetts which is so crowded it should be declared a fire hazard.

    I have to admit, it's a guilty pleasure to come here. I like the young crowd, and it's a bit goofy. I can forgive them the 10 dollar cover, and expensive-yet-small drinks. The way around that is to get the big beers in the front when you first walk in.

    Try to check out both rooms. The band room fills up first, then the "boom-boom" room gets interesting after 11.

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    best place ever! never a bad night here!

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    apparently there is something appealing about this place, however i cannot figure out that appeal. $10 cover for unknown bands, wet soggy floors and wasted drunk, falling on the floor patrons
    P.S.  they hand pick who they let in with flipflops on, rude rude rude...

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    Ugh. Meathead, Jersey shore d-bag central.

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    In High School, I struggled with multiple dichotamies

    Half Musician, Half Athelete
    Half Good Student, Half pothead
    Half live in CT, Half in NY
    Half Polish, Half Italian
    Size 14 Feet, unproportionately small other things
    Half Jim Henson, Half the Six Flags old Geezer
    Half snap bracelet, half slammer (actually about 70% slammer)
    Half Cody from Step by Step, Half Robbie from Dinosaurs..... we can stop there you get it

    This place is half white, half guido..... I Mean we can take Jonah and Vinny... Antoinette and Madison..... and we can drink specialty beers along with Jägermeister....

    Osprey is a place where Abercrombie and bang Armani's little sister

    I love this place- but like Dinosaurs tv show- this place succombs to global cooling in September

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    The Osprey is a venerable Shore institution and landmark. I've been going here for years and it used to be a weekly destination back in the day before we all got so rresponsible that we don't go out drinking 3 or 4 nights a week. We used to have a "rotation" of places that included the Osprey, the Stone Pony in Asbury, and any number of places in Seaside.

    The Osprey gets EXTREMELY crowded during the summer. There were times before the "no smoking ban" went into effect that you would regularly see people "blazing up" and passing around funny cigarettes right in the bar. Of course in those days the smell of smoke on your jeans would be just about enough to make you hurl on the typical "morning after", and not being a smoker I was glad when they banned smoking in bars and restaurants. Another drawback to the crowded conditions is that some guys, who probably couldn't get a date without paying for it, found it an excuse or opportunity to grab the asses of any females unlucky enough to have to walk past them. I have been told this by just about every woman that I know that has gone there. It's also very difficult to get to the bar on nights like that. But none of that stopped us from going here pretty much every week at least once as they do have excellent bands and it is right across the street from the beach.

    In fact on one occasion I used the Osprey to escape from the clutches of the local cops. They were cracking down on beach badge scofflaws, like myself, we always bought Season passes to Belmar and so were loathe to spend what would otherwise be beer funds on a beach badge. So this cop tells me I have to come with him when I couldn't present a badge. I told him my ne'er do well buddy had taken my wallet and my badge and gone to the Osprey and told him I'd go get it and bring it back to him. Being a summer auxiliary cop he said fine let's go and actually walked with me over across the street to the Osprey. He said he'd wait outside for me so I walked right through and slipped out the back door and back to the beach to get my stuff and skedaddle as we were leaving soon anyway. As we headed to the car I saw him still standing by the front door kind of peering inside. This "great escape" of mine was witnessed by our whole crew and is now the stuff of legends.

    Another time a group of about twenty of us were really pounding down some mid afternoon cocktails when a most hated gym teacher from our high school came in wearing real dark sunglasses that he left on in an attempt to hide his identity. Insults of every variety were hurled at him until he left in a mad rush to the door! I could go on with more memories but you get the picture. To sum up: The Osprey is one of THE quintessential Jersey Shore bars and is now historical in my estimation.

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    The Osprey is a Jersey Shore classic bar and music venue.

    Get ready for an hour and a half line at the door, North Jersey punks fist pumping to the top 40 remixes and weak drinks you wish you didn't order because you have a full fridge of booze back at so and so summer share.

    Leave it to the man behind the counter at 7-11 at 6am to tell you look pretty this morning, or did he really say pretty awful this morning???!

    Damn SQUAN!!!

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