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    This is one of the 12-15 bars that are within a 3 block radius of each other here (I'm not kidding). And like almost all bars in this area, it has a pool table, some flat screen TVs, sports stuff, video games about hunting (this bar has "Big Buck Hunter Pro"), very young female bartender(s), and is dead on Tuesday nights. (The local University must provide enough weekend business for them to operate at a loss 4 days of the week?). When I came in around 10pm there was just the Bartender and a Regular.

    This place was my last stop on my little bar hopping tour of "The Square" in Stevens Point, not only because I was pretty drunk by now, but also because Ken was HIGHLY entertaining.  Here's a condensed, yet accurate, version of our chat:

    Me: So, what do you do when you're not in this place?
    Regular: Fight!
    Me: Wow...  Really?
    Regular: I hurt people like you wanna hurt your son.
    Me: Hmm.
    Regular: Knock me down how many times?  Ha!  C'mon, cut me harder!
    Me: Yeah, exactly.
    Regular: I'm the bad guy who fights bad guys.

    The Regular & I bought each other drinks and he told me cool stuff like that for about an hour. When it was time to call a cab, I asked the Bartender for the address of the bar.  She looks up, then back to me, squints and says "I should know that, huh?"


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