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    I went to "The Pancake House" for a late breakfast, early lunch this morning.  I wanted their biggest selling item, so I asked the Mexican waiter what it was.  He didn't understand.  
    "What breakfast item do you sell the most often?" I then asked.  
    "All of them," was his reply.
    "No. No.  What do you sell the most of?"  
    Again, "All of them," was his reply.
    I could see I was getting no where fast, so I ordered coffee and the "Farmer's Special" which the menu said had 2 eggs, 2 sausages, 2 slices of famous French toast and 2 slices of bacon, for $7.  
    "What's "famous" about your French Toast?" I inquired.
    "Oh yeah, it's famous." he said as he walked away.
    My cup of coffee came, it was average, better than Erika's which I had earlier.
    My breakfast/lunch came, it was beautiful.  Eggs basted perfectly!  (Which is unusual in Central Indiana.)  I got two sausages that looked like small bratwurst (never saw such a thing for breakfast.  They were warm, at best, and tasteless.  The bacon was like "unseasoned," it wasn't smoked, or maple or anything.  The famous French Toast was just French Toast.  I wasn't given any utensils nor a napkin with my meal, and I was nearly finished with it before my waiter came by and asked how things were.  (I told him about the slightly warm sausages.)
    As I looked around, and saw staff come and go from the kitchen, I realized it is a "Mexican" restaurant -- everyone working there was Mexican.  Nothing wrong with that, we need another good Mexican restaurant in Westfield!  So, why don't they stop with the mediocre American breakfast and do excellent Mexican food?
    My suggestion is BACK to MARLOW'S for a good, all American breakfast.
    BTW this breakfast was $9.27 (a bit pricy for breakfast.)

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