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    In a moment of desperation during rush hour, my friends and I decided to stop by here to eat something before I dropped them off for their flight at midway.

    It's a typical chain Tex-Mex style decor as well as menu.  They don't really specialize in anything but rather offer a plethora of options.

    We got the Carne Asada, Steak Fajitas, and Shrimp al mojo de ajo.  All the food tasted pretty good.  It's not anything surprisingly good, but like most Texmex you have a certain expectation of how it's going to taste and this place doesn't disappoint.

    The price is cheap, but they do give you huge portions.

    Overall, I knew how this place was going to taste and they did an average job on the food.  Service was slightly above average.

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