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    I've never had a bad, or even relatively mediocre, drink here. Of course, I can only afford one per trip, but they're stiff and will keep you satisfied for most of the night.

    The Hush Hush music series is well worth the $5 cover charge, with a well varied roster (extremely tough to come by in New Hampshire) and an atmosphere that focuses all of its attention to the bands playing. They will literally "hush" you if you're talking too loud during the music, which some people are offended by, but some of us are here to see the bands, and it's impossible to go to a show anywhere else without at least one idiot shouting drunken nonsense at people or trying to start fights.

    The cramped interior, low lights, nondescript (nearly "secret") front entrance, and polite staff and clientele are what make this place "totally my kinda thing."

    The steep drink prices would be the only thing keeping this from a 5-star review, but everything else is so spectacular I feel no need to split hairs. I hope they stay in business for a long time.

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    I DJed here recently so maybe I'm biased, but I think this place is rad. It's a small room with a really good sound system and on weekends they have real DJs playing house music. I can't imagine there's another spot like this in the area. The staff is awesome and they have good drinks. Can't go wrong.

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    A nondescript Red Door is the entrance into this dance club.
    Even paid a $5 cover to get in on a cold and rainy Wednesday nite...really?..

    All I can say is that its not much of a club. Its a tiny club about 900sq feet , the dance floor is smaller than my patio and the bar is smaller than 2 two by fours put together.  Trust me when I say this.... this whole place is the size of a two car garage..

    The music is decent, the crowd is upper 20ish. I think it gets packed much later, around 11 or 12 maybe.

    I guess if you like standing shoulder to shoulder in a club and just inching your way to the bar, you may enjoy this place... For me.. I felt like a sardine and I just needed to get out of there..

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    This is one of my all time favorite places to visit when I lived in Portsmouth and when I come back to visit. It's a great place hidden from the tourists and yuppies that have increased in the years.  

    Chill house music fills the small, yet semi upscale place filled with professionals of all ages looking to savor a nice martini or cocktail.  If you can appreciate the upscale cocktails and creations of mixologists you find in bigger cities, you'll like this place.

    This place is also a great place to take a date early in the night or weekend for it's intimate and classy feel.

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    Sketchy place. Reminds me of a back alley invite only kind of club.

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    Maybe I came in on an odd night, or maybe this place is just a weird place. It was pretty crowded in there for a tuesday night, decent live music, and the drinks were good. But, I found the mixture of 20-30 year olds with an abundance of 60-70 year olds a bit strange.

    The couches are comfortable but set up in a movie theatre like rows and are completely random. the sound level for the music was perfect, so props to the friendly sound man.

    If you like mojitos I had an delicious one here. But if you have a few drinks be careful not to fall on your face as you head out on the wobbly uneven stairs.

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    OK.  I love a business that pays attention and takes constructive feedback!  The folks are looking into the volume during early hours.  That's 5 star all the way.  Pour me a Dubai, I'm on the way over....

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    As I sat on a plush couch in a candlelit room with my Jack and diet, I scanned the room and laughed to myself. Where the hell am I? How does every single hipster in New Hampshire know to come to an unmarked martini bar on a Monday night?

    5 stars because I got to watch a guy in a three piece suit drink a cosmo.

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    The Red Door is both at the same time awesome/hip and tragically ridiculous.

    I love the underground feel of the spot; very exclusive and chic, with inviting plush chairs and grown up martinis. The music doesn't totally inhibit conversation, a rare benefit at a place that features dancing.

    Place can get remarkably wierd in a hurry, though. I've been here a half dozen times, and every single visit, something goes down. I'll keep it PG-13, but suffice it to say.....an ecclectic crowd comes here.

    This would likely be a favorite spot if I enjoyed house music; as it stands, it's fun, sexy, and great for a cocktail. Make sure you're on your toes for the adventures, though.

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    Wait . . . this isn't a sex club?  It seemed like it the Saturday night I went . . . I'll have to give it another try on a not so steamy night.

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    Ah, the Red Door.

    This is to me, the coolest lounge in all of New Hampshire, let alone Portsmouth. It's one of those places you can't really find unless you know what to look for. This place doesn't need to advertise with a cheesy SIGN. There is a Red Door... what else do you want!

    So easy to walk by and not notice, just like you may not notice a magnificent warbler in a branch singing his heart out and dismiss it as background noise.

    Now, if you spot the Red Door... walk up the creaky, narrow staircase. Upstairs... wow.  What is this place? Someone's cool studio apartment that they turned into a lounge, or a cool Lounge that reminds you of a studio apartment? When its crowded its fun, but even when its a little empty its sleek, chic, and fun.

    The bar is a ridiculously small window in the wall, I think it was the studio's kitchen. They make yummy yummy martinis behind this hole in the wall, and they are not costly (by Boston stds)! The toasted coconut martini is by far the most delicious cocktail in Portsmouth, the runner up: the espresso martini! Oh and there are many more. Now, go and drink and revel in the trendy obscurity of this awesome Portsmouth martini lounge!!!!

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    It is definitely a red door and i almost passed it.  The atmosphere inside is really great and cozy, just one floor, it felt small right when I entered but it didn't seem to bother me much, the set up makes up for it.  the dj was spinning some pretty good sounds. the martinis were delicious and there is a long list of them to try, i mostly liked the japan sunflower (i think thats what its called). this was definitely a great discovery for me, and i will go back!
    as for cover we didn't really pay for cover, we arrived there before ten so maybe thats why.

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    I didn't know they had places like this in Portsmouth.  I went with some friends on a Wednesday night.  It was seriously like a rad house party.  I had several espresso martinis, which were dangerously good, and only $5 a pop.  The music was cheesy techno, but really fun.  Definitely a great night.

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    Nothing but a red door to guide you to a steep staircase and a cozy, low space at the top.  

    Pricey martinis and cheap PBR.  No beer on draft loses a point, as the bottles were on the steep side.  

    Great little venue to catch a show in.  Probably not their usual music the other night (old-timey punk hoe-down), but it was fun to stomp so hard that apparently plaster started raining into the burrito joint downstairs.  

    I'd come here again to catch a show, or just hang out if I lived in town.

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    I really like this bar, it feels like a "hidden" Bar, from the unassuming entry door to the long steep stair case. Once upstairs in the bar area, it is very "lounge like" and I like that a lot. Its dark, good house music, great atmosphere and great drinks.  So far I have only been here once (Just moved here from San Diego) I will definitely be going back soon.

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    Sweet find, and nice break from the more typical beer gardens found around Portsmouth (ie - if you're looking for Bud Light and AC/DC, this is not the place).  I went last Sat night with a friend, DJ was playing pretty cool mix of uptempo lounge and house, didn't really get "going" until 11.30p or so.  Worked it out on the floor for a good 45 minutes with some local cutie.  Very chill night all the way around.

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    Well worth the money for the drinks, the Red Door is one of my favorite places when I want to listen to music and relax.  I lucked out not too long ago and caught Phantogram here the night before Eyelid Movies was released, and they've quickly stolen my heart.  Such a great place to find a new band.  The drinks are expensive, but like I said - worth it.  The dubai was my introduction some time ago, and I've branched out into new waters since then, always pleased with what I find.  Downside? Space.  There isn't much of it, and it can become difficult to traverse the room. But whatever, it's not the worst thing.

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    A tiny place, but fun when full, which doesn't take long. It feels like a house party. No food here. Just booze and music.

    I love the seating arrangements, with clusters of squishy couches and foot stools strewn around the place. Lots of little tables and tea light candles lit everywhere. I think the fresh rosepetals scattered all over the place and mood lighting won me over. I am a sucker for romantic mumbo jumbo.

    So our friend was playing an acoustic set that night and he definately owned that room as only he can. (JRG, always a great show) :)
    I have never been here when the DJ is in control, but I hear it's mostly techno. The Bar is tiny and it was not easy to slither through to get the attention of the bartender once the night was rock'in.
    Luckily I am a lightweight and had only two anyway. Known for great martinis. I saw many, but had beer myself. No drafts available here.

    I loved the atmoshere. The staff was friendly. Live music is my fav, so I will return for more of that. Fun people. Cool vibe.

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    I hate to rate a place poorly based on their clientel, and especially with not going there on a normal night...but I needed about 20 more drinks to have a great night on New Years.
    The service was really awesome though, and I do like hidden, unique places (even though I kind of felt like I was crashing someone's studio apt party).  
    I would like to check it out when it is a normal business night - I bet the place has a cool vibe.
    Minus points for the drunk guy who kept stealing my drinks every time I put them on the table.

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    OK, bottom line: Chai-tini good, waiting bad.

    You know how cocktails go in trendy little waves. Well, when is the Chai-based cocktail gonna sweep through town (where "town" is the greater Boston area and other U.S. cities)? The Red Door's got it down. We don't have nearly enough caffeinated alcoholic  beverages. And let's face it. The herby beverage has had its day. Now, give Chai and Vodka a chance!!

    Others have disparaged the Red Door for its taste in music. I'm actually a fan of that "techno stuff", that "Eurotrash techno" (read: triphop, read: Portishead, Tricky, Massive Attack, Hooverphonic), so color me chilled to lounge to their sound. Apparently it's not for everyone, but go in with taste for it and pillows and relaxing or just with an open mind if you can.

    But in truth, I can't go traipsing out to the Red Door every day, and if I lived next door to it, I probably wouldn't anyway, b/c their bartenders have this weird, laissez-faire attitude towards a long line of too-sober, anxious people who can't bring their own stuff that is just unbecoming in someone behind the counter and ends up super-stressing me out. So even though the cocktails and atmosphere are nice, the same could be simulated in my living room with a greater availability of treats and liberty. Or at lots of other bars/lounges with more efficiency and less dependence on your being some hulking guy that the bartender fancies.

    Is this hypocritical? That lounging should be reserved for guests and that bartenders should get a move on? If so, I'm fine with that. And so far, the Red Door isn't.

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    This is a pretty decent martini bar.  Great espresso martinis!
    You have to know you're looking for it though...no sign, literally just a red door.  Music is pretty lame (it's all that electronica house stuff, I personally prefer rock, but it doen't really matter).  You come here to sit on couches and sip martinis with your posh friends.

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    A small but well-atmosphered lounge... in a small NH town.

    It IS portsmouth -- but it is also portsmouth in 2008, which means you pay $8 for a *good* martini and $6 for a *big* shot of whiskey. but the boston-y prices mean a boston-y bar, which is to say the music is fine (and sometimes live), and there's an actual real life preponderance of people you'd like to go home with. in fact, i'd take the red door over many, many bars i've been to in boston, new york or SF. i spent about the same, anyway.

    but it's portsmouth, and you're staying with your parents (and you have a girlfriend that you love, hi baby) and so you don't go home with anyone. but in theory you could, and that's nice.

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    I'm a pretty big fan of the Red Door.  Their drink list is extensive and everything I've tried is delicious.  The bartender pours with a strong hand, and the heavy glassware reminds me that I'm not just in the next door pub anymore.   It's in a cutesy little building, marked only by its red door.  You walk up the steep stairs and enter a modern-looking room.  Sometimes they have live bands, which play loud so don't go on those nights if you're looking to have a conversation.  Otherwise they play great music, like Portishead.  Where else can you find that?  It's a great bar with a great mix of really great people - no meathead frat boys around.  And if you go alone, you can usually find someone to lounge with on the comfortable seats and engage in good conversation.  I'd recommend it.

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    Reminder: You're in Portsmouth.

    It's been rumored that The Red Door is "A Swinger's Bar", and somehow I kind of believe it. I get that similar feeling as I do at The Landing in Marblehead that everyone here already knows eachother inside and out (if you know what I mean) winx*

    If you don't know where or what you're looking for, chances are you'll walk right by this place. You climb the stairs, mount your coat on the rack atop about 80 other coats that you'll have to file through, and make your way to the bar. The martini list is expansive and I sampled both the espresso and the white chocolate, both definitely earned their names and were worth the $12 or so.

    There was a DJ and a couple people dancing, along with some guy who must have stumbled here on accident and was shaking up beer to spray all over himself. Like what? The lighting is dim, the space is small and intimate, the floor is hardwoord and the music is typically house or some sort of eurotrash techo, nothing really amazing to take notice of, but for Portsmouth, it's not a bad scene if you're looking to avoid UNH'ers.

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    This place was pretty good. There was a wait outside on a Saturday evening to get in. We had to wait for people to leave then were able to go up15 minutes later. Its very small but the decor and setup are cool. I liked the deep colors and leather couches. The crowd was mostly young professionals in their 20's. I tried the signature pineapple martini which was sweet but good. The music was top 40/ club stuff and the small dance floor had a few people jamming.

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    By far the best nightlife place I've been to. There is no sign outside, no advertisement pointing the way. The only way you'll know this is a club is if you're in the know; thus, it seems the clientle trends towards the classy and very trendy. Dim lights and candles line the walls, creating the effect of a studio two-level apartment. One enters on a slightly elevated level with mostly floor space; take one step down and there are more couches, end tables, and the bar. Velvet couches and chairs quickly fill up with an equal mix of girls and boys, and though there was very minimal dancing, people were still having a great time in huddled conversations and flirtatious contact. They have a good martini list, though by no means extensive, and play a mix of house music with some techno and pop remixes. The whole atmosphere, limited accessibility, and obvious popularity made this a place I'm definitely planning on returning to.

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    The Red Door has wonderful martinis!  Usually on Friday and Saturday night they have house music.  It appeals to the chic crowd.  The lounge consists of a long room with modern furniture, candlelight, and very dim lights.  Usually there is not much dancing at the Red Room, but it s a great for getting some unique martinis with the girls.

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