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    Friendly staff, pretty good food (for a bar), and (usually) good service (the place can fill up awfully fast, so service can - expected lay - slow down significantly as a result). Generally a good environment, though it seems to have a sketchy reputation due to some incidents that have taken place over the years. Having seen a couple if things "start" at the bar, I could perhaps understand, but as often as I've seen this (granted, not very), the staff has handled situations quite well and quite quickly, often before anything happens. One of the best spots in the area for karaoke, too!

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    We walked in.... we left.  This place apparently allows smoking- it absolutely reeked inside so we went to the patio area and everyone there was smoking as well.  It was loud, dirty, and awkward too... really strange people there.  Never again.

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    Sketchy McSketch. Classy individuals are not usually found at the Sail, but it's great for cheap beer, karaoke, and people watching.


    I just read the other review and laughed a bit.

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    Sail Inn... it's sketchy, dirty, has karaoke and cheap beer. I go here with my coworkers and my friends. I sing bad karaoke and do terribly whitegirl versions of rap tunes here.

    There are winners, losers and then there's the Sail Inn.

    It's a great place to people watch, and I'll give them that, for sure.

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