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    hey, i work day shift at shooter alley. TRUST! hottest day shift club in the Atl.!

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    Shooter Alley is the new Clermont. Located in the sketchiest part of Buford Highway, it shares its creepy strip-mall parking lot with an adult theater. The best part is that you will definitely get hit up for money on your way from your car to the club. And the guy that begs for money will look like Gollum and be wearing an Affliction T-Shirt. Guess the world of MMA ain't what it used to be.

    Hot girls and stiff drinks. Open til 3am on Sundays, which is when I like to get my nekkid drink on.

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    i'd say it was ok, the drinks were reasonably priced, the cover was only $10 and a hand full of dancers are pretty good looking

    i had a dancer that came on to me and gave me a free dance, she was wasted and started to lick my neck and face...now it was great until she bit me so hard i had teeth marks on my neck...yea it hurt, but hey cant complain cause it was free lol

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    One of the best Adult Clubs not talked about...Drinks are good Service of the dancers are grade A....Love this place to hide out at

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    Gross!  Huge women!  Everywhere!  Blah!

    Here's the thing about competition...there's the sill Rooster place behind, there's Follies down the street and there's other clubs within a few miles.  Go to those places instead.

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    I'm only giving it 3 stars because I ended up going home with 200 dollars! Lol I probably went home with more than some of those dancers. there was this asian guy in there that thought I was a dancer that was prostituting on the side, so he PAID me to meet me outside in his car, so after I got his money, my friends told security he was harassing me and they held him up until we had enough time to leave. LOL.

    As far as the club goes, you'd be better off going a few exits down to pink pony or something. A lot of mixed races, one or two pretty girls. the waitresses were OLD AS HELL and the drinks were alright. nothing to right home about.

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    Not impressed.

    I've seen better.

    The drinks were pretty good...I mean, how could you go wrong with a rum  & coke right?  The cover was only $10 and the drinks were reasonably priced...the ladies swinging from the poles on the other hand...not so much.

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