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    No, no, no. Me duped!
    Dead scene and  overpriced

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    I went to the Mist on a Saturday and had an ok time.  I live very close to this spot and was not feeling the 15$ fee to park.  Also was not feeling the 15$ to enter b/c I knew nothing about this place.  It's next door to 300, so I jus parked there for free.  I am not telling u this...  I was with a chick that had not been out for yrs and thought I would break her in slowly.  This place was perfect for that.  It is on the small side but it was not terribly crowded so we didn't feel cramped.  So someone was having a bday party there and it was like 15 of them on the small dancefloor, so we let them have that.  We found a spot at the bar, the drinks were strong and pricey for size.  Bartenders had to yell ovr DJ tho...  My gurl wanted to do the 10$ hookah, I agreed on watermelon flavor and it was nice actually.  I don't rly see the purpose in hookahs but that's ok.  Next we wanted to go on patio but that was reserved/VIP out there, don't know if that's the case every night.  This night was def ol skool music.  I mean DJ actually played slide music.  Every now and then he threw in a 2003 song or two but this was def catering to older folks, but who am I to knock them.  I did appreciate the lounge chairs and stools to sit on.  The decor was contemporary which would fool anyone looking at the outside.  This is one of the few places open until 4am in Dunwoody/Chamblee area!  It is more of an after hrs spot, meaning doesn't get poppin till 1am or later.  This place is a LOUNGE ppl, pls remember, not Club Miami type spot.

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    Eek! Methinks not is dead on...I will not be a repeat patron.

    Not sure when this place is supposedly 'jumpin', not that I was even looking for that, but on a Friday night around 12:30, there was virtually noone here. But they trust to charge $20 per person.....really dude? I think this was actually the first time I went to a club/lounge in ATL or the surrounding areas where there were more men than women...hmmm.

    Anywho, after entering the establishment, we decided to try out the hookah and some food. First off, our hookah equipment came with foil wrapped around the coals to "keep them hot"...

    Not that I necessarily care for a "cute" or "stylish" hookah pipes, but c'mon the trays had the gangsta lean going and had an overall unsavory feel to em, not to mention the headache I had for the next day or so, was my hookah laced with something lol....

    I ordered the veggie covered shrimp kabobs which were actually pretty tasty. I would have liked more veggies, which were just a few carrots, a couple green beans and a billion onions.

    The DJ was ok, kinda had to work with what he had, which was one tall Snoop looking dude on the floor and the bartenders that left from behind the bar to dance.

    Your useful points: there's valet, I guess when there's a crowd; there's VIP, which if the place is ever packed out may make sense; the waitresses like doing body shots, um ok.

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