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    This place is a dive, you would think you were in your families den in the 70s when you walked in.

    This small biker bar happened to sponsor a softball team I played for, so my visits were required. As you walk in you will step on a roofing tile ramp as you approach a covered door way.

    Once inside there is a game area to your right,  tables to the left and a bar in front. There's a few tv's around the place, the large early 2000s projection style tv there,  its seen better days . You'll notice instantly there is carpet on the floors everywhere awesome.

    There is food,  heated by a professional microwave. At less than $4 a item, its a steal to order food here,  though most of it came from the freezer section at walmart most likely.

    With a full bar and some quirky locals this place is fun, for people watching.

    Its highly unlikely I will return,  willing or unwilling.

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  • 0

    Just your ordinary local neighborhood bar.

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