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    dont do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you are considering having your wedding at the stone barn let me give you a piece of advice dont!
    we had our wedding there and i should have gone with my gut prior to the wedding and with all the craziness i didn't and boy do i regret it.
    first off-most attempts to get ahold of their "wedding manager" usually when unanswered and ignored for months i tried to set up a tasting and nothing-i was told "oh when i get your menu together i will call you and set it up"-never happened.  i let that go because i knew people that had eaten there and said the food was good
    two days prior to my wedding i finally met with the manager and went over little details including the bridal suite and making sure that i would have that at my dispose for the night to use the bathroom, freshen up, etc.  was guaranteed that i would have it for my bridal party only.  the night of my wedding i ended up sharing it with a party for a 15 year old!!!! and when i tried to resolve this with the owner i basically got nothing except i dont understand what the problem is!  hello?? its a bridal suite....not a birthday suite.. i had personal things in that room which i then had to lock up in their office so that the 15 year olds could be in the room with the booze and food my husband and i paid for.  the manager did nothing but hide the rest of the night, never came out and tried to fix the problem.  the mother from the birthday party started a physical fight with one of my bridesmaids, the cops were called, i missed a good chunk of my wedding and ended up in tears  all because the owners and managers didnt want to handle a problem that could have easily been resolved especially when they have a huge bathroom that the bday party could have used.  i also went the day after to talk to the manager, who conviently was hiding again....dont use it if you dont want your day ruined or them to cater to a birthday party more then they do a wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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