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    Stumblin' Inn is literally someplace where I can stumble, as it's right in our neighborhood. This bar is the epitome of a dive. It's got some character though. Mainly because there are some real characters who go to this place. When you walk it you have to put your hands out to feel your way through the smoke cloud, but when you finally make your way to the bar you can get a shot of Canadian Club and an 8 oz juice glass of Bud Light to chase it for $3. I'm not sure if this is the actual price. The bartender was pretty tanked when she served us. Another time we got the same thing for $4. Either way it's dirt cheap.

    The patrons are real salt of the earth, and when they hit on you, if they find out that you are married or with someone, they will apologize profusely and explain how much they respect that. All in all a great bunch of guys, even if they have few teeth among them.

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