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    Worst service I have ever received in a restaurant.  Every drink was made wrong and had to be sent back and they ripped us off on the bucket drinks and just put them in normal glasses with the excuse that is just how the bartender makes them and on top of it we had to wait over an hour for our food we ordered. And the waitress did not even come to the table for the first 30 minutes. Just completely awful. Never going back that is for sure.

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    Basically overpriced dog food served by 18-24 yr old waitresses in daisy dukes.

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    This visit was better.  The server was much more attentive to us - though the food did still take almost an hour to come out.  The server did keep checking on us and refilling drinks.  The fourth visit was by far the best visit (mainly because of the attentive waitress).

    Based on this visit, I have concluded that it just takes awhile to get food here.  No matter what you order, it will take (at least) 30-45 minutes.  If you don't mind waiting, it's not so bad.

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    Let's be real, the service in this place is AWFUL. I like looking at a scantily clad girl as much as the next guy, but if I was OK with service this bad I'd stick with the Flight Club. Once I asked the bartender if she could shake a few mint leaves into my bourbon on the rocks and she said they didn't carry mint. 30 seconds later i saw her shaking a fresh mojito for an attractive guy in the corner. Really? At least try to hide it. Had decent service one time from a male bartender but watching the other girls working back there text and gossip while he worked his butt off trying to please every single bar guest ruined it for me. For a second drink, you have to pretty much slap the bartender in the face to get their attention. Otherwise they force you to pay after your first drink and then ignore you for the rest of the night. My favorite band plays here often, but i will make the drive to Christie's or Bachelor One to see them instead of coming here. Food is OK, nothing special. If you're at Great Lakes Crossing and you want a beer, just go around the corner to Bar Louie.

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    This place is HUGE.  We stopped in for drinks while we were waiting on family to show up.  Once we got service it was ok.  It was after 5, it wasn't busy..maybe ....maybe less than 20 in the place.  I don't know if the bar was so big the bartender couldn't see four people drinkless or what.

    Ended up having one drink and bailed.

    Sorry Toby, wasn't singing I love this bar on the way out.....

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    My family and I have been here a few times before. When we come in on a busy night we know what to expect.

    This time that was not the case. The place maybe had 60 people in it, which is not a lot given how many wait staff we saw. First, we waited 15 minutes for a hostess to come seat us. Once seated, we had 2 different waiters tell us they would be our waiter. After taking our drink order they disappeared for 15 minutes. Once the order was finally placed it took 45 minutes for our food to come. When it arrived the food was luke warm and my wife burger was missing the onion straws. It took us 10 minutes to get our waiters attention. When I pointed that out he said they were out of onion straws. I asked why he didn't tell us and said that he forgot. I asked for him to take something off the price. He said, "for what? Onion straws?" I try to let a lot of things roll of my back. But, attitude I don't deal with. When I asked for the check that took forever as well.

    In total it took an hour and a half to eat dinner. All due to the waiting. It will be awhile until I go back to this place.

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    Cool place, average bar food. Overpriced.

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    I would love this bar if it wasn't so pricey and service was better. The live music is great and it is a fun atmosphere.

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    Love the space and the bar...it's huge!! The service was very bad on New Year's Eve around 6:30pm. We didn't even get a "hey! I'll be right with you"...at least 12 minutes...my group wanted to leave but I told them to stay. Our waitress was not good at all and ignored us, but the beer was good and cold and in a huge Mason jar. Honestly, if this place just had decent borderline okay service I would be back. But now they have lost me...just get servers who know customer service and I'm back in a heart beat....it was seriously the only thing I didn't like.

    2nd time in because work buddies wanted to go. Had Amber who was a much better waitress than we had before. It was empty at 5:30 on a wednesday when we went after work. Burger was okay and the beer was still good. The music wasn't on when we were there which made it really creepy.

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    Toby would not love this bar.

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    A fun place for a group of people. Food was very good. Had the cabo burger. Staff friendly.

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    If you ever wanted to know what it was like to eat in a warehouse, this is your chance! The food is overpriced and sub-standard, most of the customers are hillbillies. If you removed all of the positives from a greasy bar, and kept the negatives you would end up with a Toby Keith type place.

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    Was my first time to this bar and I did not leave singing I love this bar.  Took my wife out for dinner prior to going to the Sugar Land concert this past Saturday and I ordered a $2.50 coke and found a dirty napkin in it.  When i asked the waitress if they usually use dirty cups she said not usually but that somebody must have put it close to the pop station.  The new drink just did not taste the same after that.  On top of this they did not even comp the drink!!  I only tipped her a $1.  The burger was right off the freezer factory assembly line was not made fresh.  Freedom fries were good but they were just your everyday french fries.  The place is huge but very hollow and cold feeling.  This place is all hype if it was not for the name it would be out of business in my opinion.  Will not return ever again.

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    I've been to the TKILTB&G in Las Vegas and it has a tooootally different vibe to it.  I also think the menu was more expensive there but that's Vegas.

    Still, the menu is slightly overpriced.  We came for lunch since my mom is a huge Toby Keith fan and we were in the area.  They messed up our order and we had to send it back.  Also my fries were totally burnt.  They looked so sad sitting on the plate.

    The server was nice, and actually pretty talkative.  He was very informative about the restaurant.  Something along the lines of 40 tvs... able to hold a capacity of over 1,300 people... largest bar in Michigan.

    Still, I can't imagine Mr. Toby Keith being pleased with this location.  The knives were so dull, I probably could have but my sandwich better with the dill pickle that was on the plate.  The "gift shop" was basically non existent.  OH.  And I'm sure men totally dig the short skirts and skimpy top look.  Some of the girls were able to pull it off and some of the girls were able to make the same exact look appear completely trashy.

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    This place is about as American as it gets, and Toby Keith's is damn proud of it too.  I mean, start with an absolutely massive guitar-shaped bar, then glance over to the mechanical bull, eat a massive plate of fried/grilled food, and get your beer-served in a mason-jar by a girl in cut-off jean shorts and a halter-top.  Oh, and don't forget about the motorcycles hanging from the walls! Am I a proud, patriotic American man?  Absolutely.  Does this place make me proud to be an American?  Eh, not so much.

    Basically, this place is mega cheesy and the food is pretty sub-standard, but, hey, at least they'll always have room for you at the bar!

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    3.5 Stars

    This was a random stop while at Great Lakes. It's definitely corny but I can honestly say that I had a good experience. I enjoyed the monster sized mason jar (32oz) of Leinenkugal's Summer Shandy for $5 and split a monstrous plate of nachos (this was their smaller portion.)

    Yeah it's not fine dining (duhhh you're in a mall) but for a suburban place it was definitely fun. After closing out the tab I played a lil Big Buck Hunter while the G.F. powdered her nose and kept the afternoon moving along.

    I did find it kinda weird that the female staff were in denim Daisy Dukes & wife beaters serving small children but hey, I'm not a breeder and I'm sure their parents knew what they were getting when they decided on their destination.

    I would hit it up again for a bite...

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    I wish that I could say that, "I Love This Bar", but alas -- no!  Super slow service and some of the snottiest wait staff that I've ever experienced.  Food was mediocre and not worth the wait or the price.

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    Nice atmosphere, lots of TVs for watching games, I like drinking beer from a mason jar . . . BUT DO NOT EAT THE FOOD - you will get sick.

    The kitchen is an accident waiting to happen. I did not eat even half of the sandwich and seeing what everyone was served had a strong belief that food sent back would come back "altered".

    I double dog dare Toby Keith to unannounced eat a chicken diablo sandwich from this place.

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    I mean....it is alright.... But not great.
    The menu is kind of boring to be honest.
    There are tons of different beers on tap.
    It is super super loud.  I went here with a buddy and was screaming at him the whole time.  We were sitting next to one another at the bar and it was as if we were in different rooms.
    It was dead.  Yeah I know...super loud, and dead?  I agree it is weird.  But the music was amped up so loud that my eardrums almost popped.
    The waitresses look like, um, "street walkers".  Super short shorts and too-little tank tops.
    Let's be fair, the mechanical bull never works.
    Oh and I spent $35 on 4 beers and chips.

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    -Typical bar foods and burgers.
    -Huge portions and a huge venue.
    -The didn't play Toby Keith the entire time. That's a downer.
    -There's a lot of echo in the place.
    -Great place to watch a sports game. Or rodeo.
    -There's a mechanical bull that I didn't ride.

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    Food sucked. I had more fun at the GNC next door.

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    Had low expectations for this one but the burger was good.  So was the Fried Mac n cheese. Don't recommend the tortilla soup though. Huge restaurant.

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    There were 7 of us and 2 children.   We were seated, and got our beverages, then we waited, and waited, and waited....where did our waitress go?   Can the kids have something?    Crayons?  a kids menu?   "Oh, didn't they get that for you?  she says....after we finally ordered, we waited, and we waited and we waited.....Geeze is the place packed?  NO, are they shorthanded?  NO....we couldn't figure out why such slow service, but after reading reviews, I guess that's the norm.   We were there for over 2 hours, and I would say 45 mins of that was spent sitting there twittling our thumbs, wondering where our waitress was.  

    The food was um.......ok.....sometimes the food makes up for the long wait....but not here.   We don't think we'll be back anytime soon.   Waiting that long for food that is just ok, and a little expensive to boot, is not worth it.

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    Well I had high hopes. They were quickly dashed. I had lunch with the wife and we were both less than satisfied. I had the spicy chicken on a bun and it was just that. A crappy bun with a chicken breast thrown on it high school style. The fries were cold as well. At least the beer was cold and there was a super hot bartender cowgirl.

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    I have been holding off reviewing this place until my second visit...and here is why:

    THIS IS MY FIRST VISIT (the bad):
    My sister and a girl friend from out of town decided to meet up at the mall one day about six months ago and settled on Toby Keith's I Love This Bar and Grill because we figured bar and grill food would work and maybe we could get a drink special while we were at it.  We met at about noon, so the gigantic place was relatively empty.  We were seated promptly and our orders were taken.  Then we waited, and waited, and WAITED.  At first it wasn't much of a problem (my friend and I hadn't seen each other in over a year and so had lots to catch up on), but then the waitress finally came over to see us and said, "You haven't gotten your food yet?"  This seemed a little odd, I mean she was our waitress and all - I've never worked as a waitress before but I guess I always assumed there was some kind of system in place to let you know when your orders were up or that by simply checking on your tables every once in a while that you should not be surprised when a table has not been served in say 45 minutes.
    A bowl of soup was brought out - it was luke warm at best.  The waitress came out and apologized and said our food would be out soon.  15 more minutes went by with no food and no contact from the waitress.  Finally after another 5 minutes I decided to inquire as to who the manager was and why were we still left with no food.  Our order was a salad, a BBQ chicken wrap, and another sandwich (BLT maybe?).  I spoke to a manager and while she was fairly unconcerned with the wait she said she would take care of it.  Then, you guessed it, 5 minutes later, somebody from the kitchen brought out my sister's salad and took off, without giving her silverware or dressing for her salad...
    At this point we started laughing a bit.  I mean really?  Could this be a large, successful establishment?  What would Jesus do with this type of service? I am not one to complain about a minor issue with service, but this was absolutely terrible.  I did not hide my complete and utter disgust as our food came out almost and hour and a half after we placed our order. I pointed out that other parties near us, and there weren't many, had come and gone and we were still not attended too.

    When our food did come and dressing was brought for Marianne's salad, everything was enjoyable.  The general manager compt the meal (rightfully so) and he explained that this was not the way he wanted us to leave the restaurant.  He gave us a gift certificate to cover the next visit, so we would see them in a better light.

    MY SECOND VISIT (the good):
    Marianne and I were out and about last week and we decided to finally use that gift certificate.  We were seated promptly and our orders were taken.  We had Evelyn (my 11 month old niece) with us a high chair was provided promptly.  We started with the spinach artichoke dip, and this was standard bar and grill app.  The chips were really good and we consumed most of this platter.  Next we split a Ceasar salad.  Another yelper noted this, and I agree, the dressing was meh.  I would skip this salad in the future.  

    I had the BBQ chicken wrap again and it was very delicious.  The fries were piping hot and I had a few before turning most of them over to Evelyn.  
    Marianne got the California Burger and she said it was good.  There was a healthy serving of avocado on it, which I feel is most notable.  Evelyn also had a side order of mac and cheese.  I sampled some (Hey!  I was sharing fries, so she can share too!)  Evelyn liked it and I did too.  
    Finally we topped this all off with a deep fried Twinkie, because what is more Amur-ican than that?  Served with whipped topping and strawberries my sister and I agreed that it was not our cup of tea.  This is NOT to say it was bad...if you like sugary, sweet and deep fried goodness, it is worth a try. For me it was almost too sweet...

    Overall the second visit would make me think hey give this place a try.  Our waitress the second visit was very friendly, timely, and knowledgeable.  I am glad we went back to try this place again.  
    The place is clearly set up to handle numerous types of events - separate rooms, large dance floor, huge bar, and lots of seating.  I am sure this place is good for bar hopping at night.  The information listed for this place says not good for kids, and I would assume this is for the night, but I thought it was fine when we took Evelyn with us both times.  If you are shopping in the mall, don't write this place off in terms of kid friendly or not.  I cannot ignore our first visit to TK's ILTBG but will say that they righted their wrong, so take that for what it is worth.

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    My wife and I went there to see some musicians we know.

    The music was awesome.  

    The food was weak at best.  A little pricey.   The food was cold, not tasty,
    and real plain - nothin' special.   The service was ok, nothing great.

    If you aren't there for a particular band or entertainer, I'd skip the place, save the money and go somewhere for some real food.   This is just

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    Just don't do it.

    I begrudgingly went to this place after shopping with my sister and brother-in-law.

    I ordered a Cowboy Steak Sandwich. It was cold and terrible tasting. Lousy service. The space is so big and noisy... they were having a square dancing class and insisted on yelling out directions into the microphone. As a result I almost tried to slit my wrists with a blunt, mustard smeared butter knife.

    Oh and it was really overpriced... which I was expecting since its only claim to fame is that a toolbag celebrity owns it.

    I would tell Toby Queef to stick to his day job... but he's as terrible a singer as he is a restauranter.

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    My friend and I were starved and wanted to grab a beer after a long day of shopping, so thought we give this place a try. I'm not usually one to judge a business for using a woman's sexuality to attract clientele, HOWEVER, while I am eating, I do not want to see the line of my server's butt cheeks, plus her cleavage, PLUS her tattoo that is on her low abdomen. Frankly, it was tacky and caused me to lose a bit of my appetite. We did get the platter, nachos were terrible, no cheese in the cheese sticks, basically, I've had much better. One extra star for the music, the BBQ wings and the large size of the side salads. Don't think I'll be back anytime soon, sorry TK...

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    OK. I live 5 minutes away.  Went spur-of-the-moment with my wife.  Not a country fan. We sat at the table and were really impressed by the awesome, huge bar.  We ordered sandwiches with beer.  The rest of the reviews said that they had poor food, but we are very stingy foodies, and the sandwiches we ordered were good.  We were surprised- wife had the club, and I had a chicken wrap.  We thought they would be lower quality, but were surprised.  Would come back for happy hour or to grab a drink.  Also, the interior had something "different" to look at wherever you looked.

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    Ok.  So we decided to give this place a try since we had heard so much hype and wondered what it was about.  It turned out about as I suspected....this is a place to say you've been but not much more.  As other reviewers have said, it is a huge place.  We had a party of 10 which was no problem for them.  We did end up with a booth which was rather inconvenient when people had to get in and out.
    The $2 drafts were good and the wait staff kept them coming at a reasonable pace.
    The food was predictable sports bar and grill fare.  We also got 3 different appetizers.  All were ok but nothing memorable.
    I would go back with a crowd and anticpate having a good time.  I would not stop by with my wife for dinner.  There are several better choices around the Detroit metro area.

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    My rating goes like this.  I say 3 stars for the fun band, the nice server and management.  The food is about on-par for any big chain that's not about great food or even good food.  Another reviewer called this place more of a landmark, a Hard Rock Cafe for Toby Keith.  Let's not kid ourselves.  This isn't about a meal for which a gourmand would salivate.  This is chain sports bar territory.

    I was there for an event with friends.  It was a great time, but the food was really not one of the factors that made it a great time.  The food was about the worst part of the experience.

    I had just the Caesar Salad.  One could argue, "How could you rate a restaurant based on having one dish?"  Well, if a restaurant were really good, that one dish might very well show that.  I think one can often tell a good restaurant from the first bite.  At, the three Michelin-starred/five NY Times-starred Le Bernardin, I knew the meal was going to be extraordinary from my first bite of bread and the standard-issue salmon rillette.  It was food-gasm territory from the first bite.  If not from the first bite of bread, one can tell from the first few bites of anything else that comes after.  A salad being one of the first few bites that anyone takes at a restaurant--if one orders salad; it can serve that function pretty well, I think.

    The Caesar's dressing was just a nondescript creamy dressing.  It wasn't completely devoid of flavor.  It was muted flavor, for sure.  I didn't really get a good sense of the things that make a Caesar stand out: the garlic, the lemon, the parmesan, black pepper, and the anchovy.  Being able to taste all those items clearly is like experiencing the pleasure of hearing all the instruments clearly on a well-engineered and well-mixed music recording through a great sound system.  This Caesar was like listening to a crap recording through a one-speaker, 9-volt, transistor radio.  Scratch that.  It was like listening to a crap recording through crap version of a 9-volt, transistor radio I made myself from a kit bought at the science-toy section of a hobby shop.  Oh...and since when did diced tomato become part of a Caesar Salad?  I grant you the fact that that's all I ate, but seriously, I think the mediocre Caesar pretty much will tell the story about the rest of the menu.  Where there's smoke, there's fire.  Anyway, it's a BAR and grill--not a gastropub.  It's not surprising since most places operate on thin margins for food and make most of their money on alcoholic drinks.  I'm sure it's no different here.

    Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill is not a place I would ever go for its food.  The Shiner Bock was...well...Shiner Bock.  The Diet Coke was...well...Diet Coke.  So, from that point of view, my drinks were fine.  I can't comment on any of their mixed drinks.  (Can I call them cocktails?)  At this point, I have to be skeptical about any of the other food offerings.  Actually, I was skeptical about the food before I went in.  I remain so.  I will say, however, that it was a fun time with friends, the band, and the DJ.  So, it was an entertaining experience from that standpoint.

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    Went the second weekend after opening. Hostesses were highly unorganized and pretty rude. After a long wait got seated and ordered. Received my dinner before soup. Wife got tortilla soup with no tortillas. Food was not good at all. Maybe try again at a later day. Much later.

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    I went to Toby Keith's shortly after it opened for a co-workers birthday get-together. The atmosphere was loud and promiscuous, which is definitely what some people look for in a bar but wasn't very appealing to me. The food wasn't terrible, but was slightly over-priced. The true icing on the crappy cake was the service we received from our waitress. She left our table and was nowhere to be found for twenty minutes at a time, forgot items we ordered, and actually left to say goodbye to her friend while she was in the middle of taking one of our orders. I'm sure that there are other waiters and waitresses at this establishment who offer better service than she did, but my initial experience was a huge turn off.

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    ok. comon. nobody goes to hooters for the wings. likewise, nobody goes to toby's for the... grill. the bar is HUGE. i wish it werent a mall restaurant cause in the south that's kinda trashy. but then again, maybe trailor trashy is what he was going for. either way, i dig it because there are doors leading to the outside if you dont wanna go through the mall.

    its all good and very toby keith branded. its like the hard rock... more of a landmark than an actual place to go eat food cause its good food.

    the drinks are great!!

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    Only go for the bar, the food was the worst chain restaurant crap I have had in a long while. This place is huge, the staff are mostly cute young things in various versions of daisy dukes or similar; no complaints on that.
    All three of us in my party were completely underwhelmed by our meals. My chicken fried steak was mostly breading, and one of my colleagues ribs were dry and sauce poorly done. The topics of conversation wee the hot waitresses and crappy food. Go here for a drink or two then head to another restaurant in this huge mall.

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    Didn't even know this was here til my parents told me they wanted to go.  It's in the mall, so I thought it would be a smaller place - but it's HUGE.  there's a huge guitar shaped bar, a big stage and dancing area, and a mechanical bull.  my mom and i split the "kid rock bad ass jumbo shrimp".  it was the biggest shrimp i've ever had!  we got 2 sides with it, so i got the mac&cheese which was really good.  my mom got the corn on the cob as her side, which she said tasted mushy like it'd been sitting around for a while.  my dad got the fried bologna sandwich and fries and he said it was good.  so the food got an overall above average, and the atmosphere was good, but the service was kind of lacking.  actually lacking a lot.  i don't think i saw a waitress over the age of 18.  our waitress in particular didn't ever refill my drink (this is key to me since i drink a lot) and you could just tell that she was new to the job.  in fact it was pretty apparent that most of the girls were working there b/c of how well they fit into a mini-skirt or daisy dukes, not b/c of waitressing experience.  but this morning my mom did say to me, "man that was some good shrimp last night," so that's why i still give toby 4 stars.

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