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    We attended a bridal expo at The Tower Club yesterday. The only negative was that it was uncomfortably hot inside, perhaps due to overcrowding.

    We found great vendors for exactly what we were looking for: tuxedos, cake, and officiants! The food and beverages provided by The Tower Club were very nice: a spread of veggies and dip, crostini, cheese, and fruit as well as passed ahi, chicken, and steak.

    We met some great vendors for our wedding and the club is beautiful with amazing views.  I would feel confident booking with them for a private party.

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    I've been going to the Tower Club for over 20 years. It's the best food and the greatest service in the area. Unquestionably there is nothing else like it in the tri-counties. First class all the way, from the Owner Robert, throughout each and every one of his wonderful staff, they always make you feel welcome and provide an excellent experience. The views from the top floor are amazing and the decor and elegance is unmatched anywhere in Southern California.

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    Have private dinners there for business.  5 Star Service, 5 star food.  Can't beat the venue for a private event.  Wishing I had stuck to my guns and had our wedding reception there.   You can have a private event there even if you are not a member.

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    YOU MUST GET THE BURGER!  One of the BEST burgers Ive ever had.

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    I looked at the Tower Club for my wedding reception. I thought the space was large and had a nice view. A bit too fancy for my style. The event coordinator at the Club seemed nice and helpful when showing me around. It did leave me feeling sour when I saw the same nice coordinator at the Ventura Harbor Comedy Club that night and she was out of control drunk, yelling profanities and such. I think when you're in that line of work you are being critiqued even when you're not at work. I told my fiance that even if I did like the Tower Club I would have said NO to it because of how I saw her acting that night.

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    The best view just outside of Los Angeles with exceptional service, the Tower club is a great experience for those who don't mind the $$$$ range

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    Fine dining in Oxnard.  You go to the 22nd floor in the tallest building in the city (which isn't saying much) and the view is very nice on clear nights.  And that would be the view of flat Oxnard, which is prettier when it is darker.

    The food is always really good and we have always had great service.  But that's how it should be because it's really expensive. I chose ultra high end, because it is, for Oxnard.

    You have to be a member or guest of a member to eat here, I think.  

    Luckily dad's a member.  

    We go here on special occasions, and it is a very nice place to celebrate or just go for a really nice dinner.  And it's cool to look at the building from the top of the TO grade and think, I've been in there--I've eaten there.

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