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    Excellent burgers and a great atmosphere. Couple that with Schell's beer on tap and you have an excellent combination. Reasonable prices and they also have a new rear entrance. My wife and I are considering becoming members mainly because we were so happy with the food.

    Try their mozzarella sticks, very flakey and light.

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    We stopped in here for a late lunch after visiting Schells. The service was great as the staff was really nice and personable. Granted it was 3pm, I would hope this to be the case.

    The food was mediocre. I ordered the sampler and selected the Ruben balls, chicken drummies and chips.

    The Reuben balls were great, as were the dummies but the chips were not that great. The boyfriend ordered the beef sandwich and it needed a sauce...bad! The fries were good that came with his meal as well.

    We ordered a beer each and it was super cheap! I couldn't believe it!

    They do have a 2 price point system, where if you are a member (pay $85 a year) you pay the lower price and if not you pay the higher price...a little strange but it wasn't too bad.

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  • 0

    Most homiest, comfortable bar in New Ulm. Great historical venue with good food and great beer.

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