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    I have had a number of nights at the Union, and they have all been awesome.  There was an epic battle of cornhole (if you haven't played cornhole, you haven't lived.  Just saying) on a Tuesday.  Then there was the night that I came in as a guy was escorting a severely drunk blond woman in her mid-forties outside as she attempted to get him to buy her another drink and take her home.  Another highlight: my friend and I asked what was on special, and the bartender told us pitchers of Kokanee.  My friend: "It's brewed at the foot glacier.  What could go wrong with that?'  The Bartender: "Well, it's from Canada."  Awesome.  They also have great music and booths, lots of booths, from the days when there was a restaurant on the premises.  Love the Union.

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    Picture a dive bar in a movie with the locals hanging out at the local union bar, smokey not so clean place, pool tables, cheap drinks, friendly staff who has worked there more than half their life, people who actually use the pay phone and of course TV's showing the local game and of course if you stay there long enough there is always a chance to catch a drunk bar fight. What I just described to you could be a local watering hole at many small towns and that is exactly what the Union Club is. I was impressed with the price of their drinks, I ordered 3 Jack on the rocks and 3 draft beers and it cost me a whopping 21 bucks!  I wasn't asked for my union card when I arrived so I think this place is open to anyone as long as you are not wearing a jersey of the rival team.  They do have a small stage so they might have some local bands playing once in a while.

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