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    not the best drinks, the cleanest bar, or the classiest atmosphere, but it's usually the most active place any night out of the week

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    I am a big fan of live music so this was a great place for me! I have seen multiple bands there and I frequently show up for Tuesday night open mic. The guy that runs it is just a great guy full of positive energy and he's an incredibly talented musician. And I love being able to hear all the talent that gets up on stage to show their stuff. Some good, some bad, but it's a great atmosphere. The only problem I've run into so far is having the waitress ignore me (a girl with girls), but serve every single table around me (guys with more guys). I understand wanting to get tipped, but c'mon girls, good service goes a long way. Other than that, it may be loud, and somewhat dive-ish, but I think it's great!

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    I like this place.
    Because I like dive bars.

    I heard the music is good here.

    It's comfortable. Don't expect much, but that's the beauty of it- no expectations means you're never disappointed.

    I like that it's a little dirty. I like that you get stale popcorn and I like that that the bartenders know how to do their jobs.
    No need to impress, because it's not that type of place.

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    Stopped in to see Stolen Silver play on a Thursday night.  The band was amazing!

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    Had a blast in this place it was a lot of fun the bartender was really friendly and he actually turned us on to a great sushi restaurant!!!

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    UGH! I don't often give bad reviews, but this place was one of the worse experiences I have ever had.

    My husband and I rolled into town late in the evening for a weekend in TC. We were told the best place for quick eats in a relaxed bar setting was Union Street Station.

    Live music from a horrible DJ who can't mix to save his life and is tone deaf? CHECK!
    Bartender with a nice figure but won't even look at you, much less mix you a drink? CHECK!
    Server who takes your order for onion rings and some other fried goodies, then disappears for AN HOUR? CHECK!
    Finally brings you the wrong order and can't find your real order? CHECK!
    Pool hogging from locals who are drunk off their kiesters but don't want to get their butts of the edge of the table so we can play? CHECK!
    3 hours, and only 2 drinks later (because of service lag), we got up and left rather upset? CHECK!

    Don't go... it's a waste of time and money.

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    not a bad place to grab a drink and some grub.  my girlfriend thinks their french onion soup is the best she'd ever had and i've heard the chowder is good.  personally, i wouldn't go here on a night they have a musical act unless someone's paying for your cover charge.  This place draws some of the worst bands around and its not just this bar.  the whole region is stuck in a time warp.  don't expect to hear anything original or progressive.

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    On a recent trip to Traverse City, I stumbled across the Union Street Station.  I thought it was casual & inviting.  The back bar is gorgeous.  They have a nice selection of beers, the prices are good and if you're hungry they feature some decent pub grub as well as hot dogs from the joint across the street.

    There wasn't a band that night but the stage was good sized & it looked like they had a helluva sound system.  It wasn't all that crowded but it was early (10:30 or so) and it was nice not having to huddle outside like a leper to have a smoke.

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    If the bar closes at 2am, last call should NOT be at 1:15am. They mine as well take a wad of cash and throw it into the street. Seriously!

    If live bands are your schtick...this is one of the best places in TC to catch one. I was here on a Saturday during Cherry Fest, and even though I'm not that big of a concert-goer, I got into it. The band was young, energetic and excited...

    It gets crowded, but they keep the windows open (in the summer), which GREATLY helps the situation of breathing. Beer is cold and cheap, people are generally happy, the music is local and you can't beat the location...

    Just stay open til 2am, geeeeez. It's the weekend and there's nowhere else to go in this town!

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