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    i love it there i seen t.i he showed so much love he even did a little show for us. tiny was there lloyd grand hustle itself

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  • 0

    Ok so an update from last review of this place. I did not get a response back from the manager or anyone from the club for the overcharge on my debt card, but once the amount cleared and was no longer "processing"- really, what is that? Either you know the money is coming out/ going in or not!- it was showing the correct amount. So I guess I wasn't ripped off to they earned actually earned the 2 stars I have given them fully now (we should be able to give half a star). Still wouldn't go back on a Saturday...

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  • 0

    The Velvet Room is super if you have an appreciation for the following:

    - Overpriced drinks
    - Dancing among 18 years olds
    - Bumping & grinding with strangers
    - Witnessing post-club brawls and police confrontations
    - Radio-inspired playlists

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  • 0

    I wish I could give this place zero stars.

    I'm puzzled why it's located in a strip mall, but maybe it's because I'm not originally from Atlanta.

    They packed way too many people into this place and my friend and I had to ask security to let us out of one the side exit doors in order to leave.

    I will definitely not go back...

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