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    Though the service was good, they didn't have much of a selection that was available off of the long list.  I'd happily go back and give it a nice try. They do have a ridiculous scotch list to choose from, so I know my man would love this place.  It's small and quaint.  Very relaxing.

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    Finally went there for the first time a few weeks ago. It was a happy hour thing with some coworkers. Our waiter was adorable, the half priced wine special is to die for, and the appetizers quite good. Loved sitting out on the eponymous Veranda, watching St. Cloud's nightlife stream by.

    The live music was welcome, not overwhelmingly loud. Very cute decor.

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    First of all. The Veranda is my summer hot spot and is NOT closed! Silly yelp!  I could spend hours sitting outside and watching the drunk college students wander by to their trashy downtown bars as I sit, sipping my glass of cabernet and basking in the sunshine.

    The Veranda has half price bottles of wine daily from 4-6pm, which is a reasonable happy hour after an 8 hour day! I wouldn't necessarily recommend the food, but I guess you can't really mess up a cheese platter!?

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    The Veranda Lounge is not a place you go for the food. It's a fantastic little live music venue that serves typical drinks and wine and offers limited hors d'oeuvres of Apperts quality. I choose NOT to like it as an foodie destination, but choose TO like it as an entertainment venue.

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    Contrary to what Yelp currently says, the Veranda isn't closed.

    And its rail pours are top shelf booze.  Seriously.

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