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    My first review-

     My girlfriend and I told the waitress ahead of time that we would be on a seperate check from the group we were with, she brought it out in 1 check.  I approached her and asked if she remembered us mentioning the separate bill and she said yes in a very rude way.
     Aside from that, the portions are small...2 meatballs for $15.00, just as an example.
     I don't know if the singer guy realizes how loud he's singing because its really loud, hard to hold a conversation with the guests your with.
     My girlfriend and I both suggested to each other we don't wanna come back.

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    I can count on one hand the number of wine bars I've been to where the night turns into a totally amazing yet complete sh*t show by closing time (which is, I think 4 am) and this is one... maybe #1. The bf and I are regulars when in Boca. When you first stumble into this lovely spot, tucked away in a strip mall, it is a bit surreal. It's tiny, yet manages to have over 300 wines served by the glass, with wine racks stacked so high the sommelier has to climb up and down a ladder all night to pick out your selection (She is not a bartender, she is a certified sommelier).  

    Talented vocalists entertain you with familiar songs that you never before thought you even liked until you heard them sung here. Basically, you are transported to a 1950's jazz club like atmosphere when you step inside from the very 2012 strip mall parking lot.  What makes this even more strange, is that the space and furnishings are not really conducive to this given there is just bar and dining table seating.  

    The crowd is, what you expect for Boca, attractive, very thin and botoxed women with much, much older men, who all seem to be enjoying the Boca life to the fullest.  We've closed this place down several times, and made new friends along the way. Good times.

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    Another neat little find in east Boca. The wine selection is like none I've ever seen. Didn't really find it to be a tapas restaurant but the food was fabulous. We shared a gnocchi, sautéed spinach and sausage & pepper dish. All was delish. I would and wiil def go again.

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    This place is great. Over 300 wines all by the glass!
    The sommelier Monique is wonderful. She is very knowledgable and has put together a wine list with wines from all over.

    When we went the featured wine flight was 4 different champagnes from France, Australia, Germany and Italy.
    The portions are very large. Definitely way to big to be tapas. The dishes range in price from 13-25 dollars.  Some items are a little expensive but compared to the places nearby they are a bargain.
    I love this place and plan on bringing all my friends.

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    Vino wine bar has a huge selection of wines by the glass and by the bottle. I have been there twice, and enjoyed the wine.

    It is, however, inordinately expensive, even for Boca Raton. Also, they don't seem to recognize the importance of serving the wine at the proper temperature. My glass of Rioja was quite warm; reds should be served at cellar temperature.

    The food is really good, but also very expensive. Their tapas are priced like entrees. I have tried both the sausage (very good) and the meatballs (huge and delicious.)  Both were good, and were priced at about $14 a plate.  

    They have a singer on weeknights, which is nice.  The clientele seems to be genteel and mannerly. Even though Vino is not a good value for the money, I still enjoy going here.

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    This is NOT five stars.

    This has the ambiance of five stars, and even solid service, but the food only warrants a "good".  The tapas are overpriced and at the level you'd pay for dinner in a good (not five star) restaurant.  We had meatballs (very good), roasted peppers (fair), chicken milanese (good), and grilled calamari (fair).

    The wine selection is huge, but sadly, there are few bottles available at under $60.  We asked for less than that, and our server suggested Hall at $65.  Later, she recommended an even better one at $45 -- a chilled red from Edge, and we were disappointed we didn't hear about it despite our request to stay under $60 to start.

    They had live music, with pianist and horn, and it was great with a Tom Jones/Frank Sinatra style.  However, it was too, too loud, and we struggled to hear across the table from each other.

    This could be a great place with their dark, romantic look, bar seating, and music.  The food needs improving, and I'd love to see a little bit larger selection of lower priced wines.  I hope it gets even better.

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    Thanks G*d I don't live in Boca, because if I did I'd spend FAR too much time at Vino Wine Bar...

    A small, simple menu of Italian small plates is backed by a wine list featuring over 280 bottles, all available by the glass.  The bar is cozy and comfortable, the patrons friendly, and the kitchen open until midnight (bar is open until 2).

    I highly recommend the traditional meatballs.  As for wine, well, it's okay to ask for a little help...

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    Thanks G*d I don't live in Boca, because if I did I'd spend FAR too much time at Vino Wine Bar...

    A small, simple menu of Italian small plates is backed by a wine list featuring over 280 bottles, all available by the glass.  The bar is cozy and comfortable, the patrons friendly, and the kitchen open until midnight (bar is open until 2).

    I highly recommend the traditional meatballs.  As for wine, well, it's okay to ask for a little help...

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    This place is a certifiable FIND! The concept is simple--great wine with an endlessly pleasing wine list (everything can be had by the glass) and a well chosen selection of small plates of food. Whether you are in a crowd or a couple, you can get exactly as much of their creatively delicious fare as you want. The gnocchi was heavenly and the meatballs were fabulous. Everything I sampled was a delight and anyplace that has the foresight to offer every single wine on their list by the glass, is an automatic winner in my eyes. Wonderful experience, charming and very good looking hosts and a lively atomosphere!

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    This place has amazing food !! They have live entertainment every night & kitchen is open late. I had best grilled calamari & Sunday gravy. They have an extensive winelist & every wine you can get by the glass. My girlfriends & I had a amazing time.

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