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    I love pizza, I love good pizza made by someone who really knows their stuff and this Vitale's is just such a place. I recently moved here from CA and when people ask me why, Vitale's is number 2 on my reasons for moving (it's my hubby's hometown is #1). This is the best NY style pizza EVER!! Their sandwiches are good, especially the italian sub and if you want a thicker style crust, the rectangular Deluxe party pizza has just that.

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    Best pizza in Allegan, but that's pretty easy when your only competition is the franchise joints. NY-style thin crust is the order of the day. They also do other sides and meals, but the pizza is the only thing I've ever had. I've also had pizza at the founder's brother's place in Camden, NJ; they're a very nice family and Vitale's has been in the same spot in Allegan for as long as I can remember (25+ years?).

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