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    Well, its a White Castle thats for sure. The valentine's special did not include all the bells and whistles I have heard of at other White Castles on valentines day, but the staff was very nice and helpful and made it fun.

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    Oh white castle it has been oh so long since I had your delectibe little burgers sober, oh wait I have never had them sober before. Hmmm not quite as good when you get the full flavor, oh well the agonizing stomach ache the next morning is still the same.

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    I'm sure everyone who's seen Harold and Kumar wants to have tried White Castle at some point in their lives so when we drove by this place after landing in Chicago for a business trip, we had to stop in.  My friend and I shared an order of burgers and they were quite good but inconsistent.  It was weird because some would have cheese and onions while some didn't.  

    The beef patty is quite thin so don't expect anything like a Carl's Jr. burger.  It has that soft mushy burgery texture that McDonalds burgers kind of has, but personally I like it.  I think the burgers are good enough to give it 4 stars though I'd like them to be made more consistently.

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