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    Great drink specials, fast bartenders, great nightlife with a solid happy hour

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    I am not fond of this place, to say the least.

    I came in here last night.  This is one of the places where your fratty types like to go.  They have booths, but those were generally ignored.  Everybody was standing up at the bar waiting for drinks.  Either the people there get done with their drinks rapidly or the service is rather slow - I'm guessing it's both.  They do manage to keep it clean-ish, which is a plus.

    I will give them some serious props for being a good place for pool when the students aren't partying.  This is the best place in town for billiards.  Unfortunately, the overall impression was this is a less expensive version of the Barley House in Akron, OH (<a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FqrSFMT&s=d6ed1548b835534f84ac2761cb3b690a33b73363d875ff9e92effa4542ad0e43" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://bit.ly/qrSFMT</a>) - in other words, this isn't my type of bar.

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