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    The food is very good. We like the Friday night prime rib dinner for 12.00. But the service is very, very slow!!!!!  So if you have a lot of time, its worth it. But the extras will cost you. Tonight the waitress spilled hot Au jus on a relative and do you believe they charged us for the dinner!! It ruined the whole evening, plus we spent two and half hours at the doctor than the pharmacy. She has 2nd degree burns. So wear a rain coat, and head on over for dinner. lol

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    As a rule, hotels should NOT be in the restaurant business. But as with any rule, occasionally there are exceptions. Zhou at the Visalia Marriott is one of them. Because we were at a conference in the Marriott, we received coupons for a free appetizer with a purchased entree. Seven of us eagerly took advantage, and enjoyed some surprisingly good eats, including Asian Chicken Wrap, 2 kinds of shrimp, chicken strips, and a huge plate of fried calamari. For my entree I chose meat loaf, which was ok but not great, but was served with julienned zucchini and carrot, which was really good. Three of us shared a very nice New Zealand sauvignon blanc (sorry, I can't remember the label, but it wasn't Kim Crawford or Babich). It was a Saturday night but the room was mostly empty. Too bad.

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    There's a new chef in town. Chef Tommy from Tommy's in Visalia has taken over at Zhuo.

    And I see (and taste) improvements!  Zhuo's menu has been updated since then, with several filet options, enchiladas, and pork, along with typical salads and appetizers.

    My burger tonight was tasty and hit the spot.  I was able to sub sweet potato fries in too, which you can never go wrong with.  Get your appetite ready!

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