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    They give you a free drink for your old AA chips.

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    This isn't my first choice in terms of Santa Rosa bars, but it's a good place to end your night as last call is later than any other bar in the vicinity (Belv, Dirty Bird), plus you can buy liquor and beer in the conjoined store till about 2 AM! The bartenders have a heavy, heavy hand and the drinks are cheap, but the atmosphere is really lacking for me... It's just so sad feeling. There's always a group of hipsters drinking cans of PBR and bottles of Budweiser at the end of the bar and there's always some really, really creepy guy who won't leave you alone. But if you come with the right people, you'll have a good time and get drunk quicker than at any other bar, and you'll want to get drunk quickly here if you come before 12. Every bartender I've met there is awesome, especially Adam :) Dirty Bird is still my favorite dive, but The 440 Club is aiight. CA$H ONLY! ATM in the store!

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    I hit up the 40 once a year. I stay at the Travelodge in the 440's immediate vicinity and I get my decently priced, strongly poured drink on every August.

    This year I finally got to visit the entire trifecta of dive bars on this particular corner, and I can safely say that the 40 is my home away from home. I don't care for the pool tables at the Dirty Bird, and the crowd at the Belvedere was definitely not my scene -- too collegiate, too clean-cut, too pretty. Since I'm none of the above, I ran straight back to my security blanket -- the liquor store attachment and straight up ghetto singular room that is the 40.

    I'll never leave you again, baby. Ever.

    In any other instance I would not be pleased that the bartender decided to cut off my friend Hanakura's chosen songs on the juke. However, it's the 40, and I don't think Spice Girls, Hanson, Backstreet Boys or Justin Bieber were cutting it. Even for irony's sake. I understand.

    Car bombs, "Corona and cream", vodka energy drinks, PBR tall boys... the memories just keep on rolling. Hanakura, my bro, Paisa Alex, Steve-O, Rob Zombie, Fish, Gazo, Ralphie, Bonofide, and of course my Football Knight... ah, so many good times with so many of my favorite people. I wish I knew the bartenders' names so I could give them gigantic Yelp hugs on here, but if you guys read this just know that I love you guys and look forward to seeing you every year!

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    This place sucks. Period. Only reason I give 1 star is because of johnny and I can't give 0. This place smells like a rotting foot,  owners have no idea how to run a bar since frank passed away. Due Santa Rosa a favor and close up shop. Want a drink go the the Bel around the corner and as always avoid the round robin, place sucks almost as much as the 440 club.

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    If you like warm beer, shitty service, and getting sucker punched then you will love this place. Full of all sorts of winners and people you wouldn't trust with free water. You are better off at the Belvedere

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    Bar drink and alcohol bottles  you can buy after all the liquor stores are closed :) the best in my book. Great deals on alcohol. FYI I am a girl and think this place is the best  I guess it just depends which night you decide to come here. :)

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    Dive among dives.  Just when you think theres Nowhere left in town to get a drink at 1:45 am, bam 440! You can even buy a bottle of booze to-go! How convienient :)

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    I stop in and buy liquor here regularly , have one at the bar and take 6 for the road .I'm A fan and support local businesses like the 440 club

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    Definitely a place I will make a point of returning to when I pass through Santa Rosa again someday.

    The 440 Club is pretty much a dive bar, with filthy carpet, hilariously filthy washrooms and semi-sketchy customers. BUT its a great place to stop into without a doubt.

    The bartenders are fast, the cans of PBR are cheap and ice cold, and the mix of customers is what makes this place great.  Pretty much everyone was friendly as all hell. 70% 21 - 35 folks who are either semi-punk rockers, try hard rockabillies, or other "alternative scenesters". 30% middle aged broken down regulars or cougars. The Internet jukebox means you could go from Social Distortion to pop-dance quite abruptly.

    Highly recommended joint with generally friendly people, with rough edges.

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    cool chill spot - drinks are cheap, not seriously cheap for where you're at - but it's cool. I think it was Matt-chu that was bartending when i was there, he looked kinda dirty and scruffy - but a good dude all in all.

    no happy hour here - it's all about cheap anyway - when i was there - no girls, just some old dudes smoking outside - kind of freaky

    Will I end up that way?? I hope not, but maybe they're living la vida loca in their mind - drunk and smoking.

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    As a fervent supporter of the 'dive', this place has all of the qualifying components: tattered bar stools, sticky laminate dance floor, weird Budweiser light fixture featuring three dimensional horse-drawn carriages (you know, for class), cheap booze, grouchy/charming bartenders (Larry! Buster!) and the appropriate game on the tiny t.v. Don't be intimidated by the odd smells emanating from the door or the falling-down drunk skaters in the parking lot, or as another reviewer noted 'the potential for violence' (Larry will protect you; he's half bear)-- as Patsy Cline will say on the juke, "Come on in, sit right, and make yourself at home!".

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    Best bar in town. Period.

    When I first arrived in Santa Rosa, the person who was driving me around pointed it out and said "that's the dive-iest bar in town." I made a mental note.
    Later, with other folks, I was given the opportunity to experience the joy of this bar. Let's start with the price: less expensive than most other bars, including most other dives. $5.25 for Maker's on the rocks? Deal. Something around three bucks for a gin and tonic. Also: CASH ONLY.

    The bartenders, amazing. Larry is a god among men, Buster (the few times he's there) brings so much class to the 40 that I'm surprised it doesn't collapse. Carl and JP are great as well. All of these fine, upstanding citizens are cool, collected, and totally capable of dealing with the enormous loads of crap which are shoveled their way by the crowds of hipsters and drunks who frequent this haven of havens.

    The atmosphere, solid. Show up on a Mon-Thurs and the place should be relatively calm. There might be a game on the little TV, there might be Spongebob. You just don't know.
    Show up on a Fri/Sat and the jukebox is constantly in use ( it'll take 40+ minutes for your picks to come up) with a variety of classic dive-bar AC/DC/Journey to Talking Heads to random dance tracks. The tiny little dance floor (more like a mat) will have folks dancing, and it'll be hard to make your way to the extremely small and dirty bathroom. There you will wait as there will be a line. Then you will wonder if you need hand sanitizer. Then you'll say "forget that, I'm gonna go get another drink." And so the night goes on...

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    We discovered this drinking establishment last year when me and my
    Hollingshead Posse hit up our annual Russian River Beerfest and BBQ Revival.  We had previously seen this place as we normally stay at the Travelodge just a nine iron shot away.  We were intimidated to go in this joint in 2009, but last year we were told that the "40" as it's called by locals is part of the Bermuda Triangle of dive bars. That it was a cool little bar. The 440 Club(the "40"), The Round Robin("The Dirty Bird" as locals call it), and the Belvedere are the Bermuda Triangle or Holy Trinity of dive bars in Santa Rosa.
    Having had a decent time last year, the 440 is now part of our RR Fest ritual.  As we finished up with good beers at the Russian River Brewing Co, the Posse did the "walk" -the drunken march from RRBC to the Travelodge.  There have been drunken nights where this quarter mile walk seemed like the Bataan Death March.  We arrived at the Travelodge parking lot, a quiet suggestion of "Irish Car bombs" starts to circulate- quiet suggestion is now a tribal chant and soon would be a battle cry.  We head to the 40, about 13 to 15 of H-Head Posse head on over with a purpose.  Mind you this posse ranges from ages 24 to 61- quite the generation mix.  Beer enthusiasts heading to an out of town dive bar for Irish Car Bombs, a recipe for either hella fun or Armageddon.   As we enter the bar, we see a bunch of college age kids drinking PBRs and some Bud Lights.  Funky mix of local regulars, and people stopping by for cheap drinks.  Oh I forgot to mention that attached to the 440 is a small store which sells a wide variety of beers and wine.  Wow-liquor store attached to bar-I think I just saw the The First Horseman of the Apocalypse!!!!  The first set of Irish Car Bombs were ordered and soon slammed by the revelers.  Poor bartender did not know what hit him as rounds of this death elixir were ordered like Rose Kennedy ordered black dresses.  After a few rounds of this madness, someone gave our drunken Japanese friend an idea to start picking songs from the jukebox- another mistake.  Hanakurasan started gathering all the Posse's quarters and let loose songs which included the likes of-Umm Bop by the Hansons, Ricky Martin, Backstreet Boys, and other horrific songs. Some of the patrons are "WTF is going on", but before you knew it there was a good amount to drunkies singing "Don't Stop Believin"
    Irish Car Bombs, turned to a madness of different orders.  One order was a Mountain Dew, a Purple Hooter - which the bartender said " I don't know how to make girly shit" another order was what we heard Hanukurasan ordering "Corona and Creams"- subtitle " Khalua and Cream", as most of the guys settled for Maker Mark shots to cap the night.  All this craziness the night before a freaking Beerfest isz just nutty.  Touche gang.  Although the other three Horsemen did not show, it was quite a freaking night.

    The 440 is a cool little divebar-with a freaking beer store attached to it and a very cool bartender who put up with a bunch of drunken fools.  

    To the cool ass Bartender- thanks for the free round of Makers.

    See ya'll next year 440!  Come join us the third Friday in August!!!

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    My favorite local watering hole. Cheap drinks, bartender know your name and your drink. Jukebox always blaring. And a store in front to take goodies to go. Small and old, but full of locals, regulars, and the young crowd late at night. Don't forget to stop in early in the morning for the coffee crowd. Oh and ladies, clean stocked bathroom!

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    This place is a shit hole. Period.

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    Larry the bartender is the best in town, I rarely see Buster these days but when I do it is a treat.

    I see people calling this place a dive, but it is a BAR people, it is not a nightclub or a disco, so if you don't like the grime and potential for violence then maybe you are in the wrong place... Head over to the Belvedere if you can't hack it here.

    Try the "Lunchbox" if you want to have a terrible morning.

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    My top place to drink a beer. Afternoon is great, quiet and lots of locals to get a story from. Night time is even better, good music and no asshats!

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    What a delightful little dive this is. I've only been here once but it was a blast. The drinks are cheap, the bartenders kept 'em coming, and the jukebox had us up and dancing all night long.

    I wish this place was bigger and had more seating, but what can you do?

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    I stopped by on New Years Eve around 3:00pm,  had drink and hoped next year would be better.  It has its local cast of regulars.  Drinks were not watered down like some other places.  Bartender was on top of every thing.  They have a $2.25 Pabst if you want it!!

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    5 starts for a superb dive with plenty of local yokels to chat with. How can you go wrong with Iron Maiden playing on the juke and a good old can o' Blue Ribbon? Also there is a liquor store attached so you can take some home for the after party.

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    One of the dirtier hole in the wall style bars, I only like this place marginally because you can buy alcohol at a window on the outside of the bar.

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    Santa Rosa's flagship dive bar...

    The 440 was opened in the 1950's and the interior decor hasn't changed a bit since. They did clean the puke-soaked carpets a few years ago and for that, I'm grateful.

    This place is a good bar to end your night of drunken debauchery. They have the latest "last call" in the area (1:45 or something) so you can get your last-call drink over at the Belvedere, finish it, and run to the '40 in time for another one there. Not only that, you can buy beer or liquor to-go at their store until about 1:59am!

    The crowd at the 440 is made up of a couple of old curmudgeons who sit at one end of the bar sipping on old fashions and whiskey sours all day and all the 20-something hipsters who show up at about 11:30 or so.

    I've got to disclose that one of the bartenders apparently has such disdain for the clientele that he is infamous for flipping out if customers take more than a half-second to decide what to order and for frequently skipping their songs on the juke box. However, don't let this stop you from going to the 440 every once in a while for a cheap late night drink but I wouldn't bother going before 11pm.

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    If you like a dive bar like i do, this one is right up your alley! this place is dark, always has characters in there, and its connected to a liquir store so you can get stuff to go! the the perfect dive bar to go and relax in.

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    It's dark, and it's a dive. That's about it. No nonsense bartenders, liquor store in the front for those... "to-go purchases," and nothing particularly special about this place. Sometimes though, that's exactly what you want in a bar. Once you step in, if alone and anonymous, it's as if you could be in Kentucky, Canada, or South Texas... It's an every-dive, and every town needs one.

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    Come here for the cheap drinks.  Pabst in a can only $2.  Can't beat that.  Don't come here for fancy drinks.  Service is what is, it's a dive bar.  They don't take shit, so if your ordering a bunch of drinks, better fire away.  No "uhh... let me see what she wants."  Cheap jukebox hits.  Crowd ebbs and flows.  Scensters, motorcycle crews, losers and those who stumbled on in mix or not.  Take it or leave it.  Cash only.

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    If you like people with 3 teef..go here! Otherwise stay the hell out!

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    I think I saw Leather Tuscadero from Happy Days in here, except now she's a man.

    we found this place to be a little sad. Like if you saw smoky voiced 80's pop star Kim Carnes sitting at the bus stop or on tv telling you her sleep number is 23.

    There is a "past it's prime 80's kitsch meets dive" feel to this joint that must draw in the locals, but not on the Saturday night we were there.

    We did see the 4 goths that live in the area walk in when we were leaving, so I suspect the party stats pretty late.

    one star for cheap drinks and one star for having Woodford Bourbon.

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    Pretty divey and the drinks are fairly strong for the cheap prices. You'll find all types here, just try not to be a douchebag or you won't be put up with long.

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    Want to go out to drink but don't want people to see you? The 440 Club is your stop as a true alcoholics bar. Liquor store in front, bar in back, w/swinging doors to seperate the two. The drinks are cheap, the bartenders are surly, and the lighting dim!

    Its a dive bar, voted runner-up in the Bohemian, losing out to Reds Recovery Room, which should give you some idea. This is where the hipsters from Aromas hang out  after drinking coffee all day and discussing the world.

    I give it four stars, because it doesn't pertain to be anything more than a dive bar, but only four because some idiot always thinks its cool to play "Ring of Fire"

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