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    Ohhh... This place.  See the problem is that this place is close to my house, very convenient.  So what's the problem?  It's sketchy as heck!  It's connected to an actual "normal" video store but to go to the adult side, you have to park in a very small and scary parking lot behind a Papa Johns.  I am not one to scare easily, but knowing the nature of this store, the sketch factor, and the attractiveness of me (if I do say so myself!), I do NOT like going here alone.  

    Things I Like:

    - Proximity to my home

    - Got a discount once because I wore a very low cut shirt... best coupon ever.

    - nope... that's about it

    Things I Don't Like:

    - Very small store, and they try to cram too much stuff into it.  Imagine being a female in this store, or even a male.  You have a mission, right, do you really want to have to try and slide by other men with a mission or accidentally bump into people trying to leave aisles.  Not a good situation.  

    - Small selection of "toys" like it states in the title, this is mainly a video store.  

    - A while back they said I took out a movie and didn't return it.  False, I did in fact return it.  They turned it over to collections before contacting me.  They said they tried to call but I never got a call.  Had to pay $80 so that I didn't have this on my credit report.  

    - They make you get a membership to buy ANYTHING here.  Even if you're not renting a video, they make you get a membership and get all your information.  This makes me uncomfortable because sometimes I just don't want people to know my name when I'm buying certain items.  

    -  Parking lot is very scary.  

    -  I understand that working at this place probably isn't very fun, but the people here are downright surly sometimes and it is so unnecessary.  I always try to be friendly and kind to everyone I meet.  It is not reciprocated here.

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