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    I like coming here when I go back to my hometown of Leavenworth when I visit my family. When I first starting coming here, the food was pretty good for Americanized Mexican food, but on subsequent visits, it seems the quality of food is one the decline. Also, the atmosphere is too laid back with the servers and kitchen help talking loudly and laughing in the kitchen. I thought their conduct was very unprofessional. On my last visit, they had Jerry Springer on the television which I thought was probably the worst thing they could have on for their customers. I don't know if the day was an aberration, but my mom said she had a bad experience as well on her prior visit. I really like one particular dish and it keeps me returning, but I think if I have another disappointing experience, I will not be coming back.

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    The food is decent and the price is comparable to other sit-down restaurants. The service...not so much. Service used to be okay, but recently it seems as though it takes a long time for anyone to actually come to your table and take your order, fill drinks, etc.  Not sure what goes on in the kitchen, but it seems to take a while before your order is brought out. Even then it may be cold. I've even had to hunt down silverware myself on two occasions.  Getting the server's attention can sometimes be difficult.  I realize this review makes me sound hard to please. I'd like to think I'm not. I'm sure if Azul Tequila hired additional employees things would run more smoothly.

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