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    Wandered into this bar on a Saturday afternoon while in Leavenworth.  Although the bar was nothing to look at from the outside, the name drew us in.  

    As Scott M. mentioned in his previous review, this is a private club and, as a stranger, walking in there does seem to draw the attention of the room.  But on the day we were there the patrons were pleasant, if not friendly, and the bartender had served us before asking if we had membership cards.  When we told him that we didn't he handed us note cards to fill out and said, "You want one?"

    Even though they didn't have any Jameson, the drinks were cheap ($3.50 for two beers), and besides the heavy smoke in the room, Tom's wasn't a bad place to hang out for an hour or two.

    I don't get to Leavenworth often, but with my membership card tucked safely in my wallet, when I do, I may find my way back to Tom's.

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    I've been to hundreds of bars, yet I can count on one hand the number of times I have TRULY felt uncomfortable in a bar.    This was one of those times.

    My friend and I walked in to a full bar and all conversation stopped.   Everyone stared at us as we looked for a place to sit.    

    The bar was L-shaped and we walked around to the back end, thinking we had seen empty stools back there,   But there wasn't .  We walked back around to the front and I stepped up to the bar.

    "Now that you've had the grand tour, are you going to order anything?" barked the bartender.   The entire place erupted in laughter.

    I timidly ordered a couple of beers.   As I handed him the money he asked to see my membership ID card.  (Most of the bars in Leavenworth are private clubs.)

    "I don't have one," I said, "Do I need to fill out a form?"

    "No, forget, it," he said after a pause, likely determining that we weren't worth the hassle for him.

    Conversation in the bar slowly resumed, but we were completely ignored except by one person.   The bar's resident crazy person latched on to us and would not let go, talking endlessly about a variety of not-well-thought-out topics.  

    We finally made a break for it when the nutty person turned to the bar to order another drink.

    Looks like a good hangout for those who are part of the clique, but I won't likely be heading back.

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