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    Glad to see I'm not the only one that's poo-poo'ing this location.  Wow, IHOP isn't  normally a place we go to, but on a whim tried this one out.  Bad everything, even compared to either IHOPs.  Two thumbs down..... Rick James style.

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    We usually like to eat here or the one on parallel. this day was no different. we stopped, and was seated. the waiter took our order and then messed up on it. brought out something totally different then what was ordered and then blamed my husband for his ordering skills. we laughed at this. the waiter seemed distracted, even tho there was hardly any people in the restaurant. I never got any drink refills and he was really rude when we got done with dinner and went to the cash registrar to pay and someone (the owner?) had to send for him. My husband always likes to tip even with  bad service, the guy would not take the tip, but the owner gladly accepted it. saying he will make sure the waiter gets the tip.(i really wonder if the owner gave it to him)

    Normally i would rate IHOP as goo, but this experience was not a good one.

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    Usually I'm a IHOP lover and in the past they have been good to our school district but tonight I was extremely disappointed with management. We had a fundraiser at the school to raise money for our national students. They could not do our original date and gave us a date that had many sporting events. We tried our best to advertise but we just didn't get a great turn out. They did ask us, prior to this night, if they needed additional staff and we told them no because we are a small school club. After three hours of operation of our event and a couple of the students standing in the lobby with a donation bucket they called me aside and told me since they didn't make enough money to pay their employees that they will not be able to donate to us tonight.

    That not being bad enough, they asked us to leave because their owner thought it looked like we were solicitatiing in the lobby. Mind you, their on duty manager told the students to open the door for customers and greet them.

    I understand they are disappointed with the turn out but to turn away a school in your community and have students work three hours on a school night and get escorted off the premises, that's just poor business practice.

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