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    How can you not love a bar that doesn't seem to care about whether or not their employees are drinking on the job?

    Beepster's has endeared itself to me for quite a few reasons. First of all they are dog-friendly! On Sundays you will usually see a few dogs roaming around this small bar. The resident dog, though, is Maximus. He is a sweet black lab :)  I also love this bar because the bartenders will keep handing you drinks as you are nearing the end of one until you tell them to stop. They don't bother to ask if you want another one. There are also two pool tables here as well as a convenient vending machine with cigarettes, chips, and candy. What also endeared this bar to me is that they play good music like Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC, and Ted Nugent.

    The bar itself is your typical dive bar. How do you know if you're in a dive bar? 1. Your beer is under $4. 2. Your feet stick to the floor. 3. The bartender doesn't ask for your preference when you order a scotch and water or a bourbon and coke. You order a scotch and water you will get their shitty well brand scotch. 4. They have a jukebox with classic rock not hits of today. 5. There is no kitchen or food served at a real dive bar. A dive bar doesn't have space for a kitchen. 6. Finally a true dive bar has regular customers that come there not once a week but every day. Dive bars rely on such regulars to stay open. Beepster's fills all these requirements. This is a great unglamorous neighborhood bar.

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