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    This place is pretty awful.  It's got a tiny dance floor with djs who don't take requests.  The bartenders are rude. Ghetto and lame.  And the crowd is trashy

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    Went here cause i needed to kill some time (I was getting my tires done nearby) It was about lunch time so I ordered a burger, weird thing is it's extra for a side of fries but no biggie. Ordered their burger with a side of fries while enjoying a sierra torpedo, the food came on average time. Food tasted good no complaints, beer was cold, bartender was nice, not really my neighborhood not sure how it is at night but it was nice during the day.

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    To be honest I wouldn't patronize this place if you PAID me! The owner has a DJ who was one of the most popular DJs and I heard he made him quit because he wanted ghetto music and he expected the DJ to have it prior to knowing the crowd? Yeah sounds like a great place! NOT! Food sucks and the place always has fights, and the owner sits and gets drunk and gets into his employees face if they don't give him what he wants. Too many problems and I wouldn't recommend this place to a hungry dancing monkey! Stay far away cuz it's not worth your time

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    I'm gonna be blunt.....music sucks, the Dj called some women bitches for no reason, bouncers don't do their job and too many gun shootings! Ghetto!! Only gets one star for cheap drinks.

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    I was staying in Yuba City for work and Big John's was recommended to me so we went.  Big John himself came by and chatted with us.  You have to try the "LC" shots!  They don't serve food on Mondays and Tuesdays so Big John can spend time at home with his family on those days.

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    Big John has a restaurant and a friendly bar next door. Awesome India buffet and friendly service. John or his beautiful wife try to greet all customers.

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    Stopped by during happy hour.  The location is less then desirable and the parking area is horribly busy. Over all it's an average, not very well maintained local bar.  What they loose in atmosphere, they make up for in  employees with personality, fun daily specials and a very respectable menu.  I'd stop by again for drinks and appetizers.

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    I've been to this place numerous times; always at night, for the bar, never for food.

    What I like about this place is that it's never packed. Sometimes the bars around Yuba make me feel a bit claustrophobic! There's a good amount of seating, pool tables, a dance floor, and you don't have to jump up and down and wave your arms to get the bartender to notice you.

    Definitely more of a chill-out kind of bar, especially when compared to Corner Bar. You don't have to scream while talking to your friend that's half a foot away from you.

    This place is worth checking out if you just want to grab some drinks and have a good night with some friends.

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    We just swung by Big John's new Carving Table which is supposed to be serving Hof Brau cuisine, but on our visit the Germans were absent.  They have the bits of meat out on display, which clearly is a bad idea as it had been heat-lamped to oblivion.  The meat had dry crusty surfaces and was off-color and truly unappetizing.  When they told us they also had steaks, we're figured, what the hell and gave it a gamble.

    We were given the choice of sides from a variety they offered.  We ended up getting the mashed potatoes, steamed veggies and coleslaw.  The mashed potatoes were clumpy and bland with gravy from a package, the veggies looked like they had been on the steam table for the last 12 hours and the coleslaw taste as though it had gone bad three days ago.  Now for the meat!  The "steaks" came out and my immediate thought was "bloody horse tendons".  The steaks appeared to have been tiny slices of rare or raw prime rib that had been boiled for a moment and then dumped in some au jous.  This meat never met a grill.  This beef was an abomination.

    Avoid this place at all costs.

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