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    The Blue Shamrock was a place we sometimes hit up when I was in college, but now -- only when I am in the hammer zone would I likely return here, or if I was specifically meeting up with friends.  If you're looking for a chill place to talk with friends, there are some quieter places in the area.

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    6 bucks for a Blue Moon in a dive like that... no thanks,  Cappy's only charges 3.75.. You decide. Three stars though for the free and good tasting buffet during Patriot games and the pretty bartenders.

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    $6 for a Sam Adams draught seems a bit higher than what most places around here charge for it.

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    They have cheap drinks and I know some of the regulars here. If your looking for food you should probably look somewhere else. I went here a few times for pitchers of cheap beer (bud light) and whatever else. I've been here 3 times and it's alright for maybe ending the night here for last call. Aside from how it looks like a dive the bartenders here are surprisingly nice and helpful which is a plus. I've been to the club area upstairs (Gemstones) and it's alright depending on what's going on.
    Overall it's not a bad place but if your looking for a place to satisfy your drunken munchies you best be looking for somewhere else.

    This wasn't really the best introduction to the Lowell Bar scene since there are probably other bars in the area that most likely have food and better options but it's not a bad place if I want to reconnect with high school classmates from the Lowell area.

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    I came here to see a show tonight. Keep in mind I cane for the show.  If I was a restaurant patron I would have walked in,  walked out and perhaps the memory would have faded in time. Filthy, dilapidated,  and just disgustapating.

    It's like an md college town five put together by a frat house on a dare. Plastic disposable cups, foam plates and the food.  Is there food?  No one really knew.  No menu and rotating prices.  They really didnt know if they had food!  Eventually I got a hideous burger with semi good fries.

    Why the second star?  The bartenders and such at really nice and really are trying to please the guests despite the confusion and poor working conditions.

    I really wish i could upload the photos I took.

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    The shamrock sucks. Seriously... it sucks. It's the divest, most ghetto bar I've been to anywhere between Boston and Lowell.

    Half of the beers I get aren't filled to the top. More than half of the mixed drinks i've got have had but a splash of actual booze in them, and numerous times the bar staff who were just standing around took forever to come over and get my drink order, let alone get it right.  Scantily clad women behind a bar is always an awesome thing, but if they aren't doing their job... then what are they good for other than staring at?
    The bar itself is nothing special, nor is the decor, ambience or atmosphere.  

    Gemstones (upstairs) on the other hand is a different story. This is an amazing spot for bands and groups. The bar can sometimes be a little lacking in the booze/beer department, but the staff up there is always great. I've played a show there and have gone to a few as well and always have a good time.

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    I am not sure where to begin with describing what a sucktastic experience the Blue Shamrock was for us. I'm in a band that was booked to do a show there on a Friday night. From the website photos, the place looks great. Actually being there is a far different story. From the band "gig" end, the promoter was a tool of epic proportions, but I will try to separate his douchiness (such as letting us know when we got there that the headliner canceled because they were "stuck in traffic in NYC" - because really - a band was coming from NYC JUST to play this shit hole? I tend to doubt it, but I digress...) - as a patron of the "club", I had researched it to see if they had food, etc, as we had friends coming to the show, and planned to meet there shortly after we loaded in at 7:00, then grab a bite to eat. According to the website for The Blue Shamrock, they have a pretty sizable menu of pub fare - lots of appetizers, burgers, seafood, etc. - Well, after securing my gear upstairs, my girl and I went downstairs to get a table and order a drink and look at the menu while we waited for our friends to join us. It was almost 8:00pm, and there were maybe 5 other people in the bar - one of them, already passed out with his head on the bar. Still, it took the bartender about 10 minutes to acknowledge our presence. Then, when she did, and we asked her about if they were serving food, she said "I don't know. Nobody tells me anything.}, then she rolled her eyes and said she'd check. She came back to inform us that they only had chicken wings and chicken tenders. We left and went around the block to some Texas themed BBQ place, had our friends and the rest of the band meet us there, and proceeded to drop close to $200 on drinks and tips that we'd have spent at The Blue Shamrock, if they'd had their shit together. Then, when we got back to the club and went upstairs during the opening act's set, I went to the bar to get a beer. The crack whore looking bar maid was too busy talking with her friend in the corner, and acted like I had just ass raped her gramma when I asked her to get us a round of drinks. It pretty much stayed like that, until we finally got to our set, and happily left as quickly as possible, wiping our feet on the way OUT as to not get any of that place on the rest of the world outside.

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    I've only been here once, and I will be going back, but only for specific events. I don't ever see myself going to this place specifically for its own ambience and the drinks are kinda overpriced.

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    I went to an Afroman show the other night there and had one of the greatest nights of my life.   The sound was excellent and everyone seemed to be having the same awesome experience.  I have had nothing but positive experiences at this bar, the staff is really friendly now and there are some really good people who are regulars.  

    I like that the place is always getting a little better, it looked like they just painted and cleaned when I went in the other day.   There's beautiful women working there, and there's beautiful women at the shows and on the dance floors, I'm not sure what else you could ask for but a big place with two floors and an outdoor area to party or relax at with great people.

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    This place has certainly gone downhill in the past couple of years which I didn't really think was possible because it was pretty bad before. The clientèle are rather questionable and is pretty much made up of creepy older men. The place used to be full on a Friday or Saturday night and the place practically looked empty. Good thing other bars are only a short walk away, we didn't stay long enough for a second drink.

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    Remember those seedy frat parties where they serve booze in flimsy plastic cups? Where the ground is really sticky and you can tell the walls have been painted over several several times?

    Gross, shady, seedy, think high school/early college. Sure there's a pool talbe. Sure there's a dance floor. Sure there's an outdoor smoking area. Sure there are scary looking dudes with their scarier looking girlfriends.

    But you can hop right across the street and find a tame, normal bar! That's what we tried to do from the outdoor smoking area. Then the bouncer came back and yelled at us and said we couldn't just hop the chain, but had to go back around the front door and exit that way. I guess we were being pretty seedy. But we just HAD to go. We hopped the fence anyways.

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    I've been to the Blue Shamrock a bunch of times. Some visits have been better than others, but 2 stars is pretty much the average. This bar tends to attract the thug-life types of Lowell. The dirty bumping and grinding that takes place can make for some good  people watching, but it gets old pretty quickly. The drinks used to be big and cheap here , which was my main draw to the place in the past  but as time passes, they seem to be getting smaller and smaller.  

    I recently went here for a bit with some friends this past weekend, and it appears that they are trying to change their image. Instead of the booty-dancing and hip hop videos that used to play on the huge screen backdrop of the dancefloor, they were playing 80's music videos. They also put in some new booths including candles and all, where the tables and stools used to be. I liked the booths.. the music was odd and not- good 80's (Ratt power ballads, etc.) But the place was dead. I commend them for trying to spruce the place up a bit , but they need to change up the music. I'm not exactly sure what crowd it is that they are trying to cater to now, but I don't think it's going to work.

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    This bar is the pits.  Two horrible experiences I had there:

    -Drinking their 'special' beer, Shamrock Suds. $1.  It tastes like a wounded soldier that been sitting with a lemon rind it for a few days. So terrible I actually returned it for a Budweiser.
    -Hanging out with an extremely disabled (physically and mentally) man who required me to hold his SoCo for him as he drank it out of a straw. I don't have anything wrong with helping the handicapped but getting them drunk is another thing.

    Leon always likes to play pool at this bar when he comes to Lowell Folk Festival.  They have two decent tables with lots of space to shoot.  I've never been to Karaoke night but I'm sure it's scary (who's doing Limp Bizkit tonight?) If you are lady going here prepare to be surrounded by creeps.  They do have outdoor seating and food, which I think isn't half bad.

    One one final note the front glass windows are usually smashed and covered by plywood. That's rough.

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    They wouldn't serve several in my group because they didn't have their passports or even Americans without MA IDs, so if you're not a MA native you can't drink here? We went to the the Old Court instead, they served us happily.  This place is a dive.  Go elsewhere.

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    The Blue Shamrock ... what can i say really?

    i went there w/ my friends Mike and Chris to hit an open mike, i think it's every Wednesday there ... casual, cool and uncrowded up until around 10 or so ... the whole time the ringerleader of the event takes up like 2 half hour sets playing 'Freebird' and fnckin' stoner music from the 70s mixed w/ a thinned out version of George Michael's 'Faith' ... stuff like that ...

    got a beer or 2 going at least ... good for the BS i guess

    Mike and i both get to do a 10 minute set at the most each ...

    then like this area band comes right at like 10 or 10:30 ... they bring a crowd which is cool ... but they play for a solid hour and a half ... the people love 'em ... 'Beverly Hills' and some of those new postGrunge dirtPop songs by groups you could combine and line up for a MexicanStyle execution for all i care ... superHappy ... no chance for anyone else to go up ... this IS after all an open mike evening according to the bill ...

    then these Weezer wannabes just get up and leave taking the crowd w/ them ... which is fine ... but ... i wouldn't recommend the open mike at The Blue Shamrock ... that's all i've gotta say ...

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