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    Now known as Club 1255 I believe...

    Went there three times.

    First visit was ok, not spectacular by any means, but ok.

    Second and last visit, ended up leaving because the bar staff pay no attention to their patrons. At one time I was the only person at the bar, and there was NO conversation with the staff. No one came to ask me how I was. Drink sat empty for over 5 minutes once, and over 10 minutes another time, they kept their backs to that area of the bar and were just chatting and joking and having fun with each other.

    Another time it was just me and another patron, and other than a greeting, we were pretty much ignored.

    Would not suggest this place. They have no clue what customer service is, and how to keep customers coming back.

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    Well, this place looks kinda 80's!? Early 90's!? I don't know I was too young then to go to a bar, but certainly is not the new posh club/bar in town.

    Smells like cigarettes as soon you see the door, and there are polos in a hanger (weird) inside next to the front desk were you pay... Anyways, Bobbisox feels like a spot that only locals would known, and if you are with the right group of people you can have a great time because the drinks are good and CHEAP, and the music REALLY REALLY good.

    There are two pool tables and a vending machine inside with chips and candies which I found pretty hilarious because I've never see that before in a bar. Apparently it gets really crowded after 12, but I don't see myself staying here, I'll go to Dickson st.

    Give it a try, you may like it. I certainly don't see myself here (again).

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